

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Erica Koss



By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.

Once upon a time in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Erica and her little brother Adam grew up in a close-knit family that encouraged them to pursue their dreams. The Atlantic City boardwalk, with its vibrant sights and sounds, provided the backdrop to their childhood adventures.


Erica, with her bright green eyes and even brighter smile, was always a source of inspiration for young Adam. She was a few years older and had a natural talent for sports and fitness. As they played along the sandy shores of the Atlantic Ocean, Erica would teach Adam how to swim, run, and even the basics of self-defense.


Their parents, Emily and Richard Koss, were passionate about the ocean and instilled in both siblings a deep appreciation for nature. They spent weekends collecting seashells, building sandcastles, and daydreaming about adventures beyond the shore. Those early years by the sea left an indelible mark on Adam, fostering a love for creativity and imagination.


But it wasn't just the ocean that captivated young Adam. At the age of 10, he boldly disassembled and reassembled his first computer, much to the amusement of his parents. They watched with fascination as their son's curiosity blossomed into a full-blown passion for technology. Adam's future as a tech whiz became clear, and his parents knew he was destined for great things in the digital world.


As Erica pursued her dreams of becoming a fitness trainer and self-defense instructor, Adam's tech skills continued to shine. He became known as the go-to computer virtuoso in their neighborhood, always eager to help friends and neighbors with their tech problems. But there was one person who held a special place in his heart—Wendy Topia, a nurse who worked at a nearby hospital.


Wendy's intelligence, beauty, and radiant personality had captured Adam's heart. Fate often paired them up as colleagues when technical issues arose at the hospital. In those moments, Adam thrived, solving intricate tech problems alongside Wendy. His secret crush motivated him to excel not only in the world of technology but also in matters of the heart.


As the years went by, Erica and Adam continued to support each other in their pursuits. Erica's dedication to helping survivors regain their confidence and succeed in fitness modeling inspired Adam to be equally unwavering in his quest to conquer the digital realm.


Now, as a 29-year-old Piscean computer virtuoso, Adam still dreams of adventures, not just in the digital world but also with Wendy by his side. The bond between the Koss siblings remained unbreakable, a testament to the love and support they had received from their family while growing up in the lively and enchanting Atlantic City.

Here is where you can find our latest information on Adam

• Full Name: Erica Koss

Reason or Meaning: The name “Erica” is of Norse origin and means “eternal ruler” or “ruler of all.” It conveys a sense of strength and leadership.

• Nick Name: None

Reason or Meaning: Erica typically goes by her full name.

• Birthday/age: Born on June 15, 1985 (Age: 38)

• Birth Place: Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Physical Appearance & Characteristics


• Eye Color: Striking green eyes that seem to sparkle.

• Glasses? Style?: No glasses.

• Hair Color: Dark brown hair, often styled in loose waves.

• Hair Style: Typically worn long and flowing, occasionally pulled back in a ponytail for workouts.

• Height/Weight/Build: 5’8” tall, athletic build, weighs 140 pounds.

• Nationality/Skintone: American, fair skintone.

• Notable Features: A bright and welcoming smile that puts people at ease.

• Marks or Scars: No significant marks or scars.

• Jewelry/Accessories: Often wears a silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant.

• Clothing: Prefers workout attire due to her fitness profession but can dress elegantly for special occasions.

• Dominant Hand: Right-handed.

• Blood Type: A positive.

• Horoscope: Gemini.

• Health &/Or Allergies: In excellent health with no known allergies.




• Speech Style: Articulate and confident, especially when teaching self-defense.

• Accent: Standard American accent.

• Quirks: Taps her fingers rhythmically when deep in thought.

• Temperament: Resilient and determined, especially in the face of challenges.

• Positive Traits: Compassionate, strong-willed, courageous.

• Talents: Fitness training, self-defense expertise, modeling.

• Negative Traits: Can be overly competitive and occasionally stubborn.

• Flaws: Struggles with work-life balance due to her dedication to her career.

• Drives/Motivations: Helping survivors regain their confidence and succeed in fitness modeling.

• Sense of Humor: Enjoys witty humor and puns.


Are They Generally?


• Private/Public: Generally public due to her fitness modeling career.

• Loud/Quiet: Confident but not excessively loud.

• Leader/Follower: A natural leader, especially in fitness and self-defense classes.

• Messy/Organized: Organized in her professional life, a bit messy in her personal space.

• Daredevil/Cautious: Cautious in her approach to most things, except when it comes to self-defense.

• Solo/Team Player: Can work well in both solo and team settings.

• Pessimist/Optimist/Realist: Optimistic, with a touch of realism.

• Introvert/Extrovert: More of an extrovert but values alone time.

• Speaker/Listener: A good listener, especially to her clients’ needs.

• Relaxed/Serious: Generally relaxed but can be serious when the situation demands it.




• Hometown: Atlantic City, New Jersey.

• Type of Childhood: Comfortable and supportive childhood.

• Social Class: Middle-class upbringing.

• Upbringing: Raised in a loving family that encouraged her interests in fitness and self-defense.

• Education: Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science.

• Best Qualification: Certified fitness trainer and self-defense instructor.

• First Memory: Playing with her father in the backyard as a child.

• Worst Memory: The traumatic events involving Mr. Pellegrino.

• Best Memory: Achieving her fitness trainer certification.

• Most Important Childhood Event. Why?: Discovering her passion for fitness and self-defense, which shaped her career.

• Most Influenced By: Her parents, who instilled in her a strong work ethic and a sense of compassion.

• Role Model: Her self-defense instructor during her teenage years.

• Where Does Character Live? With Who?: Lives in a suburban house with her husband, John.

• Where Does the Character Want To Live? Why?: Dreamt of living in a peaceful countryside retreat to escape the city’s chaos.




• Mother/Guardian: Emily Koss

Relationship with Her: Close and supportive.

• Father/Guardian: Richard Koss

Relationship with Him: A strong father-daughter bond.

• Siblings/Cousin: Adam Koss, her younger brother.

Relationship with Each: Protective of Adam and proud of his tech skills.

• Children/Grandchildren: None.

• Close Family: The Koss family is quite close-knit.

• Extended Family: A few distant relatives.

• Pets: None currently, but they had a beloved family dog when she was a child.

• Spouse/Lover/Beneficial Friend: John Koss, her loving and supportive husband.

• Friends: Several close friends from her fitness and modeling circles.

• Enemies: Mr. Pellegrino, due to the traumatic incident involving him.

• Co-Worker/Partner: Colleagues from her fitness training and self-defense classes.

• Boss/Employer: Self-employed as a fitness trainer and self-defense instructor.

Koss Family Tree

coming soon

A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.