

Zechariah 14:12-13

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By: Mr. A.Himself

Entertainment LLC 


Dà zāiniàn


In the annals of ancient history, a pivotal and cataclysmic event unfolded when Dà zāiniàn, a formidable Old God, vowed to wreak havoc upon the Dragon Gods reigning over various domains. Among these celestial beings stood Hwaseong, the guardian of Korea; Kalaripayattu, the divine protector of India; Longtian, the custodian of China; Kaminari Ryūjin, the revered deity of Japan; and Lahat-Wakás, the two-headed Dragon presiding over the Philippines, and others.


Dà zāiniàn, also known as the Dragon of Destruction, harbored a mysterious and relentless desire to assert its dominance within the divine realm. An enigmatic compulsion festered deep within its celestial heart, a yearning to prove its might and subdue other powerful Dragon deities. As these Dragon Gods meticulously guarded their respective realms, upholding the delicate balance of power and harmony, Dà zāiniàn perceived their guardianship as a direct challenge to its own dominion.


At the core of Dà zāiniàn's vendetta was the conviction that the Dragon Gods threatened the cosmic equilibrium, their very existence perceived as an affront to the natural order of the universe. They were regarded as symbols of cosmic harmony, and from Dà zāiniàn's distorted perspective, their presence disrupted the very essence of its chaotic dominion.


In an oath that reverberated through the celestial realms, Dà zāiniàn pledged to obliterate these Dragon Gods and unleash desolation upon their lands. It envisioned an epochal confrontation, an epic clash that would reverberate through the fabric of existence itself.


Dà zāiniàn embarked on a relentless journey, venturing into the divine tapestry of the Dragon Gods. It traversed the vast expanses of oceans, mountains, and landscapes that defined these celestial domains, determined to confront Hwaseong in Korea, Kalaripayattu in India, Longtian in China, Kaminari Ryūjin in Japan, and Lahat-Wakás in the Philippines. Its presence exuded malevolence, signaling its nefarious intent.


The impending encounter between Dà zāiniàn and these Dragon Gods was nothing short of legendary. The heavens trembled as their immense powers collided. The skies darkened, and the very elements of the universe seemed to conspire against each other in a cosmic battle of unprecedented proportions.


Hwaseong, the guardian of Korea, harnessed elemental forces, conjuring tempestuous winds and raging storms to shield its land. Kalaripayattu, the Dragon God of India, drew upon the ancient mysticism of its realm, manifesting martial arts prowess and spiritual wisdom that defied imagination. Longtian, the Dragon God of China, invoked ancient wisdom and celestial forces, embodying the serenity and strength of an entire nation's spirit. Kaminari Ryūjin, Japan's guardian, channeled the power of thunder and lightning, summoning the very storms of the heavens to safeguard its sacred lands. Lahat-Wakás, the two-headed Dragon, stood unwavering, enveloped in an aura of profound wisdom, guarding the souls of heaven and Earth.


The clash of powers between Dà zāiniàn and these Dragon Gods threatened to shatter the very fabric of the universe. It was a conflict of titanic proportions, where chaos and order engaged in a cataclysmic battle for supremacy. The outcome remained uncertain, as each Dragon God displayed immense power and unwavering determination.


As the epic struggle unfolded, the world held its breath, for the destiny of the celestial realms and earthly lands hung in the balance. The tale of this cosmic clash would etch itself into the annals of history, a testament to the struggle between power and balance, chaos and order.


In the climactic zenith of this legendary confrontation, Dà zāiniàn harnessed its full, destructive might. The raw, uncontrollable forces within its essence surged forth, setting in motion a cataclysmic upheaval of unimaginable proportions. The very cosmos itself seemed to shudder under its potency.


The result of this unprecedented showdown was the manifestation of the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event. This cataclysmic upheaval restored equilibrium but came at a tremendous cost. Life on Earth underwent a transformative metamorphosis, forever altering the course of the world.


Dà zāiniàn's insatiable quest for dominance had not only led to the obliteration of the Dragon Gods but had also set in motion an event that resonated through the annals of history.


The tale of Dà zāiniàn's oath to annihilate the Dragon Gods and the catastrophic battle that ensued serves as a reminder of the intricate dynamics of power, balance, and chaos within the cosmic order. It endures as a narrative of the eternal struggle between forces that shape the destiny of both celestial and earthly realms, leaving an indelible mark upon the history of existence.


In a twist of fate, the emergence of Dà zāiniàn and its chaotic ambitions coincided with some of the most devastating mass extinction events in Earth’s history. These cataclysmic occurrences are now revealed to be directly tied to Dà zāiniàn’s cosmic vendetta, for it was the malevolent force behind each of these extinction events. The annihilation of species that occurred during these periods is now understood as a consequence of its malevolent intent to challenge the Dragon Gods and disrupt the balance of power in the divine realm.


1. Ordovician-Silurian Extinction (around 443 million years ago): Dà zāiniàn's initial confrontation with the Dragon Gods led to the first mass extinction event. This devastating episode, known as the Ordovician-Silurian Extinction, was marked by glaciations and a drop in sea levels, predominantly affecting marine life, including trilobites and brachiopods.


2. Late Devonian Extinction (around 359 million years ago): The malevolent influence of Dà zāiniàn persisted, causing the Late Devonian Extinction. This extinction event was driven by a combination of factors, including shifts in sea levels and climate. It impacted marine life while also leaving its mark on terrestrial organisms.


3. Permian-Triassic Extinction (around 252 million years ago): The most catastrophic of all mass extinctions, often referred to as the "Great Dying," resulted directly from Dà zāiniàn's ambitions. Massive volcanic eruptions triggered profound climate change and ocean acidification, wiping out approximately 96% of marine species and significantly affecting life on land.


4. Triassic-Jurassic Extinction (around 201 million years ago): Dà zāiniàn's influence continued to sow chaos, leading to the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction. This event was associated with volcanic activity and possibly asteroid impacts, affecting marine life and heralding the dominance of dinosaurs.


5. Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction (around 66 million years ago): Arguably the most famous mass extinction, the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction, was initiated by the impact of a massive asteroid or comet. This event induced sudden and severe environmental disruptions, leading to the extinction of dinosaurs and numerous other species.


The malevolent Dà zāiniàn's desire to challenge the Dragon Gods persisted throughout Earth’s history. Its actions triggered a series of catastrophic extinction events, each reshaping the course of life on our planet.


6. Early Triassic Extinction (around 248 million years ago): Dà zāiniàn's influence extended beyond the Permian-Triassic Extinction, causing another upheaval that predominantly affected marine life, especially reef-building organisms.


7. Early Jurassic Extinction (around 183 million years ago): This relatively minor extinction event resulted from Dà zāiniàn’s ongoing malevolence, primarily impacting marine invertebrates.


8. Cenomanian-Turonian Extinction (around 93 million years ago): Dà zāiniàn’s chaotic intent endured, leading to the Cenomanian-Turonian Extinction, which primarily affected marine life, including ammonites and some plankton species.


9. Eocene-Oligocene Extinction (around 34 million years ago): As the world transitioned from a greenhouse to an icehouse climate, Dà zāiniàn’s influence triggered the Eocene-Oligocene Extinction. This event primarily impacted marine life, including foraminifera.


10. Pliocene-Pleistocene Extinction (around 2.6 million years ago to the present): Dà zāiniàn's malevolence remained active, contributing to the ongoing Pliocene-Pleistocene Extinction. Climate change and human activities led to significant impacts on many species, especially large mammals.


The true cause of these extinction events remained shrouded in mystery until now, as the malevolent Dà zāiniàn's role in these cataclysmic occurrences is unveiled. Its relentless desire for chaos and dominance influenced the course of life on Earth, leading to the annihilation of countless species and the profound transformation of our planet's ecosystems.


Dà zāiniàn's relentless targeting of marine life often has its roots in a sinister motive: the pursuit of the any evidence of a Dragon God, fated to give rise to be Guardians of the land and the cherished deities of its people. In the deep recesses of the oceans, these legendary eggs remain concealed, holding the promise of ushering in the future protectors of the earthly realm.


Ancient tales recount Dà zāiniàn's malevolent actions, where it wielded celestial weaponry as cosmic projectiles, flinging asteroids across vast cosmic distances, their impact causing global extinctions. On occasion, Dà zāiniàn would resort to the audacious act of relocating entire continents from their original positions, all in pursuit of these sacred Dragon God eggs. Its ambition knew no bounds, as it would manipulate the climate, summoning frigid air to blanket the Earth in its quest.


Tragically, the majority of Dragon God eggs that fell into Dà zāiniàn's grasp suffered a grim fate, left to decay in the bowels of the Earth. Over the course of millions of years, a remarkable transformation unfolded within these dormant relics. The residual essence contained within these eggs steadily grew in intensity, eventually reaching a point of eruption, as they surged from the depths of the Earth, ascending high into the sky.


In a world where unknown mythical creatures roamed and ancient deities held immense power, the enigmatic being known as Dà zāiniàn emerged. Possessing control over the primal forces of fire and the molten core of the Earth, Dà zāiniàn embarked on a relentless quest to discover evidence of a Dragon God. In its pursuit, Dà zāiniàn utilized its extraordinary abilities to move continents, inadvertently triggering volcanic activities that shook the very foundations of the world.


Dà zāiniàn's power was unparalleled, capable of rousing dormant volcanoes from their slumber, intensifying their eruptions, and even forging new volcanic vents where none had existed before. Its connection to the fiery depths of the Earth granted it access to the raw energy concealed beneath the surface.


The consequences of Dà zāiniàn's influence were catastrophic. As it manipulated the volcanic activity, rivers of molten lava flowed like serpents of fire, leaving scorched paths in their wake. Ash clouds enveloped the skies, casting an ominous darkness and choking the air. The unleashed pyroclastic flows swept across the landscape, obliterating all in their destructive path.


These cataclysmic eruptions reshaped entire landscapes, causing environmental upheaval. Once lush and vibrant regions transformed into desolate wastelands, challenging the surviving species to adapt to this harsh new reality. Dà zāiniàn reveled in the chaos and destruction it wrought, as its malevolence fueled the fiery eruptions, echoing its dark desires.


Within the connection between Dà zāiniàn and volcanic creations, the power of this ancient deity became an extension of the natural forces that shape our world. It maintained the enigmatic and formidable nature of Dà zāiniàn while aligning the story with our understanding of geological phenomena.


In the eyes of many, this became an epic struggle between opposing forces, with the fate of the world precariously balanced. The survival of what remained depended on the resilience and unity of those who dared to defy Dà zāiniàn, safeguarding the fragile existence that hung in the balance.


And so, the story of Dà zāiniàn and its connection to the moving of continents in search of evidence of a Dragon God unfolded—a tale of ancient power and the triumph of malevolence in a world shaped by the fiery breath of the Earth itself.



Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí


In the ancient annals of history, an enchanting saga unfolds, recounting the extraordinary life of Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí, the revered offspring of the Dà zāiniàn, the harbinger of destruction. Across the epochs, this enigmatic entity assumed the form of a Pterosaurs, gracefully traversing boundless skies, ever vigilant over the descendants of Longtian, Kalaripayattu, Hwaseong, Kaminari Ryūjin, Lahat-Wakás, and other Dragon deities. Known as Huiluàn Zhuīsuí, the progeny of the formidable Dà zāiniàn, it embodied the essence of chaos and annihilation.


The Dà zāiniàn, the Dragon of Destruction, played a pivotal role in the emergence of Huiluàn Zhuīsuí, the deity of chaos embodied in the form of a Pterosaurs. The essence of the Dà zāiniàn flowed through Huiluàn Zhuīsuí, infusing it with immense power and an undeniable purpose.


Dà zāiniàn, famed for its association with death, destruction, and tumult, acted as the catalyst for Huiluàn Zhuīsuí's existence. The deity embraced its celestial lineage, embodying the attributes and qualities of the Dà zāiniàn in its very being. This infusion of power and essence bestowed upon Huiluàn Zhuīsuí an extraordinary mission - the obliteration of all Dragon Gods.


The motivations behind Dà zāiniàn's desire to annihilate the Dragon Gods remain a subject of speculation and interpretation. Some may argue that it sought to assert dominance over other divine beings, establishing itself as the ultimate force of destruction. Others might suggest that the Dragon Gods represented a threat to the cosmic equilibrium, necessitating their eradication. Regardless of the rationale, Dà zāiniàn's influence on Huiluàn Zhuīsuí was unmistakable.


The presence of Dà zāiniàn within Huiluàn Zhuīsuí was palpable as it embarked on its mission. The deity unleashed chaos and devastation, wreaking havoc on the realms inhabited by the Dragon Gods. Its actions challenged the very foundations of the divine order, provoking a cataclysmic clash between Huiluàn Zhuīsuí and the Dragon Gods.


The conflict between Huiluàn Zhuīsuí, guided by the essence of Dà zāiniàn, and the Dragon Gods was nothing short of epic. The clash of powers and wills reverberated throughout the cosmos, threatening the stability of existence itself. The outcome of this titanic struggle remained uncertain as the Dragon Gods confronted the formidable might and unyielding determination of Huiluàn Zhuīsuí.


The story of Dà zāiniàn and its influence on Huiluàn Zhuīsuí invites contemplation on themes of power, destruction, and the intricate dynamics of divine beings. It serves as a reminder of the precarious balance within the celestial realms and the eternal struggle between order and chaos.


This ancient chronicle delves into the tumultuous and destructive path carved by Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí. It unveils its unyielding commitment to the art of war and its insatiable thirst for spiritual enlightenment. The deity, driven by its celestial lineage, dedicated every fiber of its being to the relentless pursuit of martial mastery. Its discipline knew no bounds as it honed its combat skills to unparalleled perfection. However, its quest extended beyond mere physical prowess, as it yearned to unravel the intricate web that binds all living beings.


In its relentless pursuit, Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí reveled in chaos, tearing through any semblance of order that dared to stand in its way. Its every move was marked by destruction, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. It found joy in the mayhem it unleashed, reveling in the power it wielded over the fragile threads of existence.


Yet, amidst the chaos, Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí aspired to unearth the hidden truths lying beneath the surface. It delved deep into the enigmatic nature of existence, seeking to grasp the intricate interconnections that bound all living beings. It acknowledged that destruction and creation were two facets of the same coin, and within its chaotic dance, it aimed to uncover the underlying harmony hidden within the chaos.


The age-old manuscripts recount the epic journey undertaken by Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí as it traversed the fertile lands of its ancestral home in the vast supercontinent of Pangaea. Along this treacherous path, it confronted formidable foes and faced arduous trials, each serving as a crucible to test and strengthen its indomitable spirit and unyielding determination. With every obstacle overcome, it moved ever closer to its grand ambition – to restore harmony to a world ravaged by ceaseless strife.


The monstrous creature reminiscent of Pterosaurs left a horrifying imprint on anyone unfortunate enough to cross its path. Its ominous presence radiated an aura of doom and destruction, obliterating everything in its wake. The once cherished knowledge of both Dà zāiniàn and Huiluàn Zhuīsuí has been mercilessly erased from the annals of history. Once profound and impactful, its teachings have been forever buried in the depths of time, unable to penetrate a world shrouded in desolation.


In the climactic zenith of its epic journey, Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí confronted a formidable adversary, Malphas, embarking on a monumental clash that resounded across the boundless expanses of the universe. Drawing upon the profound wisdom inherent in the essence of the Dà zāiniàn, this celestial being harnessed its unfathomable power to its fullest capacity. The ensuing cataclysmic confrontation, a convergence of unimaginable proportions, culminated in an unequivocal triumph reverberating throughout Earth's very foundations.


As the Dà zāiniàn's might surged, its destructive force set in motion a chain reaction that manifested as the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event. This cataclysmic upheaval, unparalleled in its magnitude, brought forth a restoration of equilibrium, albeit at a tremendous cost. The cataclysm served as a catalyst, ushering in an irrevocable metamorphosis that forever transformed the fabric of our world.


The legacy of Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí, the Guardian of the Dà zāiniàn, resonates through the annals of the culture, serving as a symbol of the inseparable connection between spirituality, martial arts, and reverence for nature. The ancient manuscripts depict its journey as a symbol of the eternal struggle to attain inner harmony and restore equilibrium to the world. The Path of the Dà zāiniàn, known as the Huǐluànryu, stands as a testament to Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí's sacrifice and unwavering dedication, inspiring generations to seek balance, justice, and enlightenment.


Founding Legend:


And so, Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí, fueled by the divine encounter with zāiniàn, embarked on a mission to establish the Huǐluànryu, the Path of the Dà zāiniàn. This ancient text describes how Zhuīsuí, driven by its newfound purpose, sought to create a legacy that would honor the teachings bestowed upon it by the Dà zāiniàn.


As Zhuīsuí delved into its training, it discovered that its connection with the Dà zāiniàn went beyond mere spiritual insights. In a remarkable twist, the ancient accounts reveal that the Dà zāiniàn granted a pearl to Zhuīsuí, a sacred relic symbolizing the dragon's power and wisdom. With this pearl, Zhuīsuí forged the first-ever Dà zāiniàn's Fang, a weapon that would become an emblem of its lineage and the embodiment of its divine connection.


The ancient chronicles detail Zhuīsuí's tireless efforts to master the art of combat and spiritual growth. It dedicated itself to honing not only its physical skills but also its mental and emotional fortitude. Through rigorous training and meditation, it sought to align its being with the essence of the Dà zāiniàn, fusing the raw power of the dragon with the grace and precision of a true warrior.


Zhuīsuí's teachings resonated with warriors who followed no religion. The texts recount how disciples flocked to the Dragon's Sanctuary, eager to learn from the one who had communed with the divine. Under Zhuīsuí's guidance, they, too, sought to discover their inner strength and embrace the path of honor and enlightenment. The ancient text emphasizes that the Huǐluànryu was not merely a martial art but a way of life, a philosophy that permeated every aspect of a warrior's existence.


As Zhuīsuí's reputation grew, so did its influence beyond the realm of combat. The texts depict it as a wise and compassionate leader, using its skills not only for self-defense but also to promote peace and justice. It became a symbol of hope in a turbulent world, a beacon of righteousness and protection for the innocent.


In its later years, Zhuīsuí's wisdom and teachings were immortalized in the sacred scrolls of the Huǐluànryu. These scrolls became the repository of its knowledge, preserving its legacy for future generations. They served as a guide for practitioners, offering insights into the profound connection between martial arts, spirituality, and the pursuit of enlightenment.


The ancient text concludes with reflecting on Zhuīsuí's impact and enduring legacy. It speaks of its unwavering commitment to the Path of the Dà zāiniàn, its ability to inspire others, and its role in shaping the destiny of countless warriors. The teachings of Huǐluàn Zhuīsuí continue to echo through the ages, reminding warriors of their duty to uphold honor, seek inner balance, and embrace the potent connection between the mortal and the divine.


Core Beliefs:


1. Martial Devotion: Deep within the ancient text lies a profound exploration of martial devotion within the sacred tradition of Huǐluànryu. This spiritual path, rooted in the fusion of war and honor, unveils a profound understanding of the intricate connection between pursuing excellence in combat and cultivating one's inner self.


Within the teachings of Huǐluànryu, martial arts are not merely seen as a method of physical combat but rather as a transformative journey that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. It is believed that through the rigorous training and discipline inherent in the martial arts, practitioners can achieve profound personal growth and enlightenment.


Central to the philosophy of Huǐluànryu is the belief that the warrior's path is not one of mindless violence but rather a conscious choice to uphold a code of honor and integrity. The ancient text emphasizes the understanding that martial arts when approached with respect and dedication, can become a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-improvement.


In the eyes of the followers of Huǐluànryu, the pursuit of excellence in combat is seen as a reflection of one's commitment to honor. It is through the practice of martial arts that practitioners strive to embody the values of courage, discipline, and respect.


By honing their physical skills, they simultaneously refine their character, cultivating virtues such as humility, perseverance, and self-control.


The text delves into the idea that the martial path is not separate from the spiritual journey. Instead, it emphasizes that the two are deeply intertwined, with each complementing and enriching the other. Through the physical demands of martial arts, practitioners are challenged to push past their limits, confront their fears, and develop an unwavering focus. These trials, in turn, serve as catalysts for spiritual growth, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the world.


Within the sacred tradition of Huǐluànryu, martial devotion is not a pursuit of violence or dominance. It is a profound commitment to the pursuit of excellence, rooted in the belief that one can strive towards a higher state of being through the cultivation of one's martial skills. This devotion encompasses a deep respect for the art of combat, recognizing its potential as a transformative force for both the individual and society as a whole.


The ancient text concludes with a reminder that martial devotion is not limited to the physical realm. The followers of Huǐluànryu are encouraged to embody the principles of war and honor in their interactions with others, striving to be exemplars of integrity, compassion, and justice.


In essence, the concept of martial devotion within the sacred tradition of Huǐluànryu represents a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of the martial and spiritual realms. It highlights the transformative power of martial arts as a means of personal growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of excellence. It serves as a guiding light for practitioners, reminding them of the profound responsibility and privilege of walking the warrior's path with honor and integrity.


2. Balance of Power: The central tenet of Huǐluànryu emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of two seemingly contradictory forces. On the one hand, there's the raw and uncontrollable power of the sky and nature, symbolized by the Dà zāiniàn. On the other, there's the finesse of martial arts. This balance mirrors the dual nature of existence, where strength coexists with grace, and war is conducted with honor.


3. Guidance from the Dà zāiniàn: The Dà zāiniàn is venerated as the ultimate guide and protector. Followers offer prayers and rituals to seek the deity's wisdom in battle, protection from adversaries, and insights into strategy. The Dà zāiniàn is seen as a divine mentor for warriors, offering both martial insights and spiritual guidance.


Chinese Religion Elements:


Huǐluànryu acknowledges and incorporates aspects from Chinese religions to deepen its authenticity and spiritual resonance:


Taoist Influences: The practice of seeking balance, harmony, and the interconnectedness of all things reflects Taoist philosophy. The belief in the flow of the Tao and the pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment align with the core principles of the faith. The teachings of Laozi and Zhuangzi profoundly influence the spiritual aspects of Huǐluànryu.


Confucian Virtues: Confucian values of respect, integrity, and filial piety also find a place within the teachings of Huǐluànryu. These virtues are woven into the fabric of the martial arts, guiding practitioners to uphold principles of honor, ethics, and respect for their mentors and fellow warriors.


Buddhist Meditation: The practice of meditation and mindfulness, borrowed from Buddhist traditions, plays a significant role in Huǐluànryu. Practitioners are encouraged to cultivate inner stillness and clarity through meditation, aligning themselves with the divine and enhancing combat prowess.


Rituals and Ancestral Worship: Huǐluànryu incorporates rituals and ceremonies that pay homage to ancestors and deities, echoing elements of many Chinese religious practices. These rituals seek blessings, protection, and guidance from the spiritual realm.


Sacred Symbols: The dragon, symbolizing the Dà zāiniàn, holds immense significance in Huǐluànryu. It is a representation of power, wisdom, and the divine connection. Other symbols, such as the pearl, the dragon's fang, and the Pterosaurs, are revered as sacred artifacts within the martial tradition.


Incorporation of Nature: Nature is a central theme within Huǐluànryu, reflecting the reverence for the natural world in many Chinese religions. Followers are encouraged to connect with the environment and draw inspiration from it, aligning their actions with the cycles of nature.


Huǐluànryu embodies a profound synthesis of martial discipline, spiritual enlightenment, and cultural heritage, drawing from the wellspring of Chinese religions to create a tradition that is unique and deeply rooted in ancient wisdom. Its teachings serve as a testament to the enduring influence of Chinese spirituality on the martial arts, offering practitioners a transformative path that transcends combat and touches the very essence of the human experience.

Religious Talisman


Religions of Dà zāiniàn



1. Zāinianism: This name directly associates the religion with Dà zāiniàn, emphasizing devotion to the Dragon God as the central figure.


2. Dragonfaith: "Dragonfaith" highlights the element of faith and belief in the mighty dragon's power, symbolizing the followers' unwavering trust in Dà zāiniàn.


3. Stormworship: "Stormworship" conveys the focus on revering the forces of nature, particularly storms, and their association with the deity.


4. Zāiniànryū: This name uses "zāiniàn," which means "dragon thoughts," to underscore the central figure's identity as the Dragon God. "Zāiniànryū" directly translates to "Dragon Thoughts School" or "Dragon Thoughts Tradition."


5. Dragon Thunder Devotion: This name explicitly highlights devotion to the Dragon's thunderous power, encapsulating the core of the religious practice.


6. Ránlóng Doctrine: "Ránlóng" is the Chinese term for the Dragon God. "Doctrine" suggests a system of beliefs and teachings, making this name a fusion of the deity's name and the religious principles.


7. Thunderous Spirituality: This name underscores the spiritual aspect of the religion, where followers seek to connect with the thunderous power of Dà zāiniàn.


8. Léiyǔjiào: "Léiyǔ" means "thunder and rain" in Chinese, and "jiào" is often used to denote a religion or teaching. "Léiyǔjiào" translates to "Thunder and Rain Religion" or "Teaching of Thunder and Rain."


9. Divine Dragon Sect: "Divine Dragon" emphasizes the deity's divine nature, while "Sect" suggests a specific religious group or organization devoted to worshiping Dà zāiniàn.


10. Zāiniànology: This name combines "Zāiniàn" and "ology," denoting the study or knowledge of the Dragon God. It implies a scholarly or academic approach to the religion.


These names are chosen to reflect the reverence and devotion to Dà zāiniàn and the deity's association with dragons, thunder, storms, and martial prowess. They embody the essence of the religion and the core beliefs of its followers.

Dragon God of Korea name Aetherion. The Dragon God of Brilliant Fortress (Knowledge and Wisdom of Defense).


Dragon God of India name Mahajiva Naga


Dragon God of China name Longtian. Dragon God, rooted in the fusion of War and Honor.


Dragon God of Japan name Kaminari Ryūjin. The Dragon God of War and Piece.


Dragon God of the Phillippines named Lahat-Wakás, the revered two-headed Dragon God of Souls in Heaven and on Earth.


Dà zāiniàn of the Old Gods. Dragon God of Cataclyms.

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