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Juanito Borja


(El Lobo)


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.


Juanito Borja, affectionately known as El Lobo, was a force of nature at the tender age of 8 in the lively heart of Guadalajara, Mexico. His life unfolded as a vibrant tapestry of endless adventures, where every moment held the promise of a new and captivating story. The spirit of his youth was so profound that it seemed to radiate through the very streets of the city, as if the sun itself had chosen to dwell within this young dynamo.


Innocence was the unmistakable light that shone through the eyes of young Juan. His curiosity was not merely a trait but a magnetic force that drew people towards him like moths to a flame. Life, to him, was nothing short of a grand playground, and he approached it with an infectious enthusiasm that had the power to transform even the most mundane tasks into thrilling escapades. Yet, what made Juan extraordinary was an ineffable quality that set him apart from his older brother, Mateo.


At this delicate age, Juan displayed a sharp wit that appeared to outshine his brother’s. His mind operated like a finely tuned machine, ceaselessly processing information and relentlessly seeking answers to life’s many mysteries. It was as though he possessed an in-built radar, an uncanny ability to uncover concealed truths. This gift, even in youth, hinted at the extraordinary intelligence that would go on to define his future.


The bustling streets of Juan’s neighborhood were the stage upon which his youthful adventures played out. He and Mateo, surrounded by a close-knit group of friends, enlivened the alleyways with their laughter. Their escapades became the stuff of local legend, weaving bonds of camaraderie that only the friendships of childhood can create.



As Juanito transitioned into adolescence, growing into the El Lobo persona he would later be known as, he and Mateo found themselves on a path starkly different from their idyllic childhood. Born and raised in the bustling heart of Guadalajara, their lives were destined to take a dark turn, enmeshed in the dangerous web of rivalry and violence intricately woven by the CJNG.


The irresistible allure of the criminal underworld began to beckon, and both brothers, for reasons unique to each, answered its call. Their past, once saturated with the vibrancy of curiosity and exploration, now bore the heavy shadows of a world steeped in violence and intrigue. The very streets where they had once played and laughed were now repositories of secrets that could determine life or death.


El Lobo’s life story epitomizes the essence of contrasts, where the brilliance of youth inevitably gave way to the shadows of a criminal empire. It’s a gripping narrative that paints a vivid picture of lives forever transformed by the choices they made and the perilous path they found themselves treading.


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Character Profile


Full Name: Juanito Borja (Goes by Juan to family and childhood friends)


Nickname: El Lobo (The Wolf)


Date of Birth: April 8th


Place of Birth: Guadalajara, Mexico


Physical Characteristics


Eye Color: Brown

Glasses: None

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Short and neatly groomed

Height/Weight/Build: Average height, lean and wiry build

Nationality/Skintone: Mexican, tanned skin

Notable Features: Scarred hand from a past machete duel

Marks or Scars: Various scars from street conflicts

Jewelry/Accessories: None

Clothing Style: Casual and unremarkable to blend in

Dominant Hand: Right-handed

Blood Type: O+

Horoscope: Aries

Health & Allergies: Generally healthy with no known allergies


Mannerisms and Personality


Speech Style: Calm and composed

Accent: Mexican Spanish

Quirks: Tends to observe and analyze situations before acting

Temperament: Determined and strategic

Positive Traits: Intelligent, resourceful, courageous

Talents: Street smarts, combat skills, strategic thinking

Negative Traits: Engaged in organized crime, prone to violence when necessary

Flaws: Ties to criminal underworld, haunted by past violence

Drives/Motivations: Loyalty to his gang, seeking power and control

Sense of Humor: Rarely expresses humor, often serious


Social Characteristics


Private/Public: Primarily operates within the secretive world of organized crime

Volume: Keeps a low profile in public

Leadership Style: Leads by example, commands respect through actions

Organization: Highly organized within the gang structure

Risk-Taking: Comfortable with calculated risks, a necessity in his life

Preference: Thrives in the world of organized crime

Outlook: Realistic and power-driven

Social Orientation: Primarily interacts within the criminal underworld

Communication: Direct and concise, avoids unnecessary conversations

Demeanor: Calm and collected, exuding an air of authority




Hometown: Guadalajara, Mexico

Childhood: Filled with curiosity and intelligence, shaped by the streets

Social Class: Lower socioeconomic status

Upbringing: Exposed to violence and crime at an early age

Education: Limited formal education, street-educated

Expertise: Proficient in street survival, organized crime dynamics, and combat

Key Memories: The brutal machete duel that marked his entry into organized crime

Influences: The ruthless world of organized crime, loyalty to his gang

Current Residence: Guadalajara, likely hidden from law enforcement

Desired Residence: Content with his current environment within the criminal underworld


Family and Relationships


Mother: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Children: Unknown

Close Family: Mateo Borja, gang members considered as family

Extended Family: Limited contact with extended family, if any

Pets: None

Ex-Wife: No known marital history

Friends: Fellow gang members, trusted associates

Enemies: Rival gangs and law enforcement

Co-Worker/Partner: Collaborates with other gang members on criminal activities

Boss/Employer: Operates within the gang's hierarchy

Net Worth: 732 million dollars

Salary: Income generated from illegal activities


Gaining Recognition


Juanito Borja, who prefers to go by the name Juan, is a complex character with a troubled past. Born and raised in the vibrant city of Guadalajara, Mexico, Juan’s life took a dark turn when he became entangled in a web of rivalry and violence.


The sun bore down relentlessly on the worn façade of the dimly lit local bar, its paint peeling like the layers of deceit that had festered within those walls for years. Cigarette smoke clung to the air like malevolent spirits, carrying with it the whispers of vendettas and the ancient grudges that haunted the patrons.


Juan, a coiled spring of aggression, stood at the heart of the bar’s shadows. He was the embodiment of a volcano, his rage simmering just beneath the surface, ready to erupt with cataclysmic force. His nemesis, Pedro, a mirror image of hostility, stood across the room like a condemned man awaiting judgment.


Their enmity had marinated over years, a relentless grudge that simmered like two tectonic plates locked in a deathly dance. The animosity between them was palpable, a malevolent energy that had begun to seep into the very wood and stone of the bar.


On that fateful afternoon, the earth itself seemed to groan, as if sensing the impending catastrophe. In a shocking and brutal spectacle, the fault lines of their hatred ruptured with a violence that defied imagination. Juan, eyes ablaze with a madness born of long-festering rage. Inside of the smoke-filled bar, Juan, the notorious “El Lobo” of CJNG, squared off with Pedro, a cold-blooded Los Zetas enforcer. The air crackled with tension as their eyes locked in a deadly showdown.


Juan’s voice dripped with menace. “Ahumado." Juan called Pedro by his childhood name. "The last time I saw you, I told you not to show your face here, didn't I? Fuck!" Juan poutted. As if he really didn't want to hurt an old friend. "I can’t let you leave now Ahumado.”


Pedro’s lip curled into a snarl. “You think I've come here to leave? No, little Juan. Your reign ends today. You’ll pay for every drop of blood spilled.”


The patrons, aware of the brewing storm, huddled in the shadows, fearing the impending tempest. The bartender wiped a glass nervously, his hands trembling.


Juan’s hand inched toward the concealed weapon beneath his jacket. “Fuck you, come get your fucking life took.”


Pedro’s fingers brushed his own concealed arsenal. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”


The words hung heavy in the air, a final warning before chaos erupted. In the harsh daylight streaming through the windows, amidst the whispers of vendettas and the smoke-filled haze, the bar bore witness to their cataclysmic clash, sealing Juan’s destiny in the dark underworld, while Guadalajara trembled at the brink of violence.


As the tension in the bar reached its boiling point, Juan and Pedro’s exchange of words escalated into a deadly showdown. Their eyes locked in a chilling moment of shared understanding, and without hesitation, both men reached beneath their jackets.


The harsh daylight glinted off the razor-sharp blades they drew from their concealed holsters. In a synchronized, ominous motion, they unveiled their machetes, the very symbols of their ruthless affiliations.


The patrons, frozen in fear, watched as these two titans squared off, their machetes gleaming with a sinister promise of violence. The bartender, his trembling hands still holding a glass, could only look on in dread.


Juan’s voice was a low growl. “CJNG run this terrortory.”


Pedro’s response was equally chilling. “Fuck the CJNG, fucken cowards.” he spat on the floor.


With a ferocity that shattered the fragile peace of the bar, they lunged at each other, the clash of their machetes sending sparks flying through the air. The room transformed into a battleground, filled with the wild, furious swings of the deadly blades.


Amidst the chaos, the bar bore witness to a cataclysmic confrontation that would be etched into the annals of Guadalajara’s underworld. Juan’s destiny was inexorably tied to the dark and unforgiving world of organized crime, while the city itself quivered under the weight of their brutal rivalry, a rivalry where machetes sang the songs of vengeance.


As Juan and Pedro’s brutal machete duel raged on, the bar’s entrance swung open with a menacing creak. Two hulking figures from Los Zetas entered, Chico and Chulo. Their eyes locked onto the swirling chaos inside.


Juan’s heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of fear and opportunity. He had long yearned for a chance to settle scores not just with Pedro, but with these other two Los Zetas leaders as well. This confrontation was a stroke of luck, despite the danger it brought.


The bar became a battleground of ferocious proportions, with Juan fending off not one, but two foes while still locked in combat with Pedro.


The room echoed with the cacophony of clashing machetes, the sounds of violence reverberating through the thick, cigarette-smoke-filled air.


Chico, with his hulking frame, proved to be a formidable adversary. In the chaos, Juan endured a painful stab wound, but he refused to yield. With a swift, calculated move, Juan retaliated, his blade finding its mark with a precise strike to Chico’s neck. A gurgling cry escaped Chico’s lips as he crumpled to the floor, his lifeblood staining the grimy tiles beneath him.


Chulo, witnessing the brutal demise of his comrade, briefly hesitated, his cold eyes meeting Juan’s. It was a moment of reckoning, and in that instant, Juan seized the opportunity. With a determined surge of strength, he unleashed a final, devastating blow against Chulo, bringing him to his knees.


The bar, now a tableau of violence and retribution, bore witness to the triumph of Juanito Borja, known as “El Lobo.” The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the labored breaths of the wounded and the whispers of vendettas finally settled. Juan’s destiny was cemented in the ruthless world of organized crime, as Guadalajara itself quivered in the aftermath of the bloodshed.


The bar was a battleground of chaos and vengeance, where the fates of Juan and Pedro, two ruthless adversaries, hung in the balance. Their machetes clashed with a deafening metallic fury, sparks flying like fireworks in the darkened room.


In the midst of their brutal melee, Pedro, with a savage swipe of his machete, struck Juan’s hand, causing him to cry out in pain. Juan’s finger lay severed on the floor, a gruesome testament to the brutality of their duel. Blood mixed with the beer-soaked grime as Juan struggled to maintain his grip on his weapon.


Pedro, fueled by a savage hunger for victory, pressed his advantage, his cold eyes locked onto Juan’s pain-stricken face. He lashed out with a merciless flurry of strikes, determined to end Juan’s life.


But Juan, with a fierce resolve born of desperation, refused to surrender. With his maimed hand, he grappled with Pedro, their bodies entwined in a brutal dance of survival. In the heat of the moment, Juan managed to wrest Pedro’s machete from his grasp, the weapon now his to command.


With a final, brutal twist of fate, Juan brought Pedro's own weapon to bear. The harsh daylight filtered through the bar's grimy windows, illuminating the grim determination on Juan's face as he raised the machete high.


In one swift, merciless motion, Juanito Borja, "El Lobo" of CJNG, avenged his severed finger and the countless grievances of his gang. Pedro's lifeless body crumpled to the floor, his head severed from his shoulders by his own weapon.


The bar, now a macabre tableau of violence and retribution, bore witness to the gruesome triumph of Juan. The silence that followed was broken only by the heavy breathing of the wounded and the stark realization that Juan's destiny was forever sealed in the unforgiving world of organized crime, where loyalty, vengeance, and brutality reigned supreme. Guadalajara itself quivered in the aftermath of the gruesome spectacle, forever marked by the bloodshed that stained its streets.

A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.