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Torsson Gunnardttir



By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.


Name: TG Torsson Gunnardttir


Bio: TG Torsson Gunnardttir, a notorious figure from Iceland, is best known as the formidable leader of The Aryan Brotherhood, a notorious criminal organization with a significant presence in the United States. Born and raised in Iceland, TG's childhood was marked by hardship and a rough upbringing, which ultimately shaped his path towards a life of crime.


Growing up in a disadvantaged neighborhood, TG faced numerous challenges and was exposed to a harsh environment from an early age. He witnessed the harsh realities of street life and became involved in petty crimes to survive. These circumstances forced him to develop a tough exterior and sharpen his survival instincts.


In his late teens, TG made the fateful decision to flee to the United States, seeking an escape from the Icelandic authorities who had placed a warrant for his arrest in connection with a murder case. Upon arriving in Texas, he found solace and a sense of belonging within the Aryan Brotherhood, a powerful criminal organization with widespread influence.


TG quickly rose through the ranks of the Aryan Brotherhood, showcasing his intelligence, ruthlessness, and strategic thinking. His natural leadership abilities and willingness to do whatever it took to protect the interests of the organization earned him the loyalty and respect of his subordinates. Alvin and Big Bear, high-ranking members of the Aryan Brotherhood, became his trusted right and left hands, standing by his side in their pursuit of dominance and power.


However, TG's criminal activities caught up with him when he was arrested in Los Angeles for three murders. Fleeing Texas due to two previous murders, he found himself entangled in a web of violence and lawlessness. The arrest marked a turning point in TG's life, as he faced the consequences of his actions and the realization that his criminal empire could crumble.


TG's life in Los Angeles was characterized by a constant struggle for survival and maintaining control over his criminal enterprises. Despite the challenges and the ever-present threat of rival gangs and law enforcement, TG remained a feared and respected figure within the criminal underworld.


Elusive and mysterious, TG's true motivations and aspirations remain shrouded in secrecy. His actions and alliances have left a trail of destruction and chaos in his wake, making him a figure to be reckoned with in the criminal underworld. TG Torsson Gunnardttir's story is a testament to the dark allure of power and the lengths one is willing to go to protect their empire, leaving an indelible mark on the streets of Los Angeles.


Here is where you can find our latest information on T.G.

Bio for TG Torsson Gunnardttir:


Character Profile:


Full Name: Torsson Gunnardttir

Nickname: TG

Date of Birth: December 25

Place of Birth: Reykjavik, Iceland


Physical Characteristics:


Eye Color: Icy Blue

Glasses: Occasionally wears stylish black frames.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair Style: Short, neatly combed.

Height/Weight/Build: 6'2" / 200 lbs / Muscular build

Nationality/Skintone: Icelandic / Fair complexion

Notable Features: Scars on his knuckles from countless brawls.

Marks or Scars: Various tattoos on his arms and chest, each with a hidden meaning suck as:

 Shamrock clover leaf.

 Initials "AB."


 Double lightning bolts.

 The numbers "666."

 HH for "Heil Hitler."

 A Falcon resembling the Sinn Fein, the political wing of the Irish Republican Army, meaning "We Ourselves."

 Known to use Gaelic (old Irish) symbols as a method of coding communications.

 Aryan Brotherhood groups from other states often include the name of the state.

 Letters and exclamation points are separated by happy faces.

Jewelry/Accessories: Silver rings on multiple fingers, a gold chain with a hammer pendant.

Clothing Style: Prefers tailored suits with a hint of menace. Occasionally dons a leather jacket.

Dominant Hand: Right

Blood Type: O-

Horoscope: Scorpio

Health & Allergies: Robust health, no known allergies.


Mannerisms and Personality:


Speech Style: Deep, commanding, and often laced with veiled threats.

Accent: Icelandic accent with a touch of Texan drawl.

Quirks: Taps his fingers rhythmically when deep in thought.

Temperament: Ruthless and calculating, with a fierce determination to achieve his goals.

Positive Traits: Charismatic, strategic thinker, fiercely loyal to those close to him.

Talents: Proficient in hand-to-hand combat, expert marksman, and a strategic mastermind.

Negative Traits: Ruthless, power-hungry, quick to resort to violence.

Flaws: Overly secretive, trusts few, haunted by a dark past.

Drives/Motivations: To expand the Aryan Brotherhood's influence, accumulate wealth, and maintain control.

Sense of Humor: Dark and twisted, finds amusement in the suffering of others.


Social Characteristics:


Private/Public: Exudes an intimidating public persona, while keeping his private life hidden.

Volume: Commands attention with a deep, resonant voice.

Leadership Style: Authoritative, demands unwavering loyalty.

Organization: Runs a tight ship within the Aryan Brotherhood, with an iron grip on its operations.

Risk-Taking: Calculated risk-taker, willing to go to great lengths for power.

Preference: Prefers the shadows and secrecy, but not afraid to step into the limelight.

Outlook: Cynical, sees the world as a place of opportunity for those with power.

Social Orientation: Maintains a select circle of trusted associates, avoids forming deep emotional bonds.

Communication: Direct and to the point, values clear and concise messages.

Demeanor: Cool, collected, and enigmatic, never revealing more than necessary.




Hometown: Reykjavik, Iceland

Childhood: Grew up in a rough neighborhood, and exposed to crime from a young age.

Social Class: Lower-class upbringing, surrounded by poverty and violence.

Upbringing: Raised in a single-parent household, struggling to make ends meet.

Education: Limited formal education, learned the ways of the streets.

Expertise: Criminal mastermind, skilled in organized crime and illicit dealings.

Key Memories: The day he first set foot in the United States, joining the Aryan Brotherhood.

Influences: The harsh realities of his upbringing, which forged his criminal path.

Current Residence: Los Angeles, California

Desired Residence: Dreams of a secluded island estate far from prying eyes.


Family and Relationships:


Mother: Deceased, a victim of the harsh life in Reykjavik.

Father: Absent, disappeared early in TG's life.

Siblings: Four brothers and two sisters in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Children: None known.

Close Family: The members of the Aryan Brotherhood, his chosen family.

Extended Family: None known or acknowledged.

Pets: None, sees pets as liabilities.

Ex-Wife: Never married, relationships are seen as weaknesses.

Friends: Alvin and Big Bear, his right and left-hand men.

Enemies: Rival gangs, law enforcement agencies, and anyone who threatens his power. 

a deep hatred toward black individuals and members of black gangs, such as the Black Guerrilla Family (BGF), Crips, Bloods and El Rukns.

They also are rivals with the La Nuestra Familia (NF) because of their alliance with the Mexican Mafia.

Co-Worker/Partner: The Aryan Brotherhood members.

Boss/Employer: Self-proclaimed leader of The Aryan Brotherhood.

Net Worth: Estimated to be in the millions, largely from criminal activities.

Salary: N/A, derives income from illicit sources.

Income: Illegally acquired funds from criminal enterprises.

Ratings for TG Torsson Gunnardttir:


  Physical Abilities:

1. Speed (75): TG possesses above-average speed, allowing him to react quickly in many situations.

2. Agility (80): His agility is notable, aiding in evading threats and navigating challenging environments.

3. Stamina (85): With high stamina, TG can endure prolonged physical exertion and maintain peak performance.

4. Reaction Time (90): His exceptional reaction time helps him react swiftly to danger or opportunities.

5. Strength (88): TG's strength is above average, contributing to his prowess in physical confrontations.

6. Balance (80): His balance is good, enhancing his combat and evasion capabilities.

7. Coordination (85): TG's coordination allows him to execute complex movements and actions effectively.

8. Flexibility (70): He has moderate flexibility, which serves him well in various situations.

9. Endurance (90): High endurance enables him to endure physically demanding tasks and outlast adversaries.

10. Power (85): TG possesses substantial power, making him a formidable force in physical conflicts.

11. Quickness (88): His quickness aids in rapid decision-making and swift actions.

12. Accuracy (90): TG's accuracy is excellent, especially in combat or targeting.

13. Focus (95): Exceptional focus allows him to concentrate intensely even under extreme pressure.

14. Mental Toughness (95): His mental toughness is remarkable, enabling him to endure hardship and maintain resolve.

15. Spatial Awareness (75): TG has an above-average sense of spatial awareness, which aids navigation and evasion.

16. Hand-eye Coordination (90): Exceptional hand-eye coordination enhances his precision in various tasks.

17. Motor Control (85): His motor control is well-developed, contributing to his physical dexterity.

18. Acceleration (85): TG can accelerate swiftly when needed, useful in combat or evasive maneuvers.

19. Deceleration (80): Deceleration skills are above average, allowing controlled stopping or slowing.

20. Recovery Time (90): He recovers quickly after physical exertion, maintaining performance.


Cognitive Abilities:


21. Creativity (60): TG's creativity is limited, as his focus is primarily on criminal endeavors.

22. Problem-solving skills (92): Exceptional problem-solving skills make him a resourceful strategist.

23. Critical thinking (95): His critical thinking ability is exceptional, allowing for effective decision-making.

24. Decision-making abilities (95): TG excels in decision-making, especially in high-pressure situations.

25. Communication skills (70): His communication skills are moderate, primarily used for criminal coordination.

26. Leadership skills (95): He possesses remarkable leadership skills, commanding loyalty and respect.

27. Teamwork skills (50): TG's teamwork skills are lacking, as he often operates independently.

28. Emotional intelligence (40): Emotional intelligence is limited, as it's not a focus in his criminal lifestyle.

29. Resilience (95): His resilience is exceptional, allowing him to bounce back from setbacks.

30. Adaptability (70): TG's adaptability is moderate, as he is often set in his criminal ways.

31. Negotiation skills (75): Negotiation skills are moderate, primarily used for criminal deals.

32. Time management (80): Effective time management helps him juggle criminal activities.

33. Organization skills (90): Exceptional organizational skills enable complex criminal operations.

34. Analytical skills (92): His analytical skills are exceptional, aiding in strategical planning.

35. Technical skills (90): TG possesses technical skills useful in criminal activities.

36. Artistic skills (40): Limited artistic skills, as creativity is not his primary focus.

37. Public speaking skills (60): Moderate public speaking skills used for intimidation or coordination.

38. Presentation skills (70): Presentation skills are moderate and utilized in criminal negotiations.

39. Research skills (90): Exceptional research skills assist in gathering information for criminal operations.

40. Learning aptitude (80): His learning aptitude is moderate, primarily focused on criminal tactics.

41. Strategic thinking (95): Exceptional strategic thinking is a hallmark of TG's leadership.


Social Skills:


42. Networking skills (95): He has extensive networking skills within the criminal underworld.

43. Sales and persuasion skills (90): Strong sales and persuasion skills are used in criminal deals.

44. Marketing and branding skills (80): Moderate marketing skills for promoting criminal activities.

45. Financial management skills (85): He manages criminal finances efficiently.

46. Project management skills (95): Exceptional project management skills for criminal operations.

47. Risk assessment and management skills (95): Outstanding risk assessment and management skills.

48. Problem-solving in high-stress situations (95): His ability to solve problems under stress is remarkable.

49. Crisis management skills (95): Exceptional crisis management abilities in criminal situations.

50. Knowledge in relevant fields (80): TG possesses considerable knowledge in criminal tactics.


Specialized Abilities:


51. Physical fitness and conditioning (90): His physical fitness is above average, essential for criminal activities.

52. First aid and medical knowledge (60): Basic first aid and medical knowledge for survival.

53. Weapons proficiency (95): Exceptional weapons proficiency, a crucial skill in his criminal endeavors.

54. Surveillance and reconnaissance skills (90): Strong skills for gathering information and maintaining security.

55. Navigation and orienteering skills (80): Adequate navigation skills for moving through urban landscapes.

56. Infiltration and stealth abilities (95): Exceptional at infiltrating and operating discreetly.

57. Interrogation and intelligence gathering skills (95): Exceptional skills for extracting information.

58. Cultural sensitivity and awareness (40): Limited cultural sensitivity due to criminal focus.

59. Diplomacy and conflict resolution skills (70): Moderate diplomacy skills for criminal negotiations.

60. Ethical decision-making abilities (20): Limited ethical decision-making, as it conflicts with his criminal lifestyle.

Gunnardttir Family Tree

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