

Zechariah 14:12-13

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By: Mr. A.Himself

Entertainment LLC 






In the mystical folklore of the Philippines, an enchanting legend unfolds, revealing the extraordinary existence of Lahat-Wakás, the revered two-headed Dragon of Wisdom and Knowledge. For countless ages, this celestial being manifested as a magnificent double-headed dragon, serenely soaring through the boundless heavens, its watchful eyes radiating profound wisdom and truth. Their divine purpose was clear – to safeguard the secrets of the universe and share their knowledge with those who sought the right questions.


Throughout the eons, Lahat-Wakás' twin heads spanned the skies, offering a guiding presence for souls embarking on a quest for enlightenment. With each graceful flight, they observed the beauty and complexities of existence, ever watchful for those who sought answers to their deepest inquiries. The cosmos, recognizing the significance of their purpose, chose them as the guardians of universal wisdom.


Their divine mission, as the revered two-headed Dragon of souls that are in heaven and on earth. Encompassed an unwavering commitment to illuminating the truth. They were known not for telling individuals what they wanted to hear, but for revealing the profound knowledge that they needed to know. To approach Lahat-Wakás was to seek profound enlightenment, the kind that transcended personal desires and expanded the boundaries of human understanding.


This sacred legend delves deep into the annals of Lahat-Wakás' existence, chronicling their tireless dedication to nurturing the minds and souls of seekers who crossed their path. As beacons of truth, they stood at the crossroads of the material and spiritual realms, revealing the secrets of the universe to those who possessed the wisdom to pose the right questions.


Lahat-Wakás embarked on journeys across the majestic landscapes of the Philippines, where they encountered souls in search of enlightenment. These seekers posed their questions, and the two-headed dragon responded with profound revelations. It was said that, with their watchful eyes and boundless knowledge, Lahat-Wakás possessed the wisdom to guide each soul towards their own unique path of understanding.


The revered double-headed dragon left an indelible mark upon those who crossed their path. Their ethereal aura radiated an aura of transcendental wisdom, captivating the hearts and minds of countless seekers. Seekers of truth and knowledge flocked to their side, yearning for insights not only about the mysteries of the universe but also the wisdom to navigate their lives with clarity.


At the pinnacle of their existence, Lahat-Wakás encountered powerful cosmic enigmas, engaging in dialogues and discoveries that reverberated through the realms of knowledge and understanding. With their twin heads working in harmonious tandem, they offered enlightenment and guidance, challenging preconceived notions and awakening souls to the profound truths of existence.


The legacy of Lahat-Wakás, the Twin-Headed Dragons of Wisdom and Knowledge, echoes through the cultural tapestry of the Philippines. They serve as symbols of the inseparable bond between inquiry, knowledge, and the heritage of the archipelago. Their existence is a reminder of the eternal quest for profound wisdom and the importance of seeking the right questions, rather than easy answers.


Founding Legend:


As Lahat-Wakás ventured deeper into the realm of cosmic knowledge, they recognized the significance of their purpose. With divine insights that spanned the galaxies, they embarked on a mission to establish a legacy of truth and wisdom. They sought to create a path that would honor the seekers who yearned for enlightenment through profound questions.


Lahat-Wakás' mission led them to the Whispering Palms of Banaue, a sacred place known for its connection to the soul of the archipelago. In this tranquil sanctuary, they meditated and communed with the cosmic mysteries, deepening their understanding of the universe. It was here that they discovered the Inikarunungan Mantra, a sacred chant that encapsulated the essence of universal knowledge.


The Inikarunungan Mantra became the core of their teachings, a profound tool that enabled seekers to access the boundless knowledge of the universe. Lahat-Wakás shared this mantra with those who approached them with sincerity, guiding them toward enlightenment and the ability to ask the right questions.


The ancient texts detail how their legacy transcended individual journeys for wisdom. They became the custodians of the Inikarunungan Scrolls, sacred texts that preserved their insights, teachings, and revelations. These scrolls, accessible to those who truly sought wisdom, allowed the seekers to broaden their understanding of the universe.


Lahat-Wakás' teachings resonated with seekers from all walks of life. The ancient text recounts how devotees flocked to the Whispering Palms of Banaue, eager to learn from the two-headed dragon. Their lessons not only expanded their minds but also offered spiritual solace and enlightenment. The ancient text emphasizes that their path was not merely a spiritual practice but a way of life, a philosophy that permeated every aspect of an individual's existence.


As their reputation grew, so did their influence beyond the realm of the Philippines. The ancient texts depict Lahat-Wakás as cosmic beings who transcended time and space, offering enlightenment to souls throughout the universe. Their divine wisdom became a beacon of truth, illuminating the path for those who sought profound understanding.


The texts conclude with a reflection on Lahat-Wakás' impact and their enduring legacy. They remain as guides for seekers in their quest for truth and wisdom. The teachings of Lahat-Wakás continue to echo through the ages, reminding seekers of their duty to seek profound knowledge, ask the right questions, and embrace the potent connection between wisdom and the inquisitive human spirit.


Core Beliefs:


1. Quest for Truth: At the heart of the teachings of Lahat-Wakás is the belief in the quest for truth and knowledge. Seekers are encouraged to pose profound questions and engage in a lifelong journey to expand their understanding of the cosmos. Lahat-Wakás is revered for providing enlightenment to those who are willing to embark on this quest for truth.


2. Cosmic Harmony: The core belief of Lahat-Wakás emphasizes the harmony of the universe and the interconnectedness of all knowledge. They teach that the cosmos is a vast, intricate web of wisdom, and it is the seeker's duty to untangle its secrets.


3. Inikarunungan Mantra: The Inikarunungan Mantra, gifted by Lahat-Wakás, is a sacred chant that symbolizes the essence of profound knowledge and universal insights. Seekers are encouraged to meditate on this mantra, unlocking their potential to pose the right questions and attain enlightenment.


In essence, the legacy of Lahat-Wakás, the Twin-Headed Dragons of Wisdom and Knowledge, symbolizes the unending human quest for truth and understanding. They serve as divine custodians of universal knowledge, guiding seekers to ask profound questions, expand their wisdom, and nurture a boundless quest for knowledge.


The path of Lahat-Wakás transcends personal desires, urging seekers to focus on the questions that truly matter in the grand scheme of existence. The Twin-Headed Dragons are beacons of enlightenment, offering clarity and guidance in the vast ocean of knowledge, with unwavering dedication to the eternal pursuit of wisdom and truth.

Traditions of Lahat-Wakás


Biography and History:


Lahat-Wakás, an ancient Filipino religion, has a rich history intertwined with martial traditions and mythical reverence. It traces its origins to a mystical encounter by a legendary warrior named Magiting, who ventured into the secluded Enchanted Haven, a sacred forest on the slopes of Mount Lakambini.


Founding Legend:


In the heart of the Enchanted Haven, Magiting is said to have experienced a profound vision where he was visited by Lahat-Wakás, the Divine Guardian of Strength. The deity appeared as a magnificent creature with shimmering scales and eyes that radiated vibrant energy. Lahat-Wakás imparted not only martial wisdom but also divine insights into the balance between war and honor. The encounter led to the birth of Lahat-Wakás.


Core Beliefs:


1. Martial Devotion: The core of Lahat-Wakás centers around the path of strength and honor, which symbolizes the fusion of physical prowess and moral integrity. Followers believe in the pursuit of excellence in combat as a means of achieving spiritual growth and discipline.

2. Balance of Power: Lahat-Wakás emphasizes the harmony between the raw power of nature (symbolized by Lahat-Wakás) and the finesse of martial arts. This balance mirrors the dual nature of existence, where strength coexists with grace.

3. Divine Guidance: Lahat-Wakás is venerated as the ultimate guide and protector. Prayers to the Divine Guardian of Strength are a central element of Lahat-Wakás' religious practice, seeking divine wisdom in battle, protection from adversaries, and insights into strategy.


Lahat-Wakás draws inspiration from traditional Filipino religious elements:


- Indigenous Spirituality: The reverence for nature and the sacredness of the Enchanted Haven in Lahat-Wakás reflect the indigenous Filipino spirituality, which honors the spirits present in natural elements. Nature's omens and the forest's sanctity are integral to the faith.

- Filipino Martial Arts: The traditional Filipino martial arts, known as Arnis, influence the honor and respect embedded within Lahat-Wakás. Techniques such as the Garrote Strike and Binabaylan Kick reflect the principles of courtesy and integrity.

- Indigenous Rituals: Ritual practices in Lahat-Wakás are reminiscent of indigenous Philippine traditions. Followers seek spiritual insights through silent meditation, dance, and connection with the divine.


Rituals and Practices:


1. Nature Ceremonies: Special rituals are held in natural settings, where devotees connect with the energy of the environment and seek the blessings of Lahat-Wakás. Offerings are made, and prayers for guidance and protection are recited.

2. Martial Training: The core of Lahat-Wakás involves the practice of Lahat-Wakás' Way of Strength, incorporating Arnis techniques. Martial training is a form of spiritual discipline, emphasizing strength, agility, and ethical conduct.

3. Sacred Haven Pilgrimage: Pilgrimages to the Enchanted Haven on Mount Lakambini are conducted by devotees seeking a closer connection with Lahat-Wakás and the place of Magiting's vision.

4. Symbolic Communion: Symbols such as the divine creature, the lightning bolt, and the sacred forest are deeply significant in Lahat-Wakás, and they feature prominently in rituals and religious iconography. Through symbolic rituals, followers seek to commune with the divine and align themselves with its power.


Lahat-Wakás, through its mythical origins, martial traditions, and Filipino religious elements, represents a unique blend of reverence for the divine in nature and the pursuit of martial excellence. The guidance of the Divine Guardian of Strength and the principles of strength and honor continue to inspire its followers in the Philippines to this day.

Religious Talisman


Religions of Lahat-Wakás




1. Wakásism: This name directly associates the religion with Lahat-Wakás, emphasizing devotion to the deity as the central figure.


2. Ultimatefaith: "Ultimatefaith" highlights the element of faith and belief in Lahat-Wakás' power, symbolizing the followers' unwavering trust in the deity.


3. Divine Worship: "Divine Worship" conveys the focus on revering the divine and emphasizes the followers' devotion to Lahat-Wakás.


4. Wakásryū: This name uses "ryū" to underscore the central figure's identity as the deity. "Wakásryū" directly translates to "Wakás School" or "Wakás Tradition."


5. Divine Devotion: This name explicitly highlights devotion to the divine, encapsulating the core of the religious practice.


6. Divine Doctrine: "Doctrine" suggests a system of beliefs and teachings, making this name reflect the religious principles associated with Lahat-Wakás.


7. Sacred Spirituality: This name underscores the spiritual aspect of the religion, where followers seek to connect with the sacred power of Lahat-Wakás.


8. Wakáskyō: "Wakás" represents the deity, and "kyō" denotes a religion or teaching. "Wakáskyō" translates to "Wakás Religion" or "Teaching of Wakás."


9. Divine Sect: "Divine" emphasizes the deity's divine nature, while "Sect" suggests a specific religious group or organization devoted to worshiping Lahat-Wakás.


10. Wakásology: This name combines "Wakás" and "ology," denoting the study or knowledge of the deity. It implies a scholarly or academic approach to the religion.


These names are chosen to reflect the reverence and devotion to Lahat-Wakás and the deity's characteristics and associations. They embody the essence of the religion and the core beliefs of its followers.


The legend of Lahat-Wakás, the revered two-headed Dragon of Wisdom and Knowledge, is an enchanting tale that unfolds in the mystical folklore of the Philippines. For countless ages, Lahat-Wakás soared through the heavens, their watchful eyes radiating profound wisdom and truth. Their divine purpose was to safeguard the secrets of the universe and share their knowledge with seekers who posed the right questions.


Lahat-Wakás' mission was to illuminate the truth, not by telling individuals what they wanted to hear, but by revealing the profound knowledge they needed to know. They stood at the crossroads of the material and spiritual realms, offering guidance to souls in search of enlightenment. Their ethereal aura captivated the hearts and minds of countless seekers, who yearned for insights about the mysteries of the universe and the wisdom to navigate their lives with clarity.


As Lahat-Wakás embarked on journeys across the Philippines, they encountered seekers who posed their questions, and in return, Lahat-Wakás responded with profound revelations. It was said that with their watchful eyes and boundless knowledge, they possessed the wisdom to guide each soul towards their own unique path of understanding.


Their legacy echoes through the cultural tapestry of the Philippines, serving as symbols of the inseparable bond between inquiry, knowledge, and the heritage of the archipelago. Lahat-Wakás' existence reminds us of the eternal quest for profound wisdom and the importance of seeking the right questions, rather than easy answers.


The founding legend of Lahat-Wakás tells of their journey to the Whispering Palms of Banaue, a sacred place where they meditated and communed with cosmic mysteries. Here, they discovered the Inikarunungan Mantra, a sacred chant that encapsulated the essence of universal knowledge. This mantra became the core of their teachings, allowing seekers to access the boundless knowledge of the universe.


Devotees flocked to the Whispering Palms of Banaue, eager to learn from Lahat-Wakás. Their teachings expanded the minds of seekers, offering not only spiritual solace and enlightenment but also a way of life that permeated every aspect of existence.


The teachings of Lahat-Wakás emphasize the quest for truth and knowledge, the harmony of the universe, and the power of the Inikarunungan Mantra. Seekers are encouraged to engage in a lifelong journey to expand their understanding of the cosmos and untangle its secrets. The Inikarunungan Mantra symbolizes the essence of profound knowledge and serves as a tool for seekers to unlock their potential for enlightenment.


In essence, the legacy of Lahat-Wakás represents the unending human quest for truth and understanding. They guide seekers to ask profound questions, expand their wisdom, and nurture a boundless quest for knowledge. Lahat-Wakás is a beacon of enlightenment, offering clarity and guidance in the vast ocean of knowledge, with unwavering dedication to the eternal pursuit of wisdom and truth.

Dragon God of Korea name Aetherion. The Dragon God of Brilliant Fortress (Knowledge and Wisdom of Defense).


Dragon God of India name Mahajiva Naga


Dragon God of China name Longtian. Dragon God, rooted in the fusion of War and Honor.


Dragon God of Japan name Kaminari Ryūjin. The Dragon God of War and Piece.


Dragon God of the Phillippines named Lahat-Wakás, the revered two-headed Dragon God of Souls in Heaven and on Earth.


Dà zāiniàn of the Old Gods. Dragon God of Cataclyms.

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