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Martin Fielders



By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.




In the opulent suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts, where manicured lawns and towering mansions adorned the landscape, young Martin "Marty" Fielders navigated the delicate balance between privilege and neglect. The Fielders estate, an imposing structure of grandeur and wealth, served as both sanctuary and prison for the boy who would grow to be a formidable force in his own right.


The air was thick with the scent of freshly cut grass and the distant echoes of prestigious social gatherings, yet within the walls of the Fielders mansion, a different atmosphere prevailed. Marty's parents, Elizabeth and Richard Fielders, were titans of industry and high society, consumed by their pursuits of success and status. Their ambitions knew no bounds, their calendars packed with endless meetings, galas, and business trips. Marty's childhood was a tapestry of lonely afternoons spent wandering the cavernous halls of the mansion, his parents' voices echoing from distant rooms, always just out of reach.


But the shadow cast by his older brother, Candrick, loomed largest over Marty's formative years. Candrick, with his chiseled features and effortless charm, was the golden child of the Fielders family. From a young age, he displayed an innate talent for hockey, a sport revered in the upper echelons of Boston society. His victories on the ice were celebrated with fanfare; his achievements were lauded in the pages of prestigious publications.


For Marty, however, Candrick's success was a bitter pill to swallow. While his brother basked in the adoration of their parents and the admiration of their peers, Marty remained a mere afterthought, a footnote in the family narrative. The seeds of resentment and jealousy took root in his heart, twisting and gnarling as they fed on the fertile soil of neglect.


As the years passed, Marty's desire for power and control grew ever stronger, fueled by the stark contrast between his own insignificance and his brother's shining brilliance. He watched from the sidelines as Candrick soared to greater heights, his aspirations overshadowed by the long shadow cast by his sibling's success.


In the hallowed halls of the Fielders mansion, where wealth and privilege reign supreme, Marty forged a steely resolve born of resentment and fueled by ambition. He would carve out his own path and chart his own course to greatness, no matter the cost. Thus, the stage was set for the rise of Martin "Marty" Fielders, a force to be reckoned with in the world he would soon come to dominate.


At the tender age of nine, Marty Fielders already stood out like a beacon of dominance amidst his peers in the suburban neighborhood of Boston. His fiery Irish-red hair, reminiscent of smoldering embers, framed a face that exuded an air of authority far beyond his years. While other children played innocently, Marty was the orchestrator of mischief, the architect of chaos in their tightly-knit community.


With a sly grin and a glint of mischief in his piercing green eyes, Marty was the undisputed ringleader among his peers. He possessed a natural charisma that drew others to him like moths to a flame, yet it was his sharp tongue and intimidating presence that commanded their unwavering obedience. Even at such a young age, Marty understood the power of manipulation, the art of bending others to his will with little more than a whispered word and a knowing smirk.


Beneath his charismatic exterior lay a wellspring of aggression, a primal force waiting to be unleashed. Marty reveled in the thrill of domination, coercing his peers into acts of mischief and tormenting weaker children with impunity. His playground became a battleground, his word law and his will absolute. To his classmates, Marty was both feared and admired, a paradoxical figure of authority and rebellion.


But it wasn't just in the realm of social dynamics that Marty excelled. His physical prowess was undeniable, his athletic abilities far surpassing those of his peers. In sports, particularly those that rewarded strength and aggression, Marty was a force to be reckoned with. Whether it was on the soccer field, where he bulldozed his way past defenders with brute force, or on the basketball court, where his towering frame loomed over opponents like a colossus, Marty's dominance was absolute.


Yet, for all his natural talents, Marty's impulsive nature often led him into trouble. His unchecked aggression sometimes got the better of him, leading to conflicts with authority figures and peers alike. But even in the face of reprimand and punishment, Marty remained unrepentant, his defiance a testament to his indomitable will.


At age nine, Martin "Marty" Fielders was already a force to be reckoned with, a harbinger of the darkness that lurked within the depths of his soul. His early experiences of dominance and aggression would serve as the foundation upon which he would build his empire of power and control, casting a long shadow over the world he would soon come to dominate.

At the age of ten, Marty Fielders had already solidified his position as a formidable presence within his social sphere. His ascent to power was swift and decisive, fueled by a potent combination of charisma, manipulation, and an insatiable thirst for control. While other children his age reveled in the innocence of youth, Marty wielded his influence like a seasoned tactician on a battlefield, orchestrating the ebb and flow of social dynamics with precision and finesse.


Marty effortlessly captivated those around him with a magnetic charm that belied his tender age, drawing them into his orbit with an irresistible allure. His manipulative tactics, honed through years of observation and practice, allowed him to bend others to his will with little more than a whispered word and a knowing smile. Marty was more than just a friend or a leader to his peers—he was a force of nature, a guiding light in the tumultuous sea of childhood.


But Marty's relationship with his older brother, Candrick, simmered with tension beneath the surface. Despite the significant age gap between them, Marty's jealousy and resentment towards Candrick continued to fester, fueled by the stark contrast between his insignificance and his brother's shining success. While Candrick basked in their parents' adulation and their peers' admiration, Marty seethed with envy, his desire for recognition burning like a wildfire in his soul.


The rivalry between the two brothers grew increasingly strained each day; a silent battle waged beneath the facade of familial camaraderie. While Candrick remained blissfully oblivious to Marty's inner turmoil, too ensnared in his pursuits of self-aggrandizement to notice, Marty plotted and schemed in the shadows, determined to surpass his brother and claim his rightful place in the sun.


This relentless drive for supremacy fueled Marty's every action, propelling him to excel in every aspect of his life with a single-minded determination. From academics to athletics, Marty pursued perfection with a fervor bordering on obsession, his hunger for success eclipsed only by his thirst for control. For Marty, the path to greatness was paved with the shattered dreams of his rivals and the blood of his enemies, a testament to the indomitable will of a boy destined for greatness.

At the tender age of eleven, Marty Fielders had ascended to the pinnacle of power within his social circle, his dominance unchallenged and his influence absolute. Like a king ruling over his court, Marty wielded his authority with an iron fist, his word law and his will supreme. To his peers, he was more than just a leader—he was a deity, to be feared and revered in equal measure.


With a masterful blend of charm and manipulation, Marty maintained his stranglehold on the hearts and minds of those around him, bending them to his will with all the finesse of a seasoned puppeteer. His sharp wit and silver tongue were his weapons of choice, cutting through the social fabric like a knife through butter, leaving naught but chaos and confusion in their wake. Marty's reign of terror knew no bounds, his appetite for control insatiable and his thirst for power unquenchable.


But beneath the facade of confidence and bravado lay a boy haunted by the specter of insecurity and longing. Marty's childhood was a tapestry of loneliness and neglect, his parents' ambitions leaving little room for love or affection. His brother's success only served to deepen the wounds of inadequacy, leaving Marty feeling like a mere shadow cast in Candrick's radiant glow.


Yet, it was this deep-seated insecurity that fueled Marty's insatiable hunger for validation, driving him to prove himself at any cost. Every victory, every triumph was a desperate bid to fill the gaping void within his soul, a futile attempt to silence the whispers of doubt that haunted his every waking moment.


As Marty stood on the precipice of adolescence, his thirst for power and control showed no signs of abating. If anything, it burned even brighter, a raging inferno consuming everything in its path. The boy who had once longed for love and acceptance had been replaced by a man consumed by ambition and driven by a relentless desire for greatness.


And so, as Marty entered his teenage years, he did so with a singular purpose—to carve out his own destiny in a world that had long since forgotten his name. With each passing day, he grew ever closer to the man he was destined to become, a force of nature whose name would be whispered in hushed tones for generations to come.

Coming soon


Coming soon


Here is where you can find our latest information on Marty

Character Profile


Full Name: Martin Fielders

Nickname: Marty

Date of Birth: August 10

Place of Birth: Massachusetts, Boston


Physical Characteristics


Eye Color: Green

Glasses: None

Hair Color: Irish Red

Hair Style: Short, curly

Height/Weight/Build: 6'2", 190 lbs, Athletic

Nationality/Skintone: Irish, Fair Skinned

Notable Features: Intimidating Stare, Strong Jawline

Marks or Scars: Faint scar above left eyebrow

Jewelry/Accessories: Expensive watch, gold ring with family crest

Clothing Style: Designer labels, often sporty and trendy

Dominant Hand: Right

Blood Type: O+

Horoscope: Leo

Health & Allergies: No known allergies, physically fit


Mannerisms and Personality


Speech Style: Confident, Assertive

Accent: Boston Irish

Quirks: Cracks knuckles when agitated, smirks when asserting dominance

Temperament: Aggressive, Dominant

Positive Traits: Charismatic, Determined

Talents: Skilled in manipulation, Excellent strategist

Negative Traits: Cruel, Manipulative

Flaws: Impulsive, Overbearing

Drives/Motivations: Power, Control

Sense of Humor: Sarcastic, Often at others' expense


Social Characteristics


Private/Public: Public

Volume: Loud

Leadership Style: Authoritarian

Organization: Disorganized personally but meticulous in manipulation schemes

Risk-Taking: High, Thrives on adrenaline

Preference: Dominance in social situations

Outlook: Opportunistic, Seeks advantage in every situation

Social Orientation: Selective, surrounds himself with those he can control

Communication: Direct, Commanding

Demeanor: Confident, Assertive




Hometown: Massachusetts, Boston

Childhood: Privileged but emotionally neglected by ambitious parents

Social Class: Upper Class

Upbringing: Competitive, Pressure to excel

Education: Private schools, dropped out of college

Expertise: Street smarts, Manipulation tactics

Key Memories: Being overshadowed by his brother's success

Influences: Competitive sports culture, Toxic masculinity

Current Residence: Luxury penthouse in downtown Vancouver

Desired Residence: None, content with current lifestyle


Family and Relationships


Mother: Elizabeth Fielders, Socialite

Father: Richard Fielders, CEO of a major corporation

Siblings: Candrick Fielders, Professional Hockey Player

Children: None

Close Family: None, distant relationship with brother

Extended Family: Wealthy and influential but emotionally distant

Pets: None

Ex-Wife: None

Friends: Acquaintances rather than actual friends, mostly sycophants

Enemies: Anyone who challenges his dominance

Co-Worker/Partner: Uses others for personal gain

Boss/Employer: Self-employed, manipulates situations to his advantage

Net Worth: Multimillionaire

Salary: N/A, lives off family wealth

Income: Various investments and trust funds




Speed: 65

Agility: 70

Stamina: 60

Reaction time: 75

Strength: 80

Balance: 65

Coordination: 70

Flexibility: 50

Endurance: 70

Power: 80

Quickness: 75

Accuracy: 70

Focus: 80

Mental toughness: 85

Spatial awareness: 75

Hand-eye coordination: 70

Motor control: 75

Acceleration: 75

Deceleration: 70

Recovery time: 65

Creativity: 60

Problem-solving skills: 70

Critical thinking: 75

Decision-making abilities: 80

Communication skills: 85

Leadership skills: 80

Teamwork skills: 50

Emotional intelligence: 70

Resilience: 80

Adaptability: 75

Negotiation skills: 75

Time management: 60

Organization skills: 65

Analytical skills: 75

Technical skills: 50

Artistic skills: 40

Public speaking skills: 85

Presentation skills: 75

Research skills: 60

Learning aptitude: 70

Strategic thinking: 85

Networking skills: 80

Sales and persuasion skills: 90

Marketing and branding skills: 70

Financial management skills: 80

Project management skills: 75

Risk assessment and management skills: 85

Problem-solving in high-stress situations: 90

Crisis management skills: 85

Knowledge in relevant fields: 70

Physical fitness and conditioning: 85

First aid and medical knowledge: 60

Weapons proficiency: 75

Surveillance and reconnaissance skills: 70

Navigation and orienteering skills: 60

Infiltration and stealth abilities: 70

Interrogation and intelligence-gathering skills: 80

Cultural sensitivity and awareness: 50

Diplomacy and conflict resolution skills: 60

Ethical decision-making abilities: 20

... Family Tree

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