

Zechariah 14:12-13

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By: Mr. A.Himself

Entertainment LLC 



In the realm of Elysia, Malphas, the cunning and enigmatic Dragon God, possessed a vast array of powers and abilities. To assist his loyal followers in their quest for power, Malphas would occasionally grant them a small fragment of his own essence, allowing them to forge unique and formidable weapons.


One fateful day, a brave warrior named Elyxander Celestinus sought the aid of Malphas to acquire a weapon that would aid him in his battles against the forces of darkness. Recognizing Elyxander's unwavering determination and loyalty, Malphas agreed to bestow a part of his essence for the creation of a weapon.


In a grand ceremony, Malphas plucked a single scale from his majestic form. This scale shimmered with an otherworldly iridescence, pulsating with the raw power of the Dragon God. Elyxander's eyes widened with awe as he beheld the priceless gift before him.


Taking the scale to the legendary blacksmith, Eamon, Elyxander explained his desire to create a complete body armor and weapon set that would harness the might of Malphas. Inspired by the scale's ethereal beauty, Eamon set to work, forging a magnificent armored suit and blade that became known as one. It became known as the "Scalesong."


The Scalesong was an armor and weapon set of unparalleled elegance and deadliness. It was as dark as the night shadows with a volcanic ash-like hue, consuming the light that seemed to hide in its presence like the scales of the dragon. The power infused within the scale granted the sword an enchanting melody, its every swing producing a haunting, melodic resonance that struck fear into the hearts of Elyxander's enemies.


With the Scalesong always in his possession (even if not visible), Elyxander is an unstoppable force on the battlefield. The suit's impenetrable armor, the sword's keen edge, and the Dragon God's essence imbued within it granted Elyxander the strength and agility of a dragon in flight. A single stroke of the Scalesong could cleave through armor as if it were paper, and its eerie song echoed through the air, instilling terror in all who heard it.


News of Elyxander and his legendary armor and weapon set, the Sclesong spread far and wide, striking fear into the hearts of all across the realm. The Scalesong became a symbol of hope for the oppressed and a dire warning for those who dared to challenge the might of Malphas.


Thus, the tale of the Dragon God's scale and the creation of the Scalesong became etched in Elysian lore, a testament to the power and ingenuity of both Malphas and his devoted followers. And as the Dragon God's essence coursed through the blade, Elyxander's victories in the name of justice and righteousness continued, forever bound to the legend of Malphas and his enigmatic gifts.

Malphas, the enigmatic Dragon God, is a being of cunning and malevolence who has plagued the realm with his tricks and deceptions. Born from the depths of ancient legends, his true origins remain shrouded in mystery.


With a mesmerizing presence and a voice that can sway even the most resolute minds, Malphas possesses an uncanny ability to manipulate perceptions and sow discord among his victims. He thrives on the fear and vulnerability of those who fall prey to his illusions, using their weaknesses against them to further his own dark agenda.


Malphas is a master of deception, weaving intricate webs of illusions that ensnare the minds of his adversaries. His illusions are so convincing that they can distort reality itself, making it difficult to discern what is true and what is merely a figment of his imagination. He takes pleasure in toying with the emotions and sanity of those who dare to challenge him, reveling in their confusion and despair.


Beyond his abilities to deceive, Malphas possesses a deep understanding of the ancient arts and arcane secrets. He harnesses dark magic, allowing him to manipulate the very fabric of reality. Through his powers, he can bend elements to his will, summoning devastating storms, conjuring infernos, and commanding the forces of nature against those who stand in his way.


It is said that Malphas draws his strength from the fear and suffering of others, feeding off the negative energy that permeates the realm. As he spreads his influence, his power grows, making him an ever-present threat to the stability and peace of the land.


Though his true motives remain elusive, it is clear that Malphas seeks control and domination over the realm. He revels in the chaos and discord he creates, taking pleasure in the torment of his victims. Only those with unwavering resolve and an unbreakable bond stand a chance against this formidable adversary.

Dragon God


"Malphas" - the Dragon God of Deception , a forgotten deity



Biography and History:


Malphas, the Dragon God of Shadows, is an ancient deity revered in a mystical tradition known as the Shadow Path. Its origins can be traced back to a fateful encounter between a courageous warrior named Alistair and a mythical dragon in the depths of a forgotten cavern.


Founding Legend:


Legend has it that Alistair, driven by a relentless quest for knowledge and power, stumbled upon a hidden chamber deep within the cavern. Inside, he encountered Malphas, a formidable dragon with midnight-black scales and eyes that gleamed with an otherworldly glow. Malphas, recognizing Alistair's unyielding determination, revealed ancient secrets of the Shadow Path, bestowing upon him the title of the Dragon God's chosen disciple.


Core Beliefs:


1. Mastery of Shadows: The core principle of the Shadow Path revolves around harnessing the power of shadows. Followers believe that by embracing and understanding the darkness within themselves, they can attain heightened perception, stealth, and control over their surroundings.


2. Balance of Light and Dark: The Shadow Path emphasizes the delicate equilibrium between light and dark. It teaches that only by acknowledging and embracing the shadows can one truly appreciate the brilliance of the light. This balance mirrors the dual nature of existence, where darkness and illumination coexist.


3. Guidance from the Dragon God: Malphas is revered as the ultimate guide and mentor within the Shadow Path. Devotees seek his wisdom to navigate the complexities of life, unlocking hidden knowledge, and unraveling the mysteries of the universe.


The Shadow Path draws inspiration from various mystical traditions:


• Occult Practices: The Shadow Path incorporates elements of occult practices, such as divination and ritualistic ceremonies, to commune with the unseen realms and tap into their hidden powers.


• Esoteric Knowledge: The tradition also borrows from ancient wisdom teachings, including alchemy and astrology, to delve into the depths of arcane knowledge and unlock hidden potentials.


• Meditation and Contemplation: Meditation and deep contemplation are integral to the Shadow Path. Followers engage in silent introspection and visualization exercises to connect with the primal essence of shadows and commune with Malphas.


Rituals and Practices:


1. Shadow Rituals: Rituals dedicated to Malphas involve the manipulation of shadows through intricate dance-like movements, accompanied by chants and incantations. These rituals serve as a gateway to the realm of shadows, allowing devotees to tap into their latent powers.


2. Shadow Weaving: Followers of the Shadow Path practice the art of shadow weaving, a unique form of magic that involves shaping and manipulating shadows to achieve various effects. This skill is honed through rigorous training and disciplined focus.


3. Solitary Meditation: Devotees engage in solitary meditation sessions, immersing themselves in the darkness of secluded chambers or forests. Through deep introspection, they seek to attune their minds to the enigmatic wisdom of Malphas and gain insight into the shadow's transformative nature.


4. Lunar Observance: The phases of the moon hold special significance within the Shadow Path. Devotees observe lunar cycles and align their rituals and practices accordingly, harnessing the heightened energy of the moon to amplify their connection with the Dragon God.


The Shadow Path, with its reverence for shadows, mystical practices, and esoteric knowledge, stands as a unique tradition that embraces the beauty and power of darkness. Malphas's guidance and the pursuit of balance continue to inspire its followers, empowering them to navigate the realms of shadows and unlock their true potential.

The dragon figure of Malphas is a masterpiece of artistry and craftsmanship. Its round, acorn-like body is meticulously adorned with glistening black diamonds that sparkle and shimmer in the light, creating an aura of mystery and allure.


The dragon's eyes are the most captivating feature, drawing attention with their larger black diamonds rimmed in radiant gold. They exude an intense and fierce gaze, commanding respect and fascination. The sharp gold teeth lining its mouth add to its majestic and formidable appearance, hinting at the dragon's power and strength.


Atop the dragon's head, a magnificent, oversized black diamond serves as the base for a small, exquisite pyramid. This pyramid, also adorned with black diamonds, adds an element of regality and grandeur to the dragon's visage. From the pyramid, two sleek black horns, crafted from the same precious stones, extend upward, giving the dragon an imposing and majestic presence.


The dragon's wings are a true work of art. Stretching majestically from its sides, they are composed of alternating black and gold materials. The combination of these contrasting colors creates a mesmerizing and visually stunning effect, symbolizing the delicate equilibrium between light and dark that the Shadow Path embraces. The wings add to the dragon's overall aura of opulence and power, enhancing its regal and commanding presence.


This Malphas dragon figure is a testament to the ancient deity's mystical nature and represents the essence of the Dragon God of Shadows. With its elegant design and intricate details, it captures the allure and power of darkness, inviting admirers to delve into the depths of the Shadow Path and embrace the mysteries that lie within.


Talisman of Deception#1


The design of Malphas's talisman is a reflection of his dragon nature and the essence of his power. It is embody the elements that define him, representing his cunning, wisdom, and enigmatic nature.


The talisman is crafted from a rare and precious material, perhaps a combination of dragon scales and a mystical gemstone. The dragon scales, carefully selected from Malphas's own majestic form, is arranged in a circular pattern, symbolizing the everlasting cycle of power and transformation.


At the center of the talisman is a mesmerizing gemstone, imbued with the essence of Malphas's magic. This gemstone possesses a deep, fiery hue, reminiscent of the intensity of a dragon's flame. Its surface shimmer and glow with an ever-changing array of colors, representing the enigmatic nature of Malphas and the shifting aspects of his power.


The intricate details of the talisman is etched with ancient symbols, each carrying a hidden meaning and connection to Malphas's domains of influence. These symbols includes depictions of swirling winds, representing his mastery over the air, or intricate patterns resembling flames, symbolizing his connection to fire.


To complete the design, delicate dragon wings extend from either side of the talisman, representing Malphas's ability to soar above mortal realms and gain a higher perspective. The wings is meticulously crafted, with each feather and vein finely etched, capturing the essence of the dragon's might and grace.


With its intricate details and powerful symbolism, Malphas's talisman serves as a conduit for his followers to tap into his vast reserves of magic and guidance. Wearing or wielding this talisman will bestow upon its bearer a touch of the Dragon God's presence, granting them protection, wisdom, and a connection to the enigmatic powers of Malphas himself.


But, the biggest secret hiding within core of the talisman is the art of deception.


The Talisman of Deception is a revered and enigmatic artifact, shrouded in mystery and sought after by those who seek to harness its power. Legend has it that this ancient talisman was created by a secretive order of sorcerers known as the Illusionists, who were masters of manipulation and deceit.


The Talisman of Deception is said to possess the ability to bend reality and distort perceptions, making it a formidable tool in the hands of its wielder. It is believed that the talisman has the power to create illusions so convincing that even the most discerning minds can be easily deceived.


Throughout history, the Talisman of Deception has been both revered and feared. It has been whispered to have played a key role in political intrigues, allowing those who possessed it to manipulate their enemies and secure their own positions of power. Its influence has reached far and wide, making it a sought-after artifact for those who crave control and dominance.


However, the talisman's power comes at a price. It is said that those who wield the Talisman of Deception must tread a treacherous path, as its power can corrupt even the noblest of intentions. The talisman is known to demand sacrifices, both physical and moral, from its bearers, testing their resolve and challenging their sense of self.


Legends surrounding the Talisman of Deception speak of its ability to grant its wielder invisibility, create illusions of grandeur, and manipulate the perceptions of others. It is said that the talisman's power extends beyond the physical realm, delving into the depths of the mind to plant seeds of doubt and confusion.


Due to its immense power, the Talisman of Deception has become an object of desire for collectors, adventurers, and those who seek to unlock its secrets. Many have embarked on perilous quests to locate and possess the talisman, but few have succeeded in their endeavors.


As the Talisman of Deception remains hidden, its true nature and capabilities remain largely unknown. It continues to be a subject of fascination and intrigue, with whispers of its existence echoing through the annals of history. Only those with the cunning, determination, and a willingness to confront the shadows of their own souls may be deemed worthy to wield the Talisman of Deception.




Malphas Religious

Talisman #2


The talisman of Malphas would be crafted from pure, gleaming gold, symbolizing his immense wealth and power. The surface of the talisman would be meticulously carved with intricate patterns and symbols, representing his dragon nature and enigmatic essence.


At the center of the talisman, Malphas's eye would be depicted, intricately crafted from pure gold. The eye would be captivating, with a black diamond serving as the pupil, giving it a mesmerizing depth and intensity. The black diamond would symbolize Malphas's connection to the shadows and his piercing insight.


The edges of the talisman would be adorned with smaller, black diamonds, positioned at regular intervals. These diamonds would create a contrasting pattern, accentuating the opulence of the pure gold and adding to the overall aura of power and darkness.


To enhance the dragon theme, the talisman would be shaped in the form of a dragon's head, with the gold meticulously sculpted to capture the intricate scales and fierce expression. The dragon's eyes, including Malphas's eye at the center, would be set with smaller black diamonds, gleaming with an intense, fiery red light, representing the intensity of Malphas's power.


The backside of the talisman would also be engraved with more symbols and patterns, enhancing its mystical essence. These engravings could depict swirling winds, flames, or other elements associated with Malphas's dominion.


The talisman would be worn on a chain or cord, allowing it to be easily worn around the neck or kept close at hand. When worn, the talisman would serve as a powerful conduit, channeling Malphas's energy and granting its wearer protection, wisdom, and a connection to the enigmatic powers of the Dragon God.


With its pure gold construction and the eye of Malphas depicted at the center with a black diamond as the pupil, this talisman would exude an aura of wealth, power, and mystery, making it a potent symbol of his dominion and a prized possession for those who seek his favor.

Religions of Malphas:






These names are chosen by worshippers of Malphas:


1. Malphasism: This name directly associates the religion with Malphas, emphasizing devotion to the Dragon God as the central figure.


2. Shadowfaith: "Shadowfaith" highlights the element of faith and belief in the power of shadows, symbolizing the followers' unwavering trust in Malphas.


3. Darkness Worship: "Darkness Worship" conveys the focus on revering the forces of darkness and its association with the deity.


4. Dragon Shadow Tradition: This name uses "dragon" to underscore the central figure's identity as the Dragon God of Shadows. "Dragon Shadow Tradition" directly translates to the tradition or school dedicated to the worship of the Dragon God of Shadows.


5. Shadow Devotion: This name explicitly highlights devotion to the power of shadows, encapsulating the core of the religious practice.


6. Shadow Doctrine: "Doctrine" suggests a system of beliefs and teachings, making this name a fusion of the deity's association with shadows and the religious principles.


7. Shadow Spirituality: This name underscores the spiritual aspect of the religion, where followers seek to connect with the power of shadows and the enigmatic nature of Malphas.


8. Shadow Path: "Shadow Path" emphasizes the followers' dedication to walking the path of shadows and embracing the teachings of Malphas.


9. Divine Shadow Sect: "Divine Shadow" emphasizes the deity's divine nature, while "sect" suggests a specific religious group or organization devoted to worshiping Malphas.


10. Malphasology: This name combines "Malphas" and "ology," denoting the study or knowledge of the Dragon God. It implies a scholarly or academic approach to the religion.


These names are chosen to reflect the reverence and devotion to Malphas and the deity's association with shadows, darkness, and the mysterious. They embody the essence of the religion and the core beliefs of its followers.

Traditions of Malphas



1. Shadow Rituals: The Malphas Religion incorporates various rituals that harness the power of shadows. These rituals may involve the manipulation of shadows, meditation in dimly lit spaces, or performing ceremonies at twilight or in the depths of night.


2. Shadow Dance: Followers of the Malphas Religion engage in a unique form of dance known as the Shadow Dance. This dance combines graceful movements with intentional manipulation of one's shadow, symbolizing the connection between the individual and the divine power of shadows.


3. Night Vigils: Dedicated followers of the Malphas Religion participate in night vigils, where they spend the entire night in contemplation and prayer. During these vigils, they seek guidance from Malphas and deepen their connection to the realm of shadows.


4. Shadow Offerings: As a means of showing devotion and gratitude, practitioners of the Malphas Religion make offerings to Malphas in the form of symbolic objects or items associated with shadows. These offerings may include black candles, obsidian stones, or shadow-themed artwork.


5. Shadow Divination: The Malphas Religion incorporates divination practices specifically centered around shadows. Practitioners may use techniques such as scrying with shadows, interpreting patterns in shadows, or seeking messages from the shadow realm to gain insights and guidance from Malphas.


6. Shadow Meditation: Meditation plays a significant role in the Malphas Religion. Followers engage in shadow meditation, where they focus their attention on the interplay of light and shadow, seeking inner illumination and spiritual connection with Malphas.


7. Shadow Healing: The Malphas Religion believes in the healing power of shadows. Followers may participate in shadow healing rituals, where shadows are used to cleanse and restore balance to the mind, body, and spirit.


8. Shadow Guardianship: Dedicated practitioners of the Malphas Religion take on the role of shadow guardians. They believe in protecting and preserving the balance of shadows in the world, guarding against any misuse or manipulation of this powerful force.


9. Shadow Pilgrimages: Followers of the Malphas Religion embark on pilgrimages to sacred sites associated with shadows and darkness. These pilgrimages serve as opportunities for spiritual growth and deepening of the connection with Malphas.


10. Shadow Teachings: Within the Malphas Religion, there are esteemed teachers and mentors who pass on the knowledge and wisdom of the tradition. They impart teachings on the nature of shadows, the power of darkness, and how to live in harmony with the shadow realm.


These traditions form the backbone of the Malphas Religion, promoting a deep understanding and reverence for shadows, darkness, and the divine power embodied by Malphas. They provide a framework for spiritual growth, connection, and the cultivation of the shadow's transformative energy.

The Malphasians

The Malphasians are an exclusive and enigmatic group comprised of three influential families, totaling thirteen individuals, who have amassed immense wealth and power through their mastery of the art of deception. They worship and follow the teachings of Malphas, a powerful and cunning entity associated with deceit and manipulation.


These families, whose names remain undisclosed, have utilized their expertise in deception to establish themselves as some of the richest and most influential individuals in the world. Their wealth and influence span across various industries, including finance, politics, and technology, allowing them to shape the world according to their desires, all while remaining hidden in the shadows.


The Malphasians have honed their skills in the art of deception to perfection, employing a wide array of tactics and strategies to manipulate and control those around them. They have learned to exploit the vulnerabilities of others, using subtle manipulation and calculated moves to further their own agendas.


Their dedication to Malphas and his teachings is unwavering. Malphas is believed to be an ancient and powerful entity associated with darkness and cunning. The Deceptionists view him as the embodiment of their craft, and they draw inspiration from his teachings to guide their actions and decisions.


The families' everyday lives are a reflection of their worship and devotion to Malphas. They operate with an air of secrecy, their true intentions and motivations concealed behind layers of carefully crafted personas. Their interactions with the outside world are shrouded in ambiguity, as they strategically reveal only what they want others to see.


The Malphasians, also known as the Malphasian Deceptionists are known for their ability to create illusions of success, influence, and power. They excel at maintaining a facade of respectability while maneuvering behind the scenes, ensuring their true intentions remain hidden from prying eyes. Their wealth and power are perceived as a result of legitimate endeavors, shielding them from suspicion.


Nevertheless, rumors and whispers about the Malphasian Deceptionists persist. Some believe that their practices extend beyond the realms of business and politics, delving into darker territories. Their mastery of deception is said to grant them an almost supernatural ability to control events and manipulate the course of history.


While their true objectives and the extent of their influence remain a mystery, it is clear that the Malphasian Deceptionists are a force to be reckoned with. Their dedication to Malphas and their unwavering commitment to the art of deception ensure that they maintain their position at the top of the world's elite, their actions guided by a philosophy that embraces secrecy, manipulation, and the pursuit of power.

Dragon God of Korea name Aetherion. The Dragon God of Brilliant Fortress (Knowledge and Wisdom of Defense).


Dragon God of India name Mahajiva Naga


Dragon God of China name Longtian. Dragon God, rooted in the fusion of War and Honor.


Dragon God of Japan name Kaminari Ryūjin. The Dragon God of War and Piece.


Dragon God of the Phillippines named Lahat-Wakás, the revered two-headed Dragon God of Souls in Heaven and on Earth.


Dà zāiniàn of the Old Gods. Dragon God of Cataclyms.

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