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Ranks within Hoover Criminals



OG (Original Gangster)


Imagine standing on a gritty street corner in South Central Los Angeles, where the air is thick with tension and the echoes of past battles linger. An OG, or Original Gangster, strides down the sidewalk with a confident, almost regal bearing. These individuals are the revered elders of the gang, their status earned through years of loyalty, survival, and often, bloodshed. They command respect not just through their words, but through the weight of their presence. In the hierarchy of the Hoover Criminals, the OGs are the pillars of wisdom and experience, their decisions shaping the path of younger members.




YG (Young Gangster)


Nearby, a group of YGs, or Young Gangsters, gathers in animated conversation. These are the newer recruits, full of raw energy and eager to prove themselves. Their eyes gleam with ambition, and they move with a restless intensity, always ready to defend their turf or assert their dominance. For YGs, the streets are a proving ground, each confrontation and hustle a step towards greater recognition within the gang. They look up to the OGs, striving to one day earn that same level of respect and authority.



Baby Gangster


On the periphery, a few Baby Gangsters, the very young or newly initiated members, linger. Their faces show a mix of excitement and apprehension, the allure of gang life still fresh and intoxicating. They are the future of the gang, learning the ropes and absorbing the harsh lessons of street survival. Under the watchful eyes of their older counterparts, Baby Gangsters begin their indoctrination into the violent, fast-paced world of the Hoover Criminals.



Shot Caller


At the center of this web of activity is the Shot Caller, a high-ranking decision-maker whose word is law. Imagine a figure who combines strategic brilliance with ruthless efficiency, someone whose directives can mean life or death. The Shot Caller orchestrates the gang’s operations, from drug deals to retaliatory hits, ensuring the gang’s interests are protected and expanded. Their decisions are informed by a deep understanding of the streets and an unwavering commitment to maintaining order within the gang.




Moving through the neighborhood, you’d encounter Soldiers, the backbone of the gang. These regular members are involved in the day-to-day activities, from enforcing the gang’s rules to engaging in criminal enterprises. Soldiers are the ones who carry out the directives of the Shot Caller, their actions ensuring the gang’s dominance and survival. They are seasoned and reliable, each one a testament to the gang’s enduring strength.





In the alleys and corners, Lieutenants oversee specific areas or groups within the gang. These mid-level leaders act as intermediaries between the Soldiers and the higher ranks, managing operations on a local level and reporting back to the Shot Caller. A Lieutenant’s role requires a blend of leadership and loyalty, as they are responsible for maintaining discipline and coordinating the gang’s activities within their designated territory.





An Enforcer steps out of the shadows, their presence alone enough to incite fear. Tasked with carrying out violent acts to enforce the gang’s rules, Enforcers are the muscle of the Hoover Criminals. Their actions serve as brutal reminders of the gang’s power and the consequences of betrayal or defiance. Whether through intimidation or direct violence, Enforcers ensure that the gang’s authority is never questioned.





High above, perched on rooftops or stationed at strategic points, Lookouts keep a vigilant watch for police or rival gangs. These members are the eyes and ears of the Hoover Criminals, their alertness safeguarding the gang’s operations. A quick signal from a Lookout can mean the difference between a successful deal and a sudden raid. Their role is crucial in maintaining the gang’s readiness and preventing surprise attacks.





Finally, Runners dart through the streets, their movements quick and purposeful. These younger or lower-ranking members are responsible for delivering messages or drugs, their speed and discretion essential to the gang’s communication network. Runners are often the first step in a member’s ascent through the ranks, their reliability and loyalty tested with each errand.



Each rank within the Hoover Criminals plays a vital role in the gang’s structure, creating a complex and efficient organization where loyalty and respect are paramount. Through this vivid hierarchy, the Hoover Criminals maintain their fearsome reputation and ensure their continued influence over the streets of South Central Los Angeles.

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Hoover Groover Overview


The Hoover Groovers, originating in the 1960s, were an African-American street gang formed in South Central Los Angeles. Amidst the era's social unrest and civil rights movements, they provided protection and solidarity for local African-American youth. Their name derives from Hoover Street, which marked their central territory. Known initially for their community-oriented approach, the gang later evolved into the Hoover Crips as they aligned with the Crip movement in the 1970s. This alignment marked a shift towards more organized criminal activities, including drug trafficking, robberies, and violent crime. Their transformation during the crack epidemic of the 1980s further solidified their reputation as one of Los Angeles' most feared gangs.






Active Sets


43 Hoover Criminal Gang


Operating in the southern sections of South Central Los Angeles, the 43 Hoover Criminal Gang is known for its strategic control over key territories. They engage heavily in narcotics trafficking and have a reputation for their precise, calculated violent tactics. The 43 Hoover Criminal Gang operates under a cloak of intimidation, maintaining order and discipline within their ranks.


52 Hoover Gangster Crips


In the heart of South Central Los Angeles, the 52 Hoover Gangster Crips claim their territory with an iron fist. Their presence is palpable, marked by the distinct graffiti tags and the haunting sound of lowriders cruising through the streets. Known for their fierce loyalty and unyielding nature, they are heavily involved in drug trafficking, extortion, and street-level crime. The 52 Hoover Gangster Crips are distinguished by their orange and blue colors, a symbol of their unique identity within the Hoover Criminal Gang.


59 Hoover Criminal Gang


Just a few blocks away, the 59 Hoover Criminal Gang operates with a similar ferocity. Their territory is a maze of alleyways and narrow streets, where the smell of grilled street food mingles with the sharp tang of danger. The 59 Hoover Criminal Gang is notorious for their violent encounters with rival gangs and law enforcement. They maintain their hold through a combination of intimidation and strategic alliances, making them a formidable force in the gang landscape of Los Angeles.


74 Hoover Criminal Gang


The 74 Hoover Criminal Gang’s domain stretches across several neighborhoods, where the buzz of urban life meets the underlying tension of gang activity. Members of the 74 Hoover Criminal Gang are known for their disciplined organization and ruthless enforcement of their rules. Their involvement in large-scale drug operations and weapon trafficking has cemented their reputation as a powerful and dangerous set within the Hoover Criminals.


83 Hoover Criminal Gang


The 83 Hoover Criminal Gang commands respect and fear in equal measure. Their influence extends through a network of informants and associates, ensuring their operations run smoothly. This set is particularly active in robbery and burglary, using their strategic acumen to outmaneuver rivals and evade law enforcement. The 83 Hoover Criminal Gang is a critical node in the web of criminal activities that define the Hoover Criminals.


92 Hoover Criminal Gang


Operating with a militaristic precision, the 92 Hoover Criminal Gang controls their territory with an unflinching grip. They are deeply embedded in the community, using a mix of community outreach and fear to maintain control. The 92 Hoover Criminal Gang is heavily involved in drug distribution networks, leveraging their connections to push large quantities of narcotics across the city. Their strategic alliances with other gangs bolster their strength and influence.


94 Hoover Criminal Gang


The 94 Hoover Criminal Gang is known for their adaptability and cunning. Their members are often involved in sophisticated schemes, ranging from identity theft to high-stakes drug deals. The 94 Hoover Criminal Gang is a testament to the evolving nature of gang operations, blending traditional street crime with more modern, tech-savvy endeavors. Their ability to stay ahead of law enforcement and rivals alike makes them a pivotal player within the Hoover Criminals.


107 Hoover Criminal Gang


The 107 Hoover Criminal Gang, although smaller in numbers compared to other sets, maintains a fierce presence in their territory. They are known for their loyalty and close-knit community ties. This set focuses on maintaining control through both overt and covert operations, making their influence felt through strategic alliances and targeted enforcement actions.


112 Hoover Criminal Gang


Active primarily in the eastern sections of South Central Los Angeles, the 112 Hoover Criminal Gang is involved in a variety of criminal enterprises, including drug distribution and arms trafficking. They are recognized for their adaptability and tactical operations, often collaborating with other sets to strengthen their position in the gang hierarchy.


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Formation and Early Days


The Hoover Groovers were founded by a group of young African-American men who grew up around Hoover Street. These individuals saw the need for a collective force to defend their neighborhood from rival groups and to establish a sense of unity and purpose among local youths. Unlike later years, the gang's early activities were more about community protection than outright criminality.


Imagine the sun setting over South Central Los Angeles, casting long shadows over the narrow streets and modest homes. In a small, dimly lit room, a group of young men huddle together, discussing ways to protect their community. They talk about the latest incidents of racial violence, the heavy-handed tactics of the LAPD, and the need to stand together. The smell of cigarette smoke lingers in the air, mingling with the distant sounds of sirens and street chatter.


Their meetings often took place in such settings, where they strategized and organized neighborhood watches. They patrolled the streets, ensuring that elderly residents could walk safely and that children could play without fear. Their presence was a deterrent to outsiders looking to cause trouble. They wore matching colors and developed hand signs, not as symbols of criminal enterprise, but as a way to identify each other and signal solidarity.

Community Influence and Early Conflicts


The Hoover Groovers were respected and feared in equal measure. They were known to intervene in disputes, sometimes using violence to settle scores or protect their own. Their reputation spread quickly, and soon, other groups began to form similar alliances, leading to inevitable clashes.


Picture a hot summer day in Los Angeles, the air heavy with the scent of asphalt and exhaust. A group of Hoover Groovers walks down Hoover Street, their matching attire setting them apart from the rest of the neighborhood. As they turn a corner, they encounter a group from a rival neighborhood. Tensions flare, and a standoff ensues. The street falls silent as onlookers hold their breath, waiting to see if the encounter will escalate into violence or be diffused through tense negotiation.


These early conflicts were often territorial, as each group sought to establish dominance over their respective areas. The Hoover Groovers were strategic in their approach, often using their superior numbers and organizational skills to outmaneuver their rivals.


Evolution Towards Criminal Activities


As the 1970s approached, the socio-economic conditions in South Central Los Angeles began to deteriorate further. Jobs were scarce, and opportunities for upward mobility were limited. The Hoover Groovers, like many other groups, started to see criminal activities as a means of survival and economic gain.


Imagine a late-night meeting in a rundown apartment. The leaders of the Hoover Groovers sit around a battered table, counting money and dividing up territories for drug sales. The atmosphere is tense but focused, as they discuss the logistics of their new operations. They understand that this shift will bring more danger but also the potential for significant profit.


They began to engage in petty crimes such as theft and robbery. However, as the drug trade started to take off, they saw an opportunity to expand their influence and secure financial stability. Their transition from a protective community force to a more organized gang involved in drug trafficking and other criminal enterprises was gradual but decisive.


OG Uncle Punchy


Source of Income: Selling between 3-4 kilos of heroin at $80,000 a kilo through J-Lohc, Pop-Oc, Lil Bal, alone daily. Not including other activities.




51 Trouble Gangster Crips


Allied with the Hoover Criminals, the 51 Trouble Gangster Crips bring additional muscle and resources to the table. Their collaboration ensures mutual protection and shared control over lucrative criminal enterprises.


52 Broadway Gangster Crips


The 52 Broadway Gangster Crips’ alliance with the Hoover Criminals is marked by joint operations and mutual defense pacts. This relationship enhances their collective influence and operational capabilities.


53 Avalon Gangster Crips


The 53 Avalon Gangster Crips work closely with the Hoover Criminals, pooling their resources to dominate the drug trade and enforce their territories against rival gangs.


99 Mafia Crips


The 99 Mafia Crips are a critical ally, providing additional manpower and strategic support. Their partnership with the Hoover Criminals amplifies their collective power and reach across Los Angeles.


Gardena Shotgun Crips


The Gardena Shotgun Crips’ alliance with the Hoover Criminals is based on shared interests and mutual benefits. Their collaboration extends to various criminal activities, ensuring both gangs maintain their dominance and profitability.



Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods


An unusual but strategic alliance that allows both gangs to counter common enemies and expand their influence in overlapping territories.


Eight Tray Gangster Crips


Despite occasional conflicts, their alliance is based on mutual respect and shared interests in controlling drug trafficking routes and maintaining territorial dominance.





51 Trouble Gangster Crips


Allied with the Hoover Criminals, the 51 Trouble Gangster Crips bring additional muscle and resources to the table. Their collaboration ensures mutual protection and shared control over lucrative criminal enterprises.


52 Broadway Gangster Crips


The 52 Broadway Gangster Crips’ alliance with the Hoover Criminals is marked by joint operations and mutual defense pacts. This relationship enhances their collective influence and operational capabilities.


53 Avalon Gangster Crips


The 53 Avalon Gangster Crips work closely with the Hoover Criminals, pooling their resources to dominate the drug trade and enforce their territories against rival gangs.


99 Mafia Crips


The 99 Mafia Crips are a critical ally, providing additional manpower and strategic support. Their partnership with the Hoover Criminals amplifies their collective power and reach across Los Angeles.


Gardena Shotgun Crips


The Gardena Shotgun Crips’ alliance with the Hoover Criminals is based on shared interests and mutual benefits. Their collaboration extends to various criminal activities, ensuring both gangs maintain their dominance and profitability.



Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods


An unusual but strategic alliance that allows both gangs to counter common enemies and expand their influence in overlapping territories.


Eight Tray Gangster Crips


Despite occasional conflicts, their alliance is based on mutual respect and shared interests in controlling drug trafficking routes and maintaining territorial dominance.

Relationships and Alliances


The bonds formed during these early years were strong. Members of the Hoover Groovers were not just gang associates; they were friends and, in many cases, family. They shared a deep loyalty to one another, forged through countless shared experiences of both triumph and adversity.


In the midst of their operations, young members like J-Lohc, Pop-Oc, and Lil Bal were growing up, witnessing the evolution of their neighborhood and the gang's shifting role. Raised together, they developed a deep understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses, making them a formidable team.


Picture these young teens training together in backyards and empty lots, honing their skills and learning the harsh realities of gang life. They fight not just for dominance, but to keep each other sharp and ready for the challenges they face daily. Their loyalty to one another is unwavering, rooted in a shared history and the knowledge that their survival depends on each other's capabilities.


The Hoover Groovers, during their early years, laid the foundation for what would become one of the most notorious and resilient gangs in Los Angeles. Their evolution from community protectors to criminal powerhouses reflects the broader socio-economic struggles of their environment, and their legacy continues to shape the streets of South Central Los Angeles.

Hoover Gangster Crip (HGC) Overview


The Hoover Gangster Crips (HGC) is a notorious African-American street gang that emerged from South Central Los Angeles. Initially known as the "Hoover Groovers" in the 1960s, the gang was formed during a time of significant social upheaval and civil rights struggles. Their name originates from Hoover Street, a major thoroughfare in their territory. The gang initially focused on providing protection and solidarity among African-American youth in the area.


Evolution and Expansion


In the 1970s, the Hoover Groovers aligned themselves with the Crip movement, becoming the Hoover Crips. This alignment was influenced by prominent Crip figures like Raymond Washington and Stanley "Tookie" Williams. The Hoover Crips adopted the blue attire and hand signs characteristic of the Crips, and their activities expanded from neighborhood protection to organized criminal enterprises, including drug trafficking, robberies, and extortion.

    Lil Bal    


 Ranks within Hoover Crips


OG (Original Gangster)

An OG, or Original Gangster, is a veteran member who has been with the Hoover Crips for many years. They are respected for their experience, loyalty, and leadership. OGs are key decision-makers and advisors, their wisdom and history within the gang shaping major strategies and operations. They command significant respect and influence among all members.


Picture an OG standing at the heart of their territory, a living testament to survival and cunning. Their eyes carry the weight of countless battles, and their presence alone commands respect. They are the keepers of the gang's history, often reciting tales of past glories and losses to younger members. Their word is law, and their strategies often mean the difference between life and death for the gang.


Baby Gangster


Baby Gangsters are the newest and youngest members, often just initiated into the gang. They are typically aged between 12 and 15 and are still learning the ropes. Baby Gangsters are involved in smaller tasks and are closely watched by older members as they begin their journey within the gang.


Visualize a Baby Gangster running errands in the neighborhood, their eyes wide with a mix of excitement and fear. Each task, whether delivering a message or acting as a lookout, is a test of their loyalty and courage. The older members see potential in them and watch closely, ready to guide and discipline as necessary.


YG (Young Gangster)

Young Gangsters are the rising stars of the Hoover Crips, typically aged between 16 and 21. They are known for their energy and eagerness to prove themselves. YGs are actively involved in gang activities such as drug dealing, robberies, and street fights, gaining experience and striving to move up the ranks.


Imagine a YG in the heat of a street confrontation, adrenaline coursing through their veins. Their actions are swift and decisive, always trying to impress the OGs and earn their stripes. They are the front-line soldiers, often the first to engage in confrontations and the most eager to expand the gang's influence.


Shot Caller


The Shot Caller is a high-ranking member responsible for making crucial decisions and giving orders. They oversee operations, coordinate activities, and ensure that the gang's interests are protected. The Shot Caller's word is final, and they are known for their strategic thinking and authority.


Picture a Shot Caller at the center of a dimly lit room, surrounded by maps and blueprints. Their mind works like a well-oiled machine, planning the next big move. Each directive they give is calculated, aimed at maintaining the gang’s dominance and expanding their territory. Their voice carries the weight of authority, and their decisions are rarely questioned.





Soldiers form the backbone of the Hoover Crips. These members are deeply involved in daily operations and are the enforcers on the ground. They carry out the orders from higher-ups, engage in criminal activities, and protect the gang’s territory. Soldiers are trusted and reliable members who prove their loyalty through action.


Imagine Soldiers patrolling their territory, eyes sharp and muscles tense. They are the ones who face danger head-on, whether it's a rival gang or a police raid. Their loyalty to the gang is unwavering, and they take pride in being the first line of defense and offense.




Lieutenants are mid-level leaders who manage specific areas or groups within the gang. They act as intermediaries between the Soldiers and the Shot Callers, ensuring that orders are executed efficiently. Lieutenants are responsible for maintaining discipline and overseeing operations in their designated territories.


Picture a Lieutenant rallying their troops, their voice firm and commanding. They ensure that each member knows their role and that operations run smoothly. Their leadership is crucial in coordinating complex activities and maintaining the gang's order.





Enforcers are tasked with carrying out violent acts to enforce the gang’s rules and punish those who defy them. They are feared for their brutality and are often involved in hits, intimidation, and protection rackets. Enforcers ensure that the gang's authority is unquestioned through their actions.


Visualize an Enforcer in a dark alley, their silhouette menacing and their reputation known far and wide. They are the gang’s muscle, the ones who make sure everyone stays in line through fear and force. Their presence is a constant reminder of the gang's power and the consequences of betrayal.




Lookouts are essential for the gang's security, keeping watch for police or rival gangs. They are strategically placed to alert members of impending danger. Lookouts must be vigilant and quick to react, providing crucial early warnings that help the gang avoid law enforcement and rival attacks.


Imagine a Lookout perched on a rooftop, their gaze sweeping the streets below. They are the gang’s eyes and ears, their signals quick and precise. A lookout’s alert can mean the difference between a successful operation and a bust.






Runners are younger or lower-ranking members responsible for delivering messages, drugs, or other items. Their role requires speed, discretion, and reliability. Runners are often the first step for new members to prove their worth and build trust within the gang, performing vital errands under pressure.


Visualize a Runner darting through busy streets, their pace steady and their mission clear. They are the lifeline of communication within the gang, their tasks crucial for maintaining operations. Each successful delivery earns them respect and moves them closer to the next rank.


Each rank within the Hoover Crips is a crucial cog in the gang's machine, ensuring smooth operations and maintaining their stronghold in the streets of South Central Los Angeles. This hierarchy not only defines roles and responsibilities but also fosters loyalty and discipline, integral to the gang's survival and dominance.

Evolution and Expansion


In the 1970s, the Hoover Groovers aligned themselves with the Crip movement, becoming the Hoover Crips. This alignment was influenced by prominent Crip figures like Raymond Washington and Stanley "Tookie" Williams. The Hoover Crips adopted the blue attire and hand signs characteristic of the Crips, and their activities expanded from neighborhood protection to organized criminal enterprises, including drug trafficking, robberies, and extortion.

    Lil Bal    

Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods


Latrice "Queen L" Johnson


Source of Income: Strategic planning


Daily Income: $350

Weekly Income: $2,450

Monthly Income: $10,500

Yearly Income: $126,000

Relationship: Lil Bal's girlfriend for 3 years; key in planning.


99 Mafia Crips


Dante "D-Man" Brooks


Source of Income: Strategic planning for drug operations


Daily Income: $400

Weekly Income: $2,800

Monthly Income: $12,000

Yearly Income: $144,000

Relationship: Coordinating operations with Lil Bal for 4 years.


99 Mafia Crips


Jamal "Lil J-Rock" White


Source of Income: Modifying vehicles for operations

Daily Income: $450

Weekly Income: $3,150

Monthly Income: $13,500

Yearly Income: $162,000

Relationship: Aligns with Pop-Oc and Lil Bal for 3 years.



Gardena Shotgun Crips


Carlos "Chulo" Martinez


Source of Income: Sharpshooting during conflicts


Daily Income: $500

Weekly Income: $3,500

Monthly Income: $15,000

Yearly Income: $180,000

Relationship: Allied with Pop-Oc and Lil Bal for 4 years.

53 Avalon Gangster Crips


Jerome "Big J-Roc" Smith


Source of Income: Reconnaissance and intelligence

Daily Income: $350

Weekly Income: $2,450

Monthly Income: $10,500

Yearly Income: $126,000

Relationship:Known Lil Bal for 3 years; provides valuable intel.


51 Trouble Gangster Crips


Marcus "Slick" Thompson


Source of Income: Drug deals negotiation


Daily Income: $600

Weekly Income: $4,200

Monthly Income: $18,000

Yearly Income: $216,000

-Relationship: Collaborates with Lil Bal for 3 years; strong bond.

Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods


Sean "Red" Williams


Source of Income: Liaison for joint operations


Daily Income: $400

Weekly Income: $2,800

Monthly Income: $12,000

Yearly Income: $144,000

Relationship: Known Lil Bal for 4 years; keeps alliances productive.

53 Avalon Gangster Crips


Andre "Ace" Coleman


Source of Income: Gathering intelligence and tech operations


Daily Income: $600

Weekly Income: $4,200

Monthly Income: $18,000

Yearly Income: $216,000

Relationship: Known Lil Bal for 4 years; tech wizard.

Rebranding to Hoover Criminals


By the mid-1990s, internal conflicts and violent rivalries with other Crip sets led to a transformation within the gang. Many Hoover sets dropped the Crip affiliation, rebranding themselves as the Hoover Criminals. This shift was a strategic move to distance themselves from the internal strife within the Crips and to establish a broader and more menacing identity. The Hoover Criminals adopted the color orange, distinguishing themselves from traditional Crip blue, although some older members still wear blue.

Hoover Criminal Gang (HCG) Overview


The Hoover Criminal Gang (HCG) is a notorious African-American street gang that emerged from the gritty, crime-ridden streets of South Central Los Angeles. The genesis of the gang traces back to the turbulent 1960s when it was originally known as the "Hoover Groovers." During this period, Los Angeles was a hotbed of social unrest and civil rights struggles. Against this backdrop, the Hoover Groovers formed as a means of providing protection and solidarity among African-American youth in the area.


As the 1970s dawned, the gang evolved into the Hoover Crips, aligning themselves with the growing Crip movement initiated by notable figures such as Raymond Washington and Stanley "Tookie" Williams. The Crips, known for their distinctive blue attire and hand signs, became synonymous with street-level violence and criminal activities, and the Hoover Crips were no exception. The gang’s activities expanded from neighborhood protection to more organized criminal enterprises, including drug trafficking, robberies, and extortion. Hoover Street, a central thoroughfare in South Central Los Angeles, served as the nucleus of their territory and operations, embedding the street’s name into their identity.


The crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s proved to be a pivotal era for the Hoover Crips. The devastating effects of crack cocaine on communities across the United States were particularly pronounced in South Central Los Angeles. The Hoover Crips capitalized on the burgeoning drug trade, gaining notoriety and significant wealth. Their involvement in the distribution of crack cocaine brought them both power and intense law enforcement scrutiny. The gang’s reputation for ruthless violence and their role in the drug trade made them one of the most feared criminal organizations in Los Angeles.


By the mid-1990s, internal strife and violent rivalries with other Crip sets led to a significant transformation within the gang. Many Hoover sets decided to drop the Crip affiliation, distancing themselves from the internal conflicts that plagued the Crips. This strategic shift marked the evolution of the Hoover Crips into the Hoover Criminals. The rebranding signaled a broader, more menacing identity, encapsulating their relentless drive for dominance and control over their territory.


The Hoover Criminals are known for their brutal enforcement tactics. Stories of drive-by shootings, retaliatory killings, and violent confrontations with rival gangs are part of the gang’s dark legacy. Members often wear the color orange, a distinguishing feature that sets them apart from traditional Crip blue, though older members who were part of the original Hoover Crips may still don the blue. The gang’s hand sign, with the thumb tucked between the index and middle finger, represents the letter "H" for "Hoover," a crucial part of their identity and a symbol of their allegiance.


Today, the Hoover Criminal Gang continues to be one of the most active and dangerous gangs in Los Angeles. Their influence extends beyond their traditional strongholds, impacting various communities and contributing to the ongoing challenges of gang violence and crime in the city. Despite numerous efforts by law enforcement to curb their activities, the Hoover Criminals remain resilient and adaptive, perpetuating their legacy of violence and criminal enterprise in South Central Los Angeles.



Ranks within Hoover Criminals


OG (Original Gangster)


Imagine standing on a gritty street corner in South Central Los Angeles, where the air is thick with tension and the echoes of past battles linger. An OG, or Original Gangster, strides down the sidewalk with a confident, almost regal bearing. These individuals are the revered elders of the gang, their status earned through years of loyalty, survival, and often, bloodshed. They command respect not just through their words, but through the weight of their presence. In the hierarchy of the Hoover Criminals, the OGs are the pillars of wisdom and experience, their decisions shaping the path of younger members.


YG (Young Gangster)


Nearby, a group of YGs, or Young Gangsters, gathers in animated conversation. These are the newer recruits, full of raw energy and eager to prove themselves. Their eyes gleam with ambition, and they move with a restless intensity, always ready to defend their turf or assert their dominance. For YGs, the streets are a proving ground, each confrontation and hustle a step towards greater recognition within the gang. They look up to the OGs, striving to one day earn that same level of respect and authority.


Baby Gangster


On the periphery, a few Baby Gangsters, the very young or newly initiated members, linger. Their faces show a mix of excitement and apprehension, the allure of gang life still fresh and intoxicating. They are the future of the gang, learning the ropes and absorbing the harsh lessons of street survival. Under the watchful eyes of their older counterparts, Baby Gangsters begin their indoctrination into the violent, fast-paced world of the Hoover Criminals.


Shot Caller


At the center of this web of activity is the Shot Caller, a high-ranking decision-maker whose word is law. Imagine a figure who combines strategic brilliance with ruthless efficiency, someone whose directives can mean life or death. The Shot Caller orchestrates the gang’s operations, from drug deals to retaliatory hits, ensuring the gang’s interests are protected and expanded. Their decisions are informed by a deep understanding of the streets and an unwavering commitment to maintaining order within the gang.




Moving through the neighborhood, you’d encounter Soldiers, the backbone of the gang. These regular members are involved in the day-to-day activities, from enforcing the gang’s rules to engaging in criminal enterprises. Soldiers are the ones who carry out the directives of the Shot Caller, their actions ensuring the gang’s dominance and survival. They are seasoned and reliable, each one a testament to the gang’s enduring strength.




In the alleys and corners, Lieutenants oversee specific areas or groups within the gang. These mid-level leaders act as intermediaries between the Soldiers and the higher ranks, managing operations on a local level and reporting back to the Shot Caller. A Lieutenant’s role requires a blend of leadership and loyalty, as they are responsible for maintaining discipline and coordinating the gang’s activities within their designated territory.




An Enforcer steps out of the shadows, their presence alone enough to incite fear. Tasked with carrying out violent acts to enforce the gang’s rules, Enforcers are the muscle of the Hoover Criminals. Their actions serve as brutal reminders of the gang’s power and the consequences of betrayal or defiance. Whether through intimidation or direct violence, Enforcers ensure that the gang’s authority is never questioned.




High above, perched on rooftops or stationed at strategic points, Lookouts keep a vigilant watch for police or rival gangs. These members are the eyes and ears of the Hoover Criminals, their alertness safeguarding the gang’s operations. A quick signal from a Lookout can mean the difference between a successful deal and a sudden raid. Their role is crucial in maintaining the gang’s readiness and preventing surprise attacks.




Finally, Runners dart through the streets, their movements quick and purposeful. These younger or lower-ranking members are responsible for delivering messages or drugs, their speed and discretion essential to the gang’s communication network. Runners are often the first step in a member’s ascent through the ranks, their reliability and loyalty tested with each errand.


Each rank within the Hoover Criminals plays a vital role in the gang’s structure, creating a complex and efficient organization where loyalty and respect are paramount. Through this vivid hierarchy, the Hoover Criminals maintain their fearsome reputation and ensure their continued influence over the streets of South Central Los Angeles.


Crack Epidemic Era


The crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s marked a pivotal era for the Hoover Crips. The gang capitalized on the lucrative drug trade, gaining notoriety and significant wealth. Their involvement in the distribution of crack cocaine brought them power but also intense law enforcement scrutiny. The gang's reputation for ruthless violence made them one of the most feared criminal organizations in Los Angeles.


Current Activities


Today, the Hoover Gangster Crips continue to be one of the most active and dangerous gangs in Los Angeles. They are heavily involved in drug trafficking, robbery, and violent crimes. Their extensive network includes multiple sets, each with its own territory and operations, but all united under the Hoover Criminals umbrella. The gang remains a significant force in the criminal landscape of South Central Los Angeles, with a reputation for brutal enforcement tactics, including drive-by shootings and retaliatory killings.


Despite numerous efforts by law enforcement to curb their activities, the Hoover Gangster Crips remain resilient and adaptive, perpetuating their legacy of violence and criminal enterprise. Their influence extends beyond their traditional strongholds, impacting various communities and contributing to the ongoing challenges of gang violence and crime in the city.

Hoover Gangster Crip (HGC) Overview


The Hoover Gangster Crips (HGC) is a notorious African-American street gang that emerged from South Central Los Angeles. Initially known as the "Hoover Groovers" in the 1960s, the gang was formed during a time of significant social upheaval and civil rights struggles. Their name originates from Hoover Street, a major thoroughfare in their territory. The gang initially focused on providing protection and solidarity among African-American youth in the area.


Evolution and Expansion


In the 1970s, the Hoover Groovers aligned themselves with the Crip movement, becoming the Hoover Crips. This alignment was influenced by prominent Crip figures like Raymond Washington and Stanley "Tookie" Williams. The Hoover Crips adopted the blue attire and hand signs characteristic of the Crips, and their activities expanded from neighborhood protection to organized criminal enterprises, including drug trafficking, robberies, and extortion.

Rivals The Hoover Criminals have numerous rivalries, both with Blood and Crip sets. Initially part of the Crips, the Hoovers eventually split due to internal conflicts and their violent reputation, leading them to adopt the "Criminal" identity.


Their rivalries include:


Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips One of their most intense and violent rivalries. Imagine dusk settling over South Central Los Angeles, the air thick with tension and the streets bathed in the dim glow of streetlights. The Hoover Criminals and the Rollin' 60s Neighborhood Crips are entrenched in a brutal feud, each side heavily armed and fiercely loyal. The rivalry is marked by frequent, deadly encounters—drive-by shootings that leave a trail of shattered glass and blood, and street battles that echo through the neighborhoods. Both gangs vie for control over overlapping territories, transforming the area into a war zone where every alley and corner could hide danger. The atmosphere is charged with a pervasive sense of impending conflict, creating an environment where fear and aggression are palpable.


Rollin' 90s Neighborhood Crips Another major Crip set they conflict with. Picture the narrow, winding alleyways of Los Angeles under the cloak of night, where the rivalry with the Rollin' 90s ignites fierce skirmishes. Members of both gangs navigate these dimly lit streets with a heightened sense of alertness, their movements swift and cautious. The sudden crack of gunfire often shatters the night’s silence, leaving chaos in its wake. Each encounter, whether a sudden ambush or a planned attack, is a brutal reminder of the deep-seated territorial disputes that drive these gangs apart. The ground often bears the scars of these conflicts, marked by bullet holes and the remnants of violent clashes. Denver Lane Bloods Longstanding animosity due to territorial disputes.


The Hoover Criminals' rivalry with the Denver Lane Bloods is steeped in decades of violence and retribution. Imagine the Denver Lane Bloods, identifiable by their crimson attire, patrolling their territory with a wary eye. The Hoover Criminals, relentless in their pursuit of dominance, often clash with them in fierce battles for control over lucrative drug markets. Skirmishes can escalate into full-blown street wars, with both sides suffering casualties. The air is thick with tension, and each gang's presence is a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for power and influence.


The streets become battlegrounds where every confrontation could lead to a deadly escalation. Fruit Town Brims Frequent clashes over control and influence. The rivalry with the Fruit Town Brims is a relentless struggle for dominance. Picture the urban landscape, marked by the graffiti tags of both gangs, each one a claim to territory and power. The Hoover Criminals and the Fruit Town Brims often engage in violent confrontations, their clashes echoing through the streets. These encounters are not just physical but also psychological, as both sides employ brutal tactics to assert their control. The constant threat of violence hangs over the area, turning everyday life into a high-stakes game of survival where any corner turned could lead to a deadly encounter.


East Coast Neighborhood Crips Hostile interactions, often violent. The hostility between the Hoover Criminals and the East Coast Neighborhood Crips is intense and unforgiving. Imagine a city divided by invisible lines of territory, where crossing into rival areas can provoke swift and deadly retaliation. The air is thick with distrust and aggression, as members of both gangs engage in a continuous power struggle. Violent altercations are common, each one a stark reminder of the deep-seated enmity that defines this rivalry. The streets bear the scars of these conflicts, marked by the remnants of past battles and the constant presence of gang members ready to defend their turf.

Sources of Income and Financial Details:


51 Trouble Gangster Crips


KJ "Lil Trouble" Malone


Source of Income: Drug trafficking (runner for heroin distribution)

Daily Income: $500

Weekly Income: $3,500

Monthly Income: $15,000

Yearly Income: $180,000

Relationship: Known J-Lohc and Pop-Oc for 4 years; very close and loyal.



Trey "T-Dog" Williams


Source of Income: Lookout for drug operations

Daily Income: $300

Weekly Income: $2,100

Monthly Income: $9,000

Yearly Income: $108,000

Relationship: Trusted lookout for 2 years; reliable and cautious.


52 Broadway Gangster Crips


Tyrone "TJ" Jackson


Source of Income: Planning and executing robbery operations

Daily Income: $400

Weekly Income: $2,800

Monthly Income: $12,000

Yearly Income: $144,000

Relationship: Known Pop-Oc for 3 years; strategic partner.


Devon "D-Block" Harris


Source of Income: Enforcing gang territories

Daily Income: $500

Weekly Income: $3,500

Monthly Income: $15,000

Yearly Income: $180,000

Relationship: Teamed with J-Lohc for 3 years; highly dependable in fights.


Ray "Lil Ray" Coleman


Source of Income: Drug deals and street-level crimes

Daily Income: $250

Weekly Income: $1,750

Monthly Income: $7,500

Yearly Income: $90,000

Relationship: Learning from older members for 2 years; eager to prove himself.


53 Avalon Gangster Crips


Eric "E-Z" Davis


Source of Income: Courier for sensitive information and drugs

Daily Income: $400

Weekly Income: $2,800

Monthly Income: $12,000

Yearly Income: $144,000

Relationship: Courier for J-Lohc for 3 years.


Jerome "J-Roc" Smith


Source of Income: Reconnaissance and intelligence

Daily Income: $350

Weekly Income: $2,450

Monthly Income: $10,500

Yearly Income: $126,000

Relationship:Known Lil Bal for 3 years; provides valuable intel.


99 Mafia Crips


Jamal "J-Rock" White


Source of Income: Modifying vehicles for operations

Daily Income: $450

Weekly Income: $3,150

Monthly Income: $13,500

Yearly Income: $162,000

Relationship: Aligns with Pop-Oc and Lil Bal for 3 years.


Ronnie "Razor" Brown


Source of Income: Enforcing gang territories

Daily Income: $500

Weekly Income: $3,500

Monthly Income: $15,000

Yearly Income: $180,000

Relationship: Partnering with J-Lohc for 3 years.


Dante "D-Man" Brooks


Source of Income: Strategic planning for drug operations

Daily Income: $400

Weekly Income: $2,800

Monthly Income: $12,000

Yearly Income: $144,000

Relationship: Coordinating operations with Lil Bal for 4 years.


Gardena Shotgun Crips


Carlos "Trigger" Martinez


Source of Income: Sharpshooting during conflicts

Daily Income: $500

Weekly Income: $3,500

Monthly Income: $15,000

Yearly Income: $180,000

Relationship: Allied with Pop-Oc and Lil Bal for 4 years.


Miguel "Ghost" Ramirez


Source of Income: Surveillance and covert operations

Daily Income: $350

Weekly Income: $2,450

Monthly Income: $10,500

Yearly Income: $126,000

Relationship: Planning operations with J-Lohc for 3 years.


Juan "J-Blaze" Gonzalez


Source of Income: Front-line defense and combat

Daily Income: $450

Weekly Income: $3,150

Monthly Income: $13,500

Yearly Income: $162,000

Relationship: Involved in defenses with J-Lohc for 3 years.


Additional Allies


Inglewood Family Gangster Bloods



Tyrone "T-Bone" Jenkins


Source of Income: Enforcing during joint operations

Daily Income: $500

Weekly Income: $3,500

Monthly Income: $15,000

Yearly Income: $180,000

Relationship: Partnering with J-Lohc for 3 years.


Eight Tray Gangster Crips


Darius "D-Train" Johnson


Source of Income: Logistics coordination

Daily Income: $400

Weekly Income: $2,800

Monthly Income: $12,000

Yearly Income: $144,000

Relationship: Working with Pop-Oc for 3 years.


Kendrick "K-Dog" Lewis


Source of Income: Frontline fighter

Daily Income: $450

Weekly Income:** $3,150

Monthly Income:** $13,500

Yearly Income:** $162,000

Relationship:** Teaming up with Lil Bal for 3 years.


Monica "Mona" Rivera


Source of Income: Lookout

Daily Income: $300

Weekly Income: $2,100

Monthly Income: $9,000

Yearly Income: $108,000

Relationship: J-Lohc's girlfriend for 2 years; ensures their safety.


Gardena Shotgun Crips


Anna "Blaze" Martinez


Source of Income: Lookout

Daily Income: $250

Weekly Income: $1,750

Monthly Income: $7,500

Yearly Income: $90,000

Relationship: Ghost's girlfriend for 2 years; vital in surveillance.


Jessica "Jessi" Ramirez


Source of Income: Strategic coordination

Daily Income: $350

Weekly Income: $2,450

Monthly Income: $10,500

Yearly Income: $126,000

Relationship: Trigger's girlfriend for 3 years; key in coordinating operations.


Chemistry, Loyalty, and Relationships


J-Lohc, Pop-Oc, and Lil Bal


Chemistry: Very high, raised together and engaged in daily criminal activity.

Loyalty: Unmatched, akin to brothers.



J-Lohc: Leadership, Hit Taker, and combat.

Pop-Oc: Leadership, Moneymaking, Strategic planning and negotiation.

Lil Bal: Leadership, Hit Taker, and Combat, Moneymaking, Strategic planning and negotiation.


How Long Each Member Has Been Gang Members


Lil Bal


Started at Age 8: Born and raised on 112 and Vernon. Linked up with J-Lohc and Pop-Oc at elementary school and been together since.


J-Lohc and Pop-Oc


Started at Age 8: Grew up in the same neighborhood, initiated into the gang around the same time, and have been active members ever since.


Source of Income for J-Lohc, Pop-Oc, and Lil Bal


J-Lohc and Pop-Oc


Source of Income: Selling between 3-4 kilos of heroin at $80,000 a kilo for OG Punchy, daily.


Daily Income: $10,000 (split between them)