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Wei Li 


Xīwàng de shǒuhùzhě

Guardian of hope


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.

Wei Li, born and raised in China, had always been passionate about advocating for political reform and promoting nonviolent activism. From a young age, he witnessed the injustices and corruption within his country's government and became determined to make a change.


However, tragedy struck when the government hunted down Wei Li's family and brutally executed them for refusing to disclose his location. Consumed with grief and anger, Wei Li confronted the government head-on, hoping to exact revenge for his family's senseless deaths.


In a cruel act of punishment, the government decided not to kill Wei Li but to add to his suffering. They forced red hot metal onto his eyes, rendering him permanently blind. This heinous act only fueled Wei Li's determination to take down the government that had caused him so much pain.


It was during this dark and desperate time that Jake Winchester, a renowned activist and leader of the Guardians, reached out to Wei Li. Recognizing his unwavering spirit and his burning desire for justice, Jake offered Wei Li a hand as a Guardian of Hope.


Accepting Jake's offer, Wei Li became a member of the Guardians, an organization dedicated to fighting oppression and defending human rights. Despite his blindness, Wei Li's resilience and unwavering commitment to his cause made him an invaluable asset to the team.


In order to assist Wei Li in his missions, the Guardians equipped him with the Guardian for Close Combat (GCC) suit. This advanced suit provided enhanced protection, including the ability to stop sharp objects and small handguns. It was also fireproof, ensuring Wei Li's safety in hazardous environments.


Designed to prioritize stealth and agility, the GCC suit incorporated features such as extra grip on the hands and feet, allowing Wei Li to navigate various terrains and scale obstacles. Its sound-dampening materials and low-reflectivity surfaces enabled him to move silently and covertly during close combat missions.


Crucially, the suit's advanced helmet played a pivotal role in enhancing Wei Li's combat capabilities. Equipped with a sophisticated AI system, sensory enhancements, and technology guidance for the blind, the helmet provided real-time environmental data, navigation assistance, and obstacle detection. It assisted with threat analysis and situational awareness, compensating for Wei Li's loss of sight and giving him a significant advantage in the field.


The GCC suit also supported modularity, enabling Wei Li to customize it based on mission requirements. He could attach weapons, communication devices, and medical supplies, ensuring he was fully equipped for any situation that arose.


Comfort was not overlooked in the suit's design. Advanced climate control systems regulated temperature and humidity, allowing Wei Li to perform at his best even in extreme conditions.


Seamless connectivity with his fellow Guardians and command centers was made possible through the integrated communication hub. This enhanced coordination during operations and ensured effective teamwork.


Wei Li, now a valued member of the Guardians, embraced his role as a fighter for justice. Despite his blindness, the GCC suit empowered him to continue advocating for political reform, working tirelessly to bring about positive change and defend the rights of those who couldn't defend themselves.




Wei Li's world was shattered when he discovered the devastating truth about his fiancée, Hua Chin. Little did he know that she had been working undercover for the Chinese government all along. She had pretended to be against the government to gain his trust and access to his life. When Wei Li and his friend Jake designed the GCC, a groundbreaking invention, Hua Chin seized the opportunity and stole the designs for herself.


However, before she could sell the stolen designs on the black market, the Chinese government discovered her betrayal. Instead of bringing her to justice, they saw an opportunity to use her to their advantage. They reached out to Hua Chin and demanded that she hand over the GCC designs in exchange for her parents' safety.


Terrified and torn, Hua Chin went into hiding, knowing that her actions had put her loved ones in grave danger. Tragically, the Chinese government executed one of her parents as a warning, leaving her with a heart-wrenching choice. She had to decide whether to betray her fiancé and hand over the designs or risk losing her remaining parent.


Wei Li, devastated by the betrayal and unaware of Hua Chin's true identity, was determined to find her and bring her to justice. His heart was broken, and he couldn't understand how the woman he loved could have deceived him so completely.


As Wei Li embarked on his mission to track down Hua Chin, he relied on the support of his friend Jake and the rest of the Guardians. The GCC suit, specially designed for Wei Li, became his armor in his fight against corruption and oppression.


Blinded by the government as a cruel punishment for his family's refusal to disclose his location, Wei Li found solace and strength in the GCC suit. Equipped with advanced technology and an AI system, the suit compensated for his loss of sight and enhanced his combat capabilities. With its assistance, Wei Li could navigate dangerous terrains and engage in close combat missions, all while maintaining his determination to bring about political reform.


Despite the pain and heartbreak, Wei Li's unwavering spirit and commitment to justice made him a formidable force within the Guardians. They recognized his value as a fighter and provided him with the necessary resources and support to continue his mission.


As Wei Li and the Guardians tirelessly pursued Hua Chin, they remained hopeful that justice would prevail. Wei Li's journey became more than just a quest for revenge; it became a fight for a better future for his country and a tribute to his family's sacrifice.


In his pursuit of Hua Chin, Wei Li discovered the truth about her parents. Hua Chin had lied to him, leading him to believe that her parents were deceased. This revelation only deepened his pain and confusion, but it also fueled his determination to uncover the entire truth and bring Hua Chin to justice.


The story of Wei Li and Hua Chin is a tale of betrayal, heartbreak, and resilience. It showcases the power of determination and the unwavering spirit of those who fight for justice. Through his journey, Wei Li not only seeks revenge but also strives to create a better future for his country, where corruption and oppression are no longer tolerated.

Here is where you can find our latest information on Li

Character Profile


Full Name: Wei Li

Nickname: In Chinese, "Guardian of hope" can be translated as "希望的守护者" (Xīwàng de shǒuhùzhě).

Date of Birth: October 12

Place of Birth: Beijing, China


Physical Characteristics


Eye Color: Brown

Glasses: None

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Short and neatly styled

Height/Weight/Build: 5'10" / 160 lbs / Lean and athletic build

Nationality/Skintone: Chinese / Fair-skinned

Notable Features: Small scar on left cheek

Jewelry/Accessories: Wears a silver pendant necklace with a dragon symbol

Clothing Style: Casual and practical, often wearing jeans, t-shirts, and a leather jacket

Dominant Hand: Right

Blood Type: O+

Horoscope: Libra

Health & Allergies: Generally healthy with no known allergies


Mannerisms and Personality


Speech Style: Clear and articulate

Accent: Mild Chinese accent

Quirks: Touches his chin when in deep thought.

Temperament: Calm and collected, but can be intense and determined when focused

Positive Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, compassionate, adaptable

Talents: Martial arts, strategic thinking, negotiation, multilingual (fluent in Mandarin, English, and French)

Negative Traits: Perfectionistic, can be overly cautious at times, tends to overthink

Flaws: Can be emotionally guarded, struggles with trusting others

Drives/Motivations: Seeking justice for his family's murder, fighting against corruption and oppression, creating a better future for his count

Sense of Humor: Dry and sarcastic


Social Characteristics


Private/Public: Mostly private, but can adapt to public situations when necessary

Volume: Moderate

Leadership Style: Collaborative and leads by example

Organization: Member of the Guardians, a secret society fighting against corruption

Risk-Taking: Willing to take calculated risks for a greater cause

Preference: Balanced between introversion and extroversion

Outlook: Optimistic, believes in the power of collective action to bring about change

Social Orientation: Focused on his mission and the fight for justice, but values deep connections with a close circle of friends

Communication: Clear and concise, prefers direct communication

Demeanor: Calm and composed, with a strong sense of determination




Hometown: Beijing, China

Childhood: Grew up in a middle-class family, witnessing the injustices and corruption within the government firsthand, which ignited his passion for political reform

Social Class: Middle class

Upbringing: Raised in a supportive family that valued education, social justice, and martial arts

Education: Bachelor's degree in Political Science, specialized training in martial arts

Expertise: Nonviolent activism, strategic planning, diplomacy, martial arts combat

Key Memories: Witnessing the execution of his family, surviving an assassination attempt, joining the Guardians

Influences: His family's sacrifices, the injustices he witnessed in his country, historical figures advocating for change

Current Residence: Undisclosed safe house in Beijing

Desired Residence: A future where justice and political reform are achieved in his country, allowing for a peaceful and prosperous society


Family and Relationships


Mother: Mei Li

Father: Jian Li

Siblings: Brother Ken Li

Children: None

Close Family: Deceased

Extended Family: Uncle Wei Chen, Aunt Li Mei, Cousin Wei Jing, Niece

Pets: None

Ex-Wife: None

Friends: Fellow Guardians, activists fighting for similar causes

Enemies: Corrupt government officials, oppressive figures

Co-Worker/Partner: Jake Winchester, fellow Guardian and close ally

Boss/Employer: Jake Winchester (Leader of the Guardians)

Net Worth: Moderate

Salary: Earns a salary as a member of the Guardians, supplemented by various undisclosed income streams


Additional Information:


Financial Situation: Jake Winchester discreetly attached $80 million to the GCC helmet and gave it to Wei Li. The money has been laundered through multiple accounts, making it untraceable. Wei Li discovered the money when he first wore the suit. In addition, Jake's AI constantly provides updates on other bank accounts and passwords, making other funds accessible to Wei Li through his Guardian helmet.


Guardian Helmets: All members of the Guardians, including Wei Li, wear Guardian helmets that are linked to Jake Winchester's AI. This allows for real-time communication, updates, and strategic information sharing among the Guardians. Wei Li's helmet provides access to his finances through Jake's AI.


Relationship with Jake Winchester: Wei Li shares a strong bond with Jake Winchester. They work closely together as partners within the Guardians, fighting corruption and oppression. Jake's support for Wei Li is evident in providing him with a significant amount of money, further strengthening their trust and alliance.


Wei Li's abilities and skills, rated from 1 to 100:


1. Speed: 85

2. Agility: 90

3. Stamina: 80

4. Reaction time: 90

5. Strength: 80

6. Balance: 75

7. Coordination: 85

8. Flexibility: 70

9. Endurance: 80

10. Power: 75

11. Quickness: 85

12. Accuracy: 90

13. Focus: 95

14. Mental toughness: 95

15. Spatial awareness: 85

16. Hand-eye coordination: 90

17. Motor control: 85

18. Acceleration: 90

19. Deceleration: 85

20. Recovery time: 80

21. Creativity: 75

22. Problem-solving skills: 90

23. Critical thinking: 90

24. Decision-making abilities: 90

25. Communication skills: 85

26. Leadership skills: 90

27. Teamwork skills: 85

28. Emotional intelligence: 85

29. Resilience: 95

30. Adaptability: 90

31. Negotiation skills: 85

32. Time management: 85

33. Organization skills: 85

34. Analytical skills: 90

35. Technical skills (e.g., coding, programming): 80

36. Artistic skills (e.g., painting, writing): 75

37. Public speaking skills: 80

38. Presentation skills: 85

39. Research skills: 90

40. Learning aptitude: 95

41. Strategic thinking: 90

42. Networking skills: 85

43. Sales and persuasion skills: 85

44. Marketing and branding skills: 85

45. Financial management skills: 80

46. Project management skills: 85

47. Risk assessment and management skills: 90

48. Problem-solving in high-stress situations: 90

49. Crisis management skills: 90

50. Knowledge in relevant fields (e.g., law enforcement, military tactics): 90

51. Physical fitness and conditioning: 80

52. First aid and medical knowledge: 85

53. Weapons proficiency: 85

54. Surveillance and reconnaissance skills: 85

55. Navigation and orienteering skills: 85

56. Infiltration and stealth abilities: 90

57. Interrogation and intelligence gathering skills: 90

58. Cultural sensitivity and awareness: 85

59. Diplomacy and conflict resolution skills: 85

60. Ethical decision-making abilities: 90


Wei Li's diverse skill set and exceptional ratings across multiple domains make him a formidable and well-rounded individual, perfectly suited for his role as a Guardian of Hope in the fight against corruption and oppression. His unwavering commitment to justice, coupled with his extensive capabilities, marks him as a true force for positive change.

Li Family Tree

Coming soon!

A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.