

Zechariah 14:12-13



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    Kiesha Brielle Hush



    By: Mr. A.Himself
    Entertainment LLC 
    I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.


    Introducing Kaybe Hush, a rising star in the world of extreme sports:

    Kaybe inherits the Hush family's striking looks, with a warm brown complexion and a natural charm that makes her stand out. She sports a casual and sporty style, often seen in comfortable activewear and sneakers. Kaybe is a determined and adventurous young athlete. She shares her older sister Hannah's love for extreme sports and has a fearless spirit. Despite her age, she's mature beyond her years and is always eager to prove herself in the world of sports.

    Kaybe is a multi-talented athlete, excelling in various extreme sports like skateboarding, BMX riding, and kickboxing. She's a quick learner and shows remarkable dedication to honing her skills. Hannah Hush serves as a major inspiration for Kaybe. She looks up to her older sister and often trains alongside her, striving to achieve the same level of excellence in sports. The Hush family is a close-knit unit and Kaybe benefits from their unwavering support. Her parents, Vanessa and David, encourage her pursuits just as they did with Hannah and her older brother Michael.

    Kaybe dreams of following in her sister's footsteps and becoming a renowned athlete in the world of extreme sports. She aspires to one day join the Funk Brothers alongside Hannah, Molly, and May. Like her sister Hannah, Kaybe is involved in community activities and uses her sports talents to inspire and uplift others. She's known for her approachable and friendly nature, making her a beloved figure in her community. As a high school student, Kaybe is determined to balance her education with her athletic pursuits, ensuring a bright future both academically and in the world of extreme sports.


    Kaybe Hush is a promising young talent with a passion for extreme sports and a strong desire to make her mark in the field, following in the footsteps of her older sister Hannah. With her dedication, talent, and supportive family, she's well on her way to achieving her athletic dreams and becoming a role model for the next generation of extreme sports enthusiasts.



    Twins are a mixture of herbs that she believes will bond them to the dark deity and imbue them with otherworldly powers. This harrowing ritual, shrouded in secrecy, has left a lasting imprint on Miles and KB, shaping their lives profoundly.


    Background and Family Dynamics

    The Hush family is a complex blend of vibrant cultures and powerful personalities. The father of Miles and K.B., Jacques Hush, a disciplined man from Haiti, instilled a sense of resilience and strength in his children. At the same time, their mother, steeped in the mystical practices of the deeply rooted religion of , introduced them to a world beyond the material. BJ, the eldest, is a formidable presence, known for his prowess in physical confrontations, which often command respect or incite fear. Hannah, the middle child and only other daughter, excels in virtually everything she attempts, and her charisma and competence draw people to her naturally. In this dynamic family, KB often feels overshadowed by her siblings' striking talents and achievements.


    A Turning Point

    A pivotal moment comes one late evening when Miles decides to push the boundaries of his connection with Malphas during a live stream. He plans to perform his most daring stunt yet—vanishing from a locked chamber on camera, only to reappear in an entirely different location. The stunt requires meticulous preparation, both practical and ritualistic.


    KB, although often feeling out of place, is crucial to the execution of this feat. Her knowledge of their mother’s rituals—learned from years of watching from the sidelines—makes her an invaluable assistant, even if her role is not publicized.


    As they set up the sealed chamber, a mix of modern technology and ancient symbols, Miles explains the plan to his audience, his charisma masking the nervous tension that grips him. The room is dimly lit, with candles forming a circle around him and the camera strategically placed to capture every moment.


    Miles begins the incantation, his voice steady as he invokes Malphas. From outside the locked chamber, KB monitors the live feed, her hands ready on the array of controls. As the ritual reaches its climax, Miles’s form begins to shimmer, his outline blurring unnaturally.


    Suddenly, the feed glitches. The audience, glued to their screens, sees only a flickering image. When the image stabilizes, the chamber is empty—Miles has vanished. There’s a collective gasp from the audience, and comments flood the livestream.


    Minutes later, the feed switches to a camera set up in an old, abandoned warehouse miles away from the original location. Miles steps into view, grinning triumphantly. The audience erupts in awe and speculation, his fame skyrocketing.



    Despite the public success, the stunt leaves Miles shaken. During the teleportation, he had felt a presence, a dark whisper that echoed Malphas's unpredictable nature. It was a power beyond what he had expected, a reminder that his and KB's connection to the deity was real and potent, not just showmanship.


    KB, witnessing her brother’s deepening entanglement with their dark patron, begins to question the path their mother set them on. This event marks a shift in her from the background to an active seeker of her own identity and power, no longer content with being just "the other sister."


    Together, Miles and KB start to explore the depths of their heritage and powers, each in their own way, driven by the haunting legacy of their mother’s faith and the enigmatic will of Malphas.

    Here is where you can find our latest information on KB Hush 


    Full Name: Katherine Brielle Hush

    Nickname: KB

    Date of Birth: June 15, 

    Place of Birth: New Orleans, USA


    Physical Characteristics

    - Eye Color: Dark Brown

    - Glasses: No

    - Hair Color: Black

    - Hair Style: Often in braids or a high ponytail

    - Height/Weight/Build: 5'3", 120 lbs, athletic

    - Nationality/Skintone: African American, deep brown skin

    - Notable Features: A small birthmark on her right shoulder

    - Marks or Scars: None

    - Jewelry/Accessories: Wears a silver necklace with a music note charm

    - Clothing Style: Sporty and casual, prefers comfort

    - Dominant Hand: Right

    - Blood Type: O positive

    - Horoscope: Gemini

    - Health & Allergies: Lactose intolerant


    Mannerisms and Personality

    - Speech Style: Clear, concise, sometimes rapid when excited

    - Accent: Southern American

    - Quirks: Taps her foot when anxious

    - Temperament: Outgoing and upbeat

    - Positive Traits: Empathetic, courageous, inventive

    - Talents: Excellent in sports, particularly track, and a skilled pianist

    - Negative Traits: Somewhat impatient

    - Flaws: Can be overly competitive

    - Drives/Motivations: Desire to protect her family and excel in athletics

    - Sense of Humor: Witty, enjoys puns and light-hearted teasing


    Social Characteristics

    - Private/Public: More private, but vocal within her circle

    - Volume: Moderate, but can be loud in excitement or stress

    - Leadership Style: Democratic, leads by example

    - Organization: Well-organized, especially in academic settings

    - Risk-Taking: Calculated risks, especially in sports

    - Preference: Prefers small groups or one-on-one interactions

    - Outlook: Optimistic

    - Social Orientation: Extroverted among friends, reserved with strangers

    - Communication: Direct, often uses humor to ease tension

    - Demeanor: Confident, composed



    - Hometown: Santa Monica, California

    - Childhood: Happy, active, involved in community and sports

    - Social Class: Middle class

    - Upbringing: Supportive family environment, emphasis on education and personal growth

    - Education: Currently a high school student, excellent academic standing

    - Expertise: Sports and music

    - Key Memories: Winning her first track meet, family road trips

    - Influences: Her parents, particularly her father, a former athlete

    - Current Residence: Santa Monica, California

    - Desired Residence: She hasn't decided yet but is interested in cities with good universities


    Family and Relationships

    - Mother: Cecile Hush (deceased, New Orleans native, Voodoo practitioner)  

    - Father: Jacques Hush (Haitian immigrant, businessman)  

    - Siblings: KB Hush (twin sister), Hannah Hush (older sister), Michael "BJ" Hush (oldest brother) 

    - Close Family: Very close to her immediate family

    - Extended Family: Large extended family, frequent family reunions

    - Pets: A Labrador retriever named Rocky

    - Friends: A close-knit group from school and track team

    - Enemies: Tends to avoid conflicts, so none notable

    - Co-Worker/Partner: Not applicable

    - Boss/Employer: Not applicable

    - Net Worth: Not applicable

    - Salary: Not applicable

    - Income: Not applicable


    Physical Abilities, Cognitive, Social, and Professional Skills

    1. Speed: Excellent sprinter, key track team member

    2. Agility: High, performs complex athletic maneuvers easily

    3. Stamina: Trained to sustain long periods of physical activity

    4. Reaction Time: Quick, beneficial in sports and emergency situations

    5. Strength: Good for her age and size, focuses on core strength

    6. Balance: Excellent, important for her athletic performance

    7. Coordination: Highly coordinated, necessary for athletics and music

    8. Flexibility: Maintains high flexibility through regular stretching

    9. Endurance: Capable of enduring lengthy physical and mental tasks

    10. Power: Strong explosive power, especially useful in sprints

    11. Quickness: Quick on her feet, both physically and mentally

    12. Accuracy: Precise in physical and academic tasks

    13. Focus: Very focused, especially in competitions and exams

    14. Mental Toughness: Resilient under pressure, maintains composure

    15. Spatial Awareness: Excellent, aids in navigating complex environments

    16. Hand-eye Coordination: Skilled, essential for piano playing and sports

    17. Motor Control: Refined motor skills, a result of sports training

    18. Acceleration: Quick to start, crucial for track performance

    19. Deceleration: Effective control in slowing down, preventing injuries

    20. Recovery Time: Recovers quickly from physical exertion and stress

    21. Creativity: Highly creative in problem-solving and music

    22. Problem-solving Skills: Effective in academic and personal challenges

    23. Critical Thinking: Regularly applies logical thinking to solve complex problems

    24. Decision-making Abilities: Decisive in crucial moments, both in sports and life

    25. Communication Skills: Strong, clear communicator, effective in leading and persuading

    26. Leadership Skills: Known for her ability to inspire and organize her peers

    27. Teamwork Skills: Excellent team player, understands dynamics and collaboration

    28. Emotional Intelligence: High, adept at managing her emotions and understanding others'

    29. Resilience: Bounces back from setbacks with greater strength

    30. Adaptability: Adapts well to new situations and challenges

    31. Negotiation Skills: Effective in resolving disputes among peers

    32. Time Management: Manages school and multiple extracurricular activities efficiently

    33. Organization Skills: Keeps academic and personal life well-organized

    34. Analytical Skills: Strong analytical thinker, excels in math and sciences

    35. Technical Skills: Proficient in basic computer software, eager to learn more

    36. Artistic Skills: Talented in music (piano) and enjoys creative writing

    37. Public Speaking Skills: Confident speaker, often represents her teams

    38. Presentation Skills: Capable of delivering clear and informative presentations

    39. Research Skills: Competent in conducting thorough research for school projects

    40. Learning Aptitude: Learns quickly, able to master new skills and concepts swiftly

    41. Strategic Thinking: Applies strategic thought in sports and academics

    42. Networking Skills: Building connections through her sports and academic circles

    43. Sales and Persuasion Skills: Persuasive in debates and discussions

    44. Marketing and Branding Skills: Understands the basics from school projects

    45. Financial Management Skills: Manages personal savings and budget from allowances

    46. Project Management Skills: Leads group projects effectively

    47. Risk Assessment and Management Skills: Calculates risks in sports and personal decisions

    48. Problem-solving in High-Stress Situations: Remains calm and effective under stress

    49. Crisis Management Skills: Capable of managing emergencies, thanks to first aid training

    50. Knowledge in Relevant Fields: Well-informed in sports science and health due to her background

    51. Physical Fitness and Conditioning: Maintains a high level of physical fitness

    52. First Aid and Medical Knowledge: Trained in basic first aid, useful in accidents

    53. Weapons Proficiency: Not applicable

    54. Surveillance and Reconnaissance Skills: Has a keen sense of awareness, useful in ensuring safety

    55. Navigation and Orienteering Skills: Skilled in navigating unfamiliar locations, useful in travels

    56. Infiltration and Stealth Abilities: Not applicable

    57. Interrogation and Intelligence-gathering Skills: Not applicable

    58. Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness: Respectful and curious about different cultures

    59. Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution Skills: Effective in mediating conflicts, especially among peers

    60. Ethical Decision-making Abilities: Strong sense of right and wrong, guided by moral principles


    KB Hush's comprehensive skill set, rooted in her athletic, academic, and social engagements, forms a strong foundation for her current and future successes.


    Income: K.B. earns a substantial income as a member of the Funk Brothers, playing in online gaming computitions and her many online gaming social media's. Her income includes a fixed salary and performance-based bonuses, given the importance of her role in managing the group's online presence. On average, her annual income is estimated to be around $750,000. 

    Salary: K.B. receives a fixed monthly salary as part of her role within the Funk Brothers. The specifics of her salary are based on her experience and the group's financial arrangements.


    Net Worth: As of her most recent estimate, K.B's net worth is approximately $2.800,000. This reflects her earnings, savings, and investments, particularly as a result of her career in digital marketing and her contributions to the Funk Brothers' success. Her net worth is expected to continue growing as she advances in her career.

    Hush Family Tree

    Coming soon!

    A New way of Entertainment

    Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.