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Molly Wallace



By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 

Childhood and Background Story:


Molly Wallace's story began in the vibrant city of Miami, Florida, where adventure was woven into her very being. Born to Lisa and Mark Wallace, both avid outdoor enthusiasts, Molly's childhood was a tapestry of exploration, adrenaline, and boundless curiosity.


From early family camping trips to weekends filled with hiking and biking, Molly's formative years were a testament to her parent's love for the great outdoors. It was during one of these exhilarating escapades that Molly's fate was sealed. At the age of 10, she received her first BMX bike as a birthday gift from her parents. This pivotal moment in her life sparked a passion that would set her on a remarkable path.


Countless hours were devoted to perfecting tricks and mastering daring stunts at the local skate park. Molly's competitive spirit and boundless energy drove her to push her limits further with each passing day.


Her love for extreme sports evolved and expanded throughout her teenage years. Skateboarding, kickboxing, and even daring skydiving jumps became her playground. Throughout it all, Molly's parents remained her steadfast supporters, encouraging her to chase her passions with unwavering determination.


Business Adventures:


Molly's journey into the world of business adventures took an unexpected turn when she received an invitation that would change her life. At the age of 17, Molly was offered a spot in a YouTube group called "The Authentic." Her talent for capturing heart-pounding moments through the lens of her camera had not gone unnoticed. It was an enticing prospect, and she moved to Los Angeles to seize this opportunity.


However, fate had other plans in store for her. After arriving in Los Angeles, Molly had a chance encounter with Hannah Hush, a member of the rising Funk Brothers. Their meeting was serendipitous, and it didn't take long for Molly to realize that her true place was alongside this newly emerging group of extreme sports enthusiasts.


Opting to follow her heart, Molly joined forces with the Funk Brothers, bringing her dynamic videos and captivating photos to their online presence. Her unique talent and charismatic personality breathed new life into the team's digital presence. The Funk Brothers recognized her potential and invited her to be their official content creator.


As part of the Funk Brothers, Molly's journey in the world of business and extreme sports soared to new heights. Her contributions were instrumental in securing lucrative sponsorships and endorsements from leading sports brands. Her creative content resonated deeply with their rapidly expanding fanbase, attracting a growing number of viewers and advertisers.


Molly's entrepreneurial spirit led her to develop her own brand of merchandise adorned with her signature logo and catchphrases. T-shirts, hats, and accessories bearing her unique style became coveted items among extreme sports fans.


Today, Molly Wallace is not only a renowned content creator and athlete but also a thriving entrepreneur. She manages her merchandise line and continues expanding her online presence, inspiring a new generation of extreme sports enthusiasts. Her journey is a testament to the power of following one's passion and embracing opportunities, even when they take an unexpected turn.

Molly Wallace, the innovative skateboarder, is poised to unveil her groundbreaking trick, the "Shooting Molly-Blaze," in intricate detail:


Setting the Stage: Molly begins at the skatepark, her skateboard poised at the edge of the half-pipe. She's focused and determined, knowing she's about to attempt something remarkable. Accelerating with Purpose: As Molly pushes off, she accelerates with a burst of energy. The wheels of her skateboard grip the concrete, propelling her forward as she approaches the towering half-pipe.


The Flawless Kickflip: Upon reaching the base of the half-pipe, Molly executes a kickflip with extraordinary finesse. Her skateboard flips elegantly beneath her feet, the grip tape glinting in the sun as it makes a full rotation.


Elevating into the Unknown: This is where the magic truly begins. Molly uses the upward momentum from the ramp to launch herself into the sky. Her body soars, twisting and turning mid-air like a tornado in the clear blue sky. It's a breathtaking spectacle of athleticism and grace.


The Daring Release: In a heart-stopping moment, Molly lets go of her skateboard. The board becomes a spinning blur, almost like a propeller, right in front of her. She remains suspended in the air, a portrait of precision and control.


The Pinpoint Catch: Molly's fingers reach out with astonishing accuracy as her skateboard continues its graceful spin. She snatches it from the air, her hand connecting with the grip tape. It's a move that requires split-second timing and perfect hand-eye coordination.


The Triumphant Finish: With her board securely back beneath her feet, Molly descends from the heights of the half-pipe. She lands with a smoothness that defies the laws of gravity, wheels connecting with the concrete as though they were magnets.


The Birth of a Legend: The "Shooting Molly-Blaze" is born. It's a dazzling fusion of aerial acrobatics, precise board control, and a unique, unmatched sense of style. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause, and fellow skateboarders can't help but be inspired and amazed. Molly's new trick is not just a feat of athleticism; it's a work of art, a show of the boundless creativity and skill that defines the world of skateboarding. It's destined to go down in history as one of the most iconic and legendary tricks ever performed.


Here is where you can find our latest information on Molly 

Full Name: Molly Wallace


Nick Name: Blaze


Birthday: March 21


Age: 19 years old.


Birthplace: She hails from the vibrant city of Miami, Florida.


Physical Appearance & Characteristics:


Eye Color: Molly has captivating emerald green eyes.

Glasses/Style: She doesn't wear glasses, but she occasionally sports trendy, oversized sunglasses.

Hair Color: Molly's hair is a fiery shade of red.

Hair Style: She keeps her hair in a shoulder-length, wavy style that complements her energetic personality.

Height/Weight/Build: Standing at 5'7" and weighing around 135 lbs, Molly has an athletic build.

Nationality/Skintone: She is of American nationality with a fair complexion.

Notable Features: Molly has a smattering of freckles across her cheeks and shoulders, giving her a unique charm.

Marks or Scars: None.

Jewelry/Accessories: Molly often adorns herself with colorful wristbands and a collection of silver rings.

Clothing: Her wardrobe leans towards sporty and casual attire, with a preference for vibrant colors.

Dominant Hand: Molly is right-handed.

Blood Type: O+

Horoscope: Aries

Health & Allergies: She enjoys excellent health and has no known allergies.




Speech Style: Molly speaks with enthusiasm and a hint of a Southern accent, a reminder of her Miami roots.

Accent: Mild Southern accent.

Quirks: She has a habit of tapping her fingers when she's excited or deep in thought.

Temperament: Molly is adventurous, outgoing, and always ready for action.

Positive Traits: Energetic, optimistic, adventurous, friendly, and creative.

Talents: Molly is a skilled photographer and videographer with a knack for capturing thrilling moments during extreme sports.

Negative Traits: She can be impulsive and occasionally impatient.

Flaws: Molly tends to act before fully thinking through the consequences.

Drives/Motivations: Her primary drive is the pursuit of thrilling experiences and sharing them with the world through her photography and videography.

Sense of Humor: She has a playful and witty sense of humor that lightens up any situation.


Are They Generally:


Private/Public: Highly public due to her role as the content creator for the Funk Brothers.

Loud/Quiet: Definitely on the loud side, especially when excited.

Leader/Follower: A natural leader in action sports and a driving force behind the team's online presence.

Messy/Organized: Surprisingly organized when it comes to her equipment and work.

Daredevil/Cautious: An absolute daredevil, always seeking the next adventure.

Solo/Team Player: Thrives in a team setting.

Pessimist/Optimist/Realist: An incorrigible optimist.

Introvert/Extrovert: An extrovert who loves socializing with fans and fellow athletes.

Speaker/Listener: She's a talker but also a good listener when her friends need support.

Relaxed/Serious: Generally relaxed, but she can get serious when it comes to her work.




Hometown: Miami, Florida.

Type of Childhood: A childhood filled with outdoor adventures, thanks to her adventurous parents.

Social Class: Middle-class upbringing.

Upbringing: Raised in a family that encouraged her adventurous spirit and love for the outdoors.

Education: Graduated from a local high school with a strong focus on art and photography.

Best Qualification: A diploma in Digital Media Production.

First Memory: Riding her first BMX bike with her father.

Worst Memory: Breaking her arm, attempting a risky skateboarding trick.

Best Memory: Successfully completing a skydiving jump at the age of 18.

Most Important Childhood Event: Her first extreme sports experience which ignited her passion.

Most Influenced By: Her parents, who nurtured her love for adventure.

Role Model: She met a professional extreme sports photographer at a young age.

Where Does Character Live? She shares an apartment in Los Angeles with her fellow Funk Brothers members.

Where Does the Character Want To Live? Molly dreams of owning a beachfront property in Hawaii, surrounded by the natural beauty she loves.




Mother/Guardian: Lisa Wallace is a supportive and adventurous woman.

Relationship with Her: Extremely close.

Father/Guardian: Mark Wallace, an outdoors enthusiast.

Relationship with Him: A strong bond and shared love for adventure.

Siblings/Cousins: Molly has a younger brother, Ethan Wallace, who's also into extreme sports.

Relationship with Each: They share a competitive but loving sibling rivalry.

Close Family: The Wallace family is tight-knit and frequently embarks on outdoor adventures together.

Extended Family: She has a large extended family spread across the United States.

Pets: A loyal Australian Shepherd named Rocky who accompanies her on outdoor expeditions.

Spouse/Lover/Beneficial Friend: Currently single and focused on her career.

Friends: Molly's closest friends are her fellow Funk Brothers, Hannah, Cody, May, and Michael. They share a deep bond forged through their shared love for extreme sports and online stardom.

Enemies: None known.

Co-Worker/Partner: She works closely with May to manage the Funk Brothers' online presence.

-Boss/Employer: As part of the Funk Brothers, they operate as a team with no specific boss.


Income: Molly Blaze earns a substantial income primarily from her role as the content creator for the Funk Brothers, showcasing their extreme sports adventures online. Her income includes earnings from sponsorships, endorsements, and revenue generated through social media platforms and video-sharing websites. Molly's annual income is estimated to be around $500,000 on average.


Salary: Molly doesn't have a fixed salary in the traditional sense, as her income varies based on sponsorship deals, advertising revenue, and the success of the Funk Brothers' online content. However, she earns a significant share of the group's total income, which collectively supports their adventurous lifestyle.


Net Worth: As of her most recent estimate, Molly's net worth is approximately $1.5 million. This net worth reflects her earnings, investments, and savings accumulated over her career as an extreme sports content creator. It's worth noting that her net worth may continue to grow as her online presence and popularity increase, along with her contributions to the Funk Brothers' success.



Wallace Family Tree

Coming soon!

A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.