

Blog: UE5


Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself
Prince of


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.


Chapter 6


He spent all day thinking of a plan. He needed a gun and he needed one now.

“I'm telling you, babe. I can get you a gun.” Aisha set forth.


“Bitch, I don't need nothing from you!” He took an inhale from his blunt, then a sip of codeine from his cup.


“Woe you can't be pissed at me. I told you why I was at Lea Way house."


"You think I'm supposed to believe that shit dummy? Who the fuck do you think you is, the Atomic Blonde?"


"Really Woe? I'm telling you the truth. I was getting information on where he stashed his shit, so you could rob him.”


"Bitch, if I had a gun right now, I probably would shoot your ass.” He stared her in the eyes as he inhaled again.


“You know what? Fuck you Woe. I be back. Don't go nowhere, okay?" She didn’t wait for a response. She just stood up and left out of the house.


Baby Woe left the house with one thing on his mind, he had to get his self another gun today. His brother, Bill had taken both the guns he had. The only gun that was still around was Extras’ 25. automatic.

He wanted his own gun and he felt gauranteed that he would get one. He ran into Sean and Stew out on the block. "A Sean? I know you got somebody that I could buy a gun from dummy. I need one now."


“Hell no. Nigga what happen to the ones you had?" Sean asked.


"Bill took 'em. I need something asap.”


Stew stood up. "I could call my cousin Kyle. He sell guns. He be with Bill sometimes so, I won't mention you."


"Well call 'em dummy! Fuck is you waiting for, permission?" Baby Woe snapped.


"Man, fuck you. I ain't calling nobody!" Stew snapped back and stepped towards Baby Woe. “You boutta make me fuck you up,” Stew added.


Sean stepped in between the two of them. He knew that Stew had a short temper. Baby Woe was pissed at Stew after he left his side and started hanging with his cousin Sean. Every chance Baby Woe got, he would pick with Stew. Although, he knew that Stew wasn’t one to back down from a fight.

“One of these days, I'ma catch you without Sean to protect your bitch ass.”


"What?" Stew looked at Sean. “Yo I know that's your Lil cousin, but please just let me whip his ass. I’m not goin hurt the nigga to bad."


Baby Woe sucked his teeth. "What ever dummy. I'm going find a gun. I got shit to do. " He walked off. A few blocks away, he found Colored Boy, Anwut, and Fetch.


"Whats good Woe?" Colored Boy spoke and Baby Woe treated all three boys with hand shakes.


“What up with you niggas, yall know somebody trying to get rid of any guns. I need one, like now dummy.” Asked Baby Woe.


"Man...” Anwut spoke out. "I heard the nigga Wavy and Tye Man knocked you out and took your gun. Tell me that's not true fool."


"Fuck Wavy and Tye Man. Do you know some body of what?" Baby Woe was getting impatient.


"I'll ask around." Colored Boy pulled out his phone and begun searching through his contacts.


"Oh shit my boy." Fetch mumbled "There go the niggas Tye Man and Wavey right there." Everyone turned and looked. It was the both of them and they were headed straight towards them.


"Dont run Woe." Anwut looked over and said with a tease. Anwut chuckled when Baby Woe gave him a nasty look.


"What the fuck I look like running dummy?" He said with anger. "Colored Boy, you strapped."


"No, ain't none of us strapped. But they gone have to shoot everybody. If they come close, we gone beat em." Colored Boy made clear even though they wore all from from the same area.


"Hell yea, I'm with it." Anwut replied.


Fetch placed his hand in his pants to pretend that he had a gun. He stepped in front of his crew and waved his free hand for the two boys to come forward. "C'mon niggas. Let's bang this bitch out." Fetch yelled and the two boys stepped forward and grabbed the guns at their waist, but they didn't pull them out. "What the fuck is yall waiting for? Didn't yall come for this work?" Fetch added.


The two boys stood about thirty feet away, "We came to holla at Woe." Tye Man said holding the handle of his gun.


"What's up, ain't shit to holla 'bout. We active." Baby Woe went to step forward but, he was cut off.


"Fuck that!" Anwut stepped forward with his hands behind his back, as if he had something to hide.


"If yall just wanted to holla at him, what the fuck is your hand on your gun for?"


"Look at yall niggas!" Wavy countered.


"Yo, you niggas roll out before we start blazen you faggots, broad daylight." Anwut, took a step closer and the entire crew followed his movement.


"Oh it's like that Anwut?" Tye Man looked confused. Anwut was from Lester Morton Court, so he was supposed to be on his side, if anything.


Anwut looked at Fetch. "Yo, you want to just blaze these niggas?" He asked him loud enough for them to hear him.


Wavy tapped Tye Man on the arm.  "Let's be out bro." Tye Man didn't answer Wavy. He agreed by just walking backwards while staring a Baby Woe who was staring straight back at him.


"That was quick thinking fetch." Colored Boy said once the two boys were gone.


"I'ma kill them niggas dummy. What happen to your gun CB?" Asked Baby Woe.

"It's in the crib?"


"Go grab that shit dummy."


"My pops in there. You know that nigga be trippin." Colored Boy told him with a look of seriousness in his eyes.


But, Baby Woe couldn't care less. He was just about to give Colored Boy an ear full, when his cell phone rang. "What this bitch want?" He answered after two more rings. "Fuck you want dummy?"


"Woe, come around on Eager Street. Come to Theo house." Aisha told him.


"Bitch, what the fuck is you doing there? You fucking him too?"


"Babe, he got guns. With an S. Do you want them or what?"


Baby Woe looked at his friends. "I'm on my way."


"Okay, I got the door unlocked. His father keep all of the guns in his bedroom closet. Please come now. I'ma do whatever it takes to Keep Theo in the back room." She set forth.


"Yeah, I bet." He hung up and told his friends and they all walked with him. The entire walk to Theos' house, the boys talked down on Aisha, calling her a slut, hoe, freak and more. But in this moment, so far, she wasn't a liar. The door was unlocked, as promised.


"Shhhh!" Baby Woe silenced the others as he entered the house first.

The other entered the house behind him. The downstairs was quiet. Not a sound was made as the boys crept through the living room and over to the stairs.


"Man, just go." Anwut was tired of the slow creeping. "Move nigga." He pushed pass Baby Woe on the stairway.


"Chill dummy." Baby Woe warned but still hurried behind him to the top of the stairs.


Anwut immediately turned left into the hallway and headed towards the master bedroom. Baby Woe looked down the hall towards Theos' bedroom, where they could all hear loud music being played.

"Yea." Fetch placed a hand on Baby Woes' shoulder. "I bet he in there tiring Aisha ass up. Damn, and she got a fat ass too." Fetch chuckled.


"Fuck Aisha dummy. I came here for one thing and one thing only." Baby Woe swore.


Anwut and Baby Woe went straight for the closet. While colored Boy and Fetch emptied the dresser drawers.

"Bingo!" Anwut removed a shoe box from the closet with the lid already off.


"This bitch, beautiful." He held up a 357 Magnum. Everyone paused to take a look at it.


"It's more dummy. She said guns." Baby Woe went back into the closet that housed multiple foot wear boxes and duffled bags on the floor.


"I got one." Fetch pulled a 32 revolver from one of the dresser drawers. That made the others look faster.


Colored Boy flipped the mettress. "Hooe shit!" He exclaimed.  "Look at this shit. Now this is the jackpot!" Colored Boy held up a 2 23. assult rifle.

"Here." Baby Woe came from the closet with a bag fall of ammunition. He handed it off and went back into the closet. He was sure that he would find something. This was the location that Aisha told him to look.


"Oh shit!" Fetch peeped through the window. "Theo father just pulled up! We gota go, now!"


They all started grabbing what they had found. "C'mon." Colored Boy ordered but, Baby Woe stayed inside of the closet, rumbling through boxes, and bags. "Woe, if that nigga catch us in here, we gonna have to body him, you know that right?"


But, Baby Woe didn't answer. He continued his search. What Colored Boy was explaining was the choice he made the moment Fetch acknowledged that Theo dad  was coming.


"This 3 57 loaded, I'll rock him. Somebody, get ready to go rock Theo." Anwuts' hammer was cocked and he was ready.


"I'm loaded too." Fetch set forth. "I got Theo and Isha."


"Shit yeah! I found 'em dummy!" Baby Woe pulled out one of the duffled bags that head had searched through before but, thought it was all clothes. He pulled the bag across the floor and ripped all of the clothing away.


"Oh shit." Colored Boy mumbled as he looked at the guns in the bag. Let's go nigga!" Colored Boy said while stuffing the assault rifle that he found inside of the duffled bag.


"Fuck... he getting out of the car yall. Let's be out, before we have to body these people." Fetch ran behnd the others. Colored Boy helped Baby Woe with the bag down the stairs and they all rushed towards the back door as they heard the screen door open. By the time he used his keys to unlock the locks and open the front door, they all were out the back, running through the yard. Anwut and Fetch had their guns tucked away as they went through the alley ahead of Baby Woe and Colored Boy. They stepped out to make sure that the coast was clear before the other two stepped out of the alley, into the open, with a duffle bag full of weapons.


They took the long way, since the short way meant going pass Theos' block.

"Shit, let's put this shit in Chyna house until tonight." Colored Boy suggested.


Chyna, was the girl who had approached Baby Woe the night before, about Aisha. She did tell him to use her number since he did already have it. And since they are right here on the block where she lived, he gave her a call.

The boys waited patiently in Chynas back yard, until she came home and let them stash the bag in her bedroom closet while her older sister was at work.


"Shit my nigga." Anwut sparked a blunt inside of Chynas bedroom. "We can ride on them niggas tonight."


"Hell no dummy. I'm fittin' to go ride on them niggas right now." Baby Woe held up a glock 40 in one hand and pulled a 30 round magazine from a smaller bag that was inside of the large duffle bag.


"Naw, let's wait until tonight. We going kill both them niggas and whoever with em." Colored Boy suggested.


Before Baby Woe could say another word, Chyna walked into her room where the boys were and stopped at the door. "Hey Woe, you still need to use the bathroom?" She continued before he could answer. "Com'mon, let me show you where it's at." She turned and walked out into the hall. All eye's were on her back side as she exited the room.


Anwut looked at Baby Woe as he passed him. "If she trying go, bring her ass back in here. We all want in." He was serious in fact, he started to get up and followed Baby Woe himself.




When Vega first met CC's cousin, Anissa, her first thoughts were, Wow! She is a beautiful, thick, chocolate girl. By the time an hour passed, she was thinking this is one of the most disrespectful bitch's I've ever met in my life.

She met Anissa on a bad day. Anissa had just turned fourteen years old the day before and her boyfriend, Wolf had bought her lovely red Focus brand rumper with a pair of white Louis Vuitton sneakers with the red bottoms. When she woke up this morning to get in the shower, she noticed that her outfit was missing.

She knew that her dad stole her things but she didn't expect for him to steal her birthday clothes a day after her birthday. If she was to tell her brother, her father would be in a world of trouble. On top of that, her long lost cousin CC shows up unannounced with Vega, an unknown person in Anissas' eyes. Besides her being the girl that she heard about being robbed by Baby Woe. Now Vega knows where one of her parents lived.


"CC, why the fuck didn't you call before you came over here? I was about to leave out!" Anissa ranted.


"My bad bitch. I was coming to chill with you. What the fuck do I need to set a fucking appointment?"


"You know what CC? You think you slick. You high as hell and you show up with this high ass bitch, looking for some fucking dick. Just like you always did."


"Whoa!" Vega spoke up. "I don't know who you got me confused with but, I ain't looking for no dick!"


"Well bitch, you walking around with the wrong hoe, because fucking with CC, you goin end up at the end of some nigga dick." Anissa fumed.


"Shut! Up! Anissa." CC argued but Vega felt the truth in Anissas' statement.


"I'm sorry about your birthday clothes but, I didn't come here to fuss with you. I didn't come here for no boys. I'm here to spin time with my cousin.


"Yea." Anissa looked at both girls. "Well I'm going outside." Anissa walked through the living room and out of the front door.

"C'mon Vega." CC led Vega out of the door to follow behind Anissa.


Vega walked alongside CC, but her eyes could not stop stealing glances of Anissas' backside. "Is she always like that?"


"No, Nissa cool for real. She was a totally different person yesterday." CC said, then she looked over and saw Vega staring at Anissa. "Girl, stop it." CC playfully pushed Vega.


"What?" Vega laughed. "I was not looking at all that ass bounce back and forth." She joked while she was still staring.

CC nudged her again. "We goin fight if you don't get your eye's off my cousin."


"All jokes aside though. Do you know any of these niggas on that corner? Because, I don't feel like no bullshit." Vega had her eyes on the young teens that Anissa was approaching at the corner. She was shocked when she saw Anissa giving the guys gang hand shakes.


"See, they good. They her Blood homies." CC explained. Then she added. "Nissa a Blood. She get a lot of respect in that shit too." A few seconds later, they had made there way to the corner where Anissa and the guys stood.


"Hey now, who you?" one guy asked.


"That's my cousin CC and her homegirl Vega." Anissa pointed the girls out.


"Man we know CC yellow ass. In try'n see who the home girl is. You say Vega, right?" the guy stepped forward. "Hey Vega, my name Top Notch. You can just call me Notch though."


"Hey hey Notch." She smiled as she shook the boys' hand.

She noticed his Versace shirt and his red Versace belt. He wasn't looking too bad, although she couldn't see his eyes, which hid behind his Versace shades. She took a look past Notch and noticed that the other boys weren't dressed as nice, but they were all still clean looking.


"Where you from Vega?"


"Originally, East Baltimore But, I live in Pigtown, now." Vega told Notch.


"Pig Town? My homie use to be down there before he got killed.

Vega didn't make a comment. She just continued to listen as he talked to her, CC his friends and Anissa.


After about twenty minutes had past, Vega asked. "Where's the store around here?"


Before CC or Anissa could get out a word, Notch jumped in. "It's right up the street. Com'mon, I'll show you."

She looked at CC and then Anissa for their input but they both started talking to the other boys, as if she were already gone.


"Um... sure." She answered.


He led the way. "So Vega... how you liking Edmonson Ave so far?"


"It's cool. It's different then Pig Town, for sure. It's a lot more Bloods." The two of them walked into the store, and Vega immediately grabbed a few snacks to feed her high. She had the munchies bad and Notch took notice, right away.


"Damn, where your lil ass goin' store all of that at? I know you not goin' eat all of that by yourself."


"No." She lied, realizing that she did pick up a large amount of items. "I got some of this for CC and Anissa." She added.


"Notch?" A girl called out from the entrance of the store.


Notch turned to face the voice. "Yo, what's up Keisha?"


"I'm goin back up the way. Are you coming or are you staying down this end?" Keisha questioned.


"Hold up, I'm coming now." He noticed Keisha and Vega looking over one another.


"Yo, Keisha. This Vega and Vega meet my homie Keisha.


"Hey hey." Vega waved and flashed a friendly smile at the pretty girl.


"Where you from?" Keisha stepped inside of the store and Vega noticed her red bandanna hanging on her right side.


"Oh, um..." She glanced over at Notch, "I'm not from around here."


"She cool Kei, she with CC is Anissa cousin." Notch stepped forward as he removed a knot of cash from his pocket to pay for Vegas things.


Keisha looked over Vega one more time, then went out of the store. "I'll be out side Notch."


"Wow! who's she, your girlfriend?" Vega questioned Really wanting to Know if Keisha would be any trouble. She didn't want to fight over some boy that she didn't even know. But, she would defend herself.


"Naw, I dont have a girlfriend. Keisha my homie. Nothing sexual at all."


"I'm not asking all that. That's your business. I just want to be sure that I'm not about to get clocked in the head once I walk out of here." She chuckled but she was serious.


"Naw, you good. She just see another beautiful girl and didn't know who she is. You know how some females is." He handed the store clerk the money.


"Whoa! What the hell is you doing?" She pulled out her own cash.


"What? I'll get it. Put your money away." Notch insisted.


"No, you not paying for my shit. My shit, I pay." Her face was twisted. She looked as if she had been disrespected.


Notch was confused. He was use to the girls who jumped at the oppertunity for him to pay. "What's the problem?" He handed the money to the cashier after the items had been bagged.


"You know what?" Vega, put her money away. "You keep all that shit."


"Whoa! Where you going?" He grabbed her arm as she went to walk past.


"Get off me!" She snatched away and before he could say a single word, shots fired outside of the store. There were a barrage.


Notch yanked Vega away from the door and wasted no time at all to pull out his gun and rush outside.

She could tell by the sound of how close the next gun shots that it had to be, Notch firing. She looked over and noticed that the store clark was gone. He must have ducked down, she figured.

After the shots, she didn't know if she should stay put or run out to check on CC. Then, Notch came back into the door way of the shop. "C'mon!" He waved her over. His gun still in his hand. She looked at it for a second she didn't want to be involved with anything that he had going on. She just wanted to get CC and go home.

Notch walked over and grabbed her by the arm. "We gota go now." He pulled her out of the store.


"What the fuck Blood?" Keisha stood outside screaming for Notch to follow her. "You went back in there for a bitch? Let's go." Vega saw the small pistol in Keishas' hand as she approached Notch and pushed behind her. The whole block was cleared out.


CC, Anissa and the others were gone. Vega looked around desperately. Looking for answers on what was happening and where did everyone run off to. "Where's CC, where are we going?" She ranted.


"Just come on." Notch ordered as he tucked his pistol on their way through the alley.

A few blocks away, the three of them entered a house the middle of the block.


"Notch?" Vega whispered after she entered the house and noticed that she was in a house full of blood gang members.

"Yo Blood, what the fuck happen out there?" One guy questioned.


"Shit just went down," Keisha. explanned, "The niggas. Kill Bill and Low Blow had pulled up asking if them lil niggas was almost done with the packs they gave em. Man, a Toyota pulled up and started blowing shot!"


"At Bill ?" One Blood gang member asked.


"Yea Blood. It was them Popular Grove niggas. But yo, I love Bill gangsta. I wish that nigga was Blood. He jumped out the car, while them niggas was blasten and starked throwin' shots.


"Hell no."


"Them niggas been going hard. Bill, Low Blow, Greasy and them other niggas don't be playing." Keisha was very excited. She loved the drama and Vega could see it cleary.


"Yo." Notch spoke up. "When I come out the store, all I saw was Bill and Low Blow dumpin shots. I started dumping on the Toyota. I didn't even know who them niggas was dumpin on." Notch confessed.


As Notch continued to talk, some other female gang member came walking into the room and her eyes went straight to Vega. The girl was a little chubby with a fat nose. Ugly to say the least. "Who's she?" The girl cut Notch short.


Notch looked back at Vega, who look very out of place. "She cool. This Vega." He told everyone.


"You bangin Vega? Where you from?" Asked the girl.


"Oh, no. I don't do that. I'm just trynna find my home girl and go home."


"Where the fuck is home? I asked you where you from?" The girl became aggressive.


"Chill out, Patty, girl."


"Chill? Notch you trippin for even bringin this bitch is my house." Patty walked towards Vega and two more girls walked into the room.


"Really?" Vega looked at Notch. "This why you brung me here?" She looked back at Patty and the other girls. "Don't even trip. I'm leaving."


But, just as Vega turned to head to the door, someone knocked. Vega stopped and moved away from the door just in case something was about to go wrong.

"This bitch got a attitude." Patty smirked, "I'm bouta put hands on your lil bitch, Top Notch."


"No you not." Notch, spoke out as he peeped through the window at who was at the door.


"I wanna see where her hands at." Patty said, stepping towards Vega slowly.


"Patty boutta get with shorty." One of Patty homegirls chuckled.


Notch opened the door and Anissa and CC came walking inside. "Damn girl, I been calling your phone the whole time." CC told Vega.


"You forgot, it's at Nissa house on the charger?"


"'Yo?" Anissa called out. "One of the Popular Grove niggas got hit bad."


"Good." A few of the Bloods said happily.


"Anissa and CC?" Patty called out. "Who's this girl." She pointed at Vega.


Before Anissa could answer, CC spoke up quickly when she noticed the look on Patty's face. "That's my homegirl, why?"


"She need to go somewhere, that's why."


"Patty you always hating. You just made because she with Top Notch and your ugly ass been wanting him." CC didn't hold her tongue.


"Fuck you bitch. I never wanted Notch." Patty, lied. If she had light skin, her face would be turning red right now.


"Everybody shut the fuck up." Keisha ordered. "The next bitch that say something slick shit out their mouth, I'ma pop them in it. We got more important shit to worry about."


"I'ma walk my cousin and Vega back to my house, so yall can talk." Anissa said, Then she asked. "Did anybody see my brother."


"I ain't seen Greasy since this morning, on Brice." One of the girls answered.


"Shit, I need to find him. I be back."


"Aight, Nisa. Keisha walked over to let the girls out.


"Say Vega." Notch approached. "Let me get your number, so I could get up with you later?" He handed her his cell phone. Vega, didn't want Notch or the drama that came with him. She was just about to tell him off, when she looked over and noticed Patty and the other girls watching her close. She remembered what CC said about Patty wanting him. So, she reached out and grabbed his phone and put her phone number in and gave Patty a cold stare as she handed Notch his phone back. The entire walk back to Anissas' father house, Vega and CC were both scared for their lives. Anissa, would not put away her red bandanna. Even after Vega begged her to. When they finally made it back to the house, Vega checked her cell phone and notice that she had plenty of missed calls and messages. Her sister Litia, Bam Bam, CC a few others and Notch. He wrote her a message just to let her know his number.


"You going back to Patty house, Nissa?" Asked CC.


"No, Im going over east. Malaysia on her way to get me now."


"Well shit." CC perked up. "Can we ride with yall? We aint doing shit." She was asking Anissa but she watched Vega to see her response.


"Umm..." Vega spoke up. " No disrespect but I'm not try to be around no more gang shit. I can't deal with all that."


"No, Malaysia not in no gang. And East is around where you use to live." CC let be Known.


"You use to live by Deakyland?" Anissa wanted to know.


"Yeah, but closer to Lester Morton Court though." Vega informed her.


It wasn't long before! Baby Woe came walking out of the bathroom with China. As soon as Baby Woe walked into the room, Anwut stood up. "Where she at?" He asked.


"She still in the bathroom. She cleaning her face off."


"What? Nigga, you was suppose to bring that bitch in here for everybody." Anwut stormed past Baby Woe.


"You trippin Woe, you damn sure should've brung China in here." Fetch added.


Baby Woe just set over by the guns and looked at Fetch. "Let's see your boy get her to come fuck everybody."


"Oh..." Colored Bay joined in. "This what Anwut do. He goin get her in here." He promised.


"Man, let's roll some more blunts." Fetch pulled out a bag of marijuana and some blunts. Each of them started to all up a blunt apiece. When Anwut came walking in the room, followed by China, who was fully nude.


"My nigga." Colored Boy blurted out. "You never fail."


"Was there ever a doubt?" Anwut flopped down on the end ot the bed.


"What do you want me to do?" China stopped in front of Anwut and looked down at him.


"C'mon now, don't ask stupid ass question for starters." China signed as she stooped down on her knees, in between Anwuts' legs and undid his belt then his jeans. As she took care of him, the others sparked the blunts that they had rolled up.


Once Baby Woe passed Anwut his blunt, Colored Boy passed his blunt to Baby Woe and Fetch passed his to Colored Boy. Which left Fetch with out a blunt. Anwut decided to pass China to Fetch, since he wasn't smoking. Then, when the blunts was passed again, so was she.


When she made her way back to Anwut, she looked up at him and asked, "Do any of yall have any condoms?"


"What the fuck for?" Anwut twisted his lips.


"I'm trying get fucked, I'm horny. What, yall don't use condoms?"


"We got condoms, but ain't nobody using em for you." Colored Boy told her.


"What you mean?" She questioned, looking over at him.


But, Anwut spoke up. "Ain't nobody about fuck you in here. Niggas just want some head. Only thing you good for is the head at this moment."


"Really?" She wined. "Yall goin do me like that?"


"China?" Colored Boy called out. "You can't actually think any of us is gonna really set in here and lower our standards low enough to fuck your slut ass."


"What? Fuck your black ass!" China stood to her feet. "Fuck all yall broke ass little dick ass niggas!" She ranted while everyone laughed at her.


"Broke?" Colored Boy pulled out a handful of cash. He pulled some one dollar bills from the knot and begun to toss them on the floor by her feet.


She looked down at the cash. "And what's that for?" She questiones. Nobody answered. Anwut just reach over and pulled her back down to her Knee's. She didn't fight him. She just took him in her hand. "I swear, I can't stand yall." She shoved him into her mouth.


About an hour had passed by, when Baby Woe and Colored Boy had met up with Extra on Broadway.

"Shit nigga, if you niggas got all those guns, why the fuck I'm still walking around with this lil ass 25?" Extra looked at the two of them.


"We ain't know we was about to see you dummy. We was about to go ride on the niggas Tye Man and Wavy." Baby Woe set forth.


"C'mon," Colored Boy, said. "Lets go back to Chinas arito. and grab you something.


"Naw, if niggas going go ride, lets go. We can go to China house later. I heard how Tye Man treated you like a lil nigga. I can't have you walking with me like that." Extra was ready to go handle the task at hand.


"Fuck you dummy. And yall niggas ain't goin up here with me. All you niggas from the same hood and every nigga from yall set is lame as fuck. This shit a walk through the park."


"Woe nigga,m you trippin. First off, them niggas is from Arnald Court not Lester Morton." Extra spat out.


"Hell yea, and them niggas disrespected me, you, and Extra." Colored Boy explained. "Them nigga's Know that we all rock together. So, for them to be ruuning around here, treatin' you like a sucker, that was like saying fuck us too."


"Man, fuck what he talkin' bout" Extra looked over at Colored Boy as he waved off Baby Woe. "Let's go handle this work."


The three of them took the quickest rout to get to the neighborhood. They had one objective, one plan, one goal, and that was to seek and destroy Tye Man and Wavy on sight. The two boys were always outside in the courts. But, not today. Nobody had seen the boys since the morning. They were like ghosts. Extra, Colored Boy and Baby Woe split up to find them. About forty five minutes to an hour later, they covered the entire community and surrounding areas. They were very determined.


The three of them met up at Lester Morton Court. "Look dummy. I know this yall niggas hood, but them niggas violated. So, I'm not leaving here unless something get done dummy." Baby Woe set forth, while looking around at different groups and individuals. Some from Lester Morton court, Mello court, and Arnold court, along with a few outsiders straggling about.


"It's your call dummy." Said Extra. Knowing that Baby Woe knew the difference between Lester Morton Court individuals and the other Courts.


"For sure you right, we on your time." Colored Boy added. "Everybody fair game, if they ain't LMC. I'm with the bullshit."

Baby Woe looked around. "Okay, say no more." He led them across the parking lot, towards a group of three young teens who were known for selling marijuana.


"What's up with you niggas? Yall look like yall on yall bullshit today." One of the teens said to Baby Woe and the others as they approached.


Colored Boy was the first to pull out his weapon. He held a .38 revolver with a red bean made into it just under the barrel. "Shut up pussy." He warned, while aiming the weapon at one teens' chest.


"Whoa! What's goin on CB? I thought we was good in the court." The one guy cried out.


Then, Baby Woe and Extra pulled out their guns. "If shit was good with us," Baby Woe aimed at the guy's chest, aswell. "You would have laid Tye Man and Wavy out earlier when you seen them niggas. Kick errrything out, now." Baby Woe aimed the gun at the other boys' chest. The teen jumped and took a step back. Everyone in the court gave them their attention. But, everyone knew exactly what was happening and why.


These guys were from Arnold court, the same court as Tye Man and Wavy. "Yo!" The teen screamed out and threw his hands up. "Chill, I ain't got nothing to do wit-"


SMACK! Baby Woe smacked the guy in the head with the gun so hard that he stumbled back and fell to the ground.

Once he hit the pavement, all three teens turned their weapons on the two kids standing. Both boys held their hands up but one stood fearless. His face was calm and relaxed. He showed no signs of fear, unlike his friend who stood there begging god for one more chance as people in the court watched the action.

"What's up dummy?" Baby Woe stared at the Extra.


"It's all on you fam." He said back.


"You seen Wavy or Tye today? Don't lie Tony." Baby Woe stepped towards the tougher one.


"What the fuck do I look like lying to you? You Deakyland nigga ain't built for no bodies." Tony, lowered his hands to his sides. You going keep flashing guns and you goin fuck around and up a nigga collection.  I'm outta here man. CB, I see you at aunty house. And I ain't got all day." Tony, simply turned and went on his way.

Baby Woe aimed his weapon at Tony but, Colored Boy grabbed hold of Baby Woes' wrist and asked him to chill out.

Tony wasn't the problem for them. But, Baby Woe had no problem with killing him either. Although, Tony is Known to be a live wire, he is also one of Colored Boys cousins. Colored Boy and Tony grew up close but the streets separated them and they both chose friends over family.


But, Baby Woe didn't care if they were close or whatever they were. He sucked his teeth and raised his weapon again and fired a shot right into tony's bottom. He fell to the ground, holding his butt in pain.

The three of them turned and ran off laughing, leaving the others there, scared and relieved at the same time. "Tony not going let that slide." Colored Boy told the others as they ran off together.


"So dummy, if he trip, we make sure he fall." Said Bady Woe, as they stopped running, reaching the main road.


"Stop saying lame ass shit like that." Extra told Baby Woe.


"He tryna sound like Bill." Colored Boy added. They rushed back to the Deakyland neighborhood with their weapons concealed.


It wasn't until they all heard the sirens that they all decided to split apart. As Baby Woe sped across Madison street, he spotted his girlfriend, Aisha who was headed straignt towards him.

He hurried to her. She placed one of his arms over her shoulders and walked alongside him, in harmony. "Put the gun in my bag." She told him as she lifted her shoulder bag for him to access it.


"Naw dummy. I'ma let this bitch rip if them mother fuckers roll up on us."


"Woe." She pleaded. "Just put the gun in the bag and you wont need to shoot it if they pull up. You goin' be clean." Baby Woe thought for a quick second, then looked around for the police before he pulled the gun out and placed it inside of her bag. "And why you never answered my calls? I been calling you for the last two hours."


"C'mon, what the fuck do I look like having my phone on me while I'm handlin' business?"


She looked down at the ground as they walked. "Well, did you get them niggas?" she questioned.


"Get who dummy?"


"The niggas Tye and Wavy, for the shit they pulled on you?"


"Aisha, don't be asking me no fuckin questions abaut no niggas. You just make sure you keep your fucking mouth shut... and your legs too, hoe."


"Don't do that Woe. I did what I did, for you." She said, hoping to convince him.


"Yea, well.. Keep it all shut for me."


"I will." She kissed his cheek. "I promise."


They walked alongside one another down Broadway. At that very same moment, Sean, Stew, Wolf, and Big Maine stood out on Ashland and Broadway. Big Maine was preaching about how important it was to save their cash. Once their conversation came to an end and Big Maine shook hands with the three boys and stepped into his Benz and at the same time, a green SUV pulled up behind the Benz.


"You go ahead and get out CC." Vega told them. "That was Big Maine that just got in that Benz. He goin tell my brother that I'm over East Baltimore." She warned.


"You know Big Maine?" Anissa entreated as her and Malaysia both stepped out. But, Vega didn't answer. Once Big Maine noticed Anissa, he realized that the SUV wasn't a threat. So, he started his engine and went on about his business.


CC and Vega were both exiting the SUV at the very moment that the two girls was approaching the boys and at that exact moment, Vega noticed Sean. "Shit!" She mumbled.


"What the hell is they doing here?" Sean looked at Vega and her friend before his eyes began searching around, up and down the street for Bam Bam or any unfamiliar faces.


"You good boy." Said Anissa. CC my cousin and Vega her homegirl."


"But why you bring them to the hood? You know what's goin' on?" Sean questioned as Malaysia gave him, Stew, and Wolf hugs.


Before Anissa could answer Sean, Vega spoke up. "I'm not in that shit. Big Maine already explained that it wasn't for me or Bam. And I'm not goin tell nobody where you be at. shit, you done gave him back his shit anyway." She explained.

Sean looked over at CC, who stood beside Vega. "Don't look at me." She shook her head. "I ain't in yall shit. That's between yall and Bam." She swore.

"Bam?" Anissa looked at CC. "Our cousin Bam?"

Explain more on bam^


Sean, Stew, and Wolf held their eyes on the girls for a moment, knowing it was already too late, anyway. The girls were already There. Sean and Vega looked into one anothers eyes. She felt lustful. She liked Sean. His brown smooth skin and deep wavy hair. It was amazing to her, how sean and Stew always looked so much alike. Even when she went to the same school as they did, she would get confused. Many people thought that they had to be brothers.

What she didn't know was that both Sean, as well as Stew, liked Vega. It was hard to find a boy who didn't like Vega. Her golden complexian and natural curly, buchy hair complimented her perfectly as she stood in front of them...

Her friend CC was also a lovely sight for the boys to see. CC is just a shade or two darker than Vega. Although, Vega has a white mother and a black father and both of CC's parents are both brown skin, African Americans.

Even though, Stew thought that both the girls were beautiful, his heart was with Malaysia, who was just as light as Vega.


Malaysia held a different level of beauty. She had seemed to be more matured than the previous girls. Malaysia had a grown woman body at the age of fourteen, just as Anissa did.

Grown men always tried to pick them up. Although you could just about see their age in their faces, that never stopped certain men from trying.


"Look who it is." Wolf nodded his head in a direction up the street.


"Oh boy." Anissa fumed. "Here we go."


Everyone turned and noticed Baby Woe and Aisha walking towards them.

"That's that crazy ass boy." Vega told CC.


"That's Baby Woe?" CC questioned as he came closer. He don't look crazy." She was blinded by his skinny frame, and nappy hair.


"Is that... Aisha?" Vega said once the girl was in front of her.

"Vega?" Aisha called out.


Baby Woe looked at Vega." "What the fuck is this bitch doing around here?" He took a step towards Vega and Anissa stepped in between the two of them.


"She with me. She good nigga." Anissa assured him. "The question is, why is this bitch around here?" She had her eyes on Aisha.


"Fuck you Nissa. I could go where the fuck ever, I want to. Slobby bitch." Aisha barked back and Vega was glad to see that Baby Woes' attention had shifted to the other girls. She knew that he was a loose cannon. It was hard for her to understand how people like him could survive in a city where so many people were being killed out on the streets. Or after doing the things that he does, how is he not in prison?


But, there are plenty of people like him and worse who are still walking the streets while others are being killed because they simply looked at someone wrong or too long or being arrested for selling drugs to someone who willingly gave up their cash to get high. But this was the way things went.

She found herself staring over at Sean, who was watching Anissa and Aisha fuss back and forth. It wasn't until She noticed Malaysia looking at her, that she snaped. out of her deep daze. Vega turned her attention to the girls going at each other.


"Your slut ass bitch! "Anissa yelled out. "Woe, you need to leave this bitch! She fucking every nigga in the hood and the surrounding areas!"


"Fuck you Nissa! I know you ain't talking!" Aisha stepped closer to Anissa. "You and that slut bitch." She pointed over at Malaysia. "Yall both fuckin' Stew, Wolf, and Sean! Then niggas be passing you dumb bitchs back and forth. What you mad because you want to fuck Woe, but I'm fucking him? Am I in the way bitch?"


When she said that, Vega saw the rage in Malaysia’s eyes. "Bitch, mind your fuckin' business. Don’t worry about who I’m fucking!” Malaysia rushed over and swung at Aisha but Stew grabbed her in time, stopping the connection.


"Let that bitch-" Aisha was cut short by Anissa punching her in the face. Instantly, CC rushed Aisha and Malaysia broke free from stew and all three girls jumped Aisha. Vega just stood by. She didn’t want to be on Baby Woe’s radar. She was surprised to see him just standing there, watching. He let them beat Aisha down for a few moments.


Baby Woe just wanted to see how good Aisha could handle herself against not only Anissa but, two other girls aswell. Once Aisha fell to the ground, Baby Woe had had enough. He kicked Malaysia in the ass and she fell into Anissa and then without hesitation, he punched CC in the side of her head. She stumbled then fell against a parked vehicle, then on the ground.


Stew shoved Baby Woe. “Nigga, you trippin!” Stew swung on Baby Woe, but he dodged it.


“Holy shit!" Vega harried over and tried to help CC. Her eyes were rolling into the back of her head, her body started to shake and everyone paused.


“Yo, what's wrong with her?" Asked Wolf as he approached her along with everyone else. Anissa and Vega tried to help her but didn’t Know what to do.


Baby Woe just walked around her, then looked down at the girl and gave her a swift kick to the head. "Get up bitch." he ordered.


"Oh my god!" Vega screamed. Anissa Jumped up. Sean pushed him and he stumbled back. Anissa, rushed Baby Woe and  again, without hesitation, he punched her in the mouth. “Yo!" Wolf yelled and charged at Baby Woe and Baby Woe jabbed him twice.


CC’s eye begun to swell as Vega was helping her to her feet. Meanwhile, Sean, Stews, Wolf, Anissa and Malaysia all jumped Baby Woe and Aisha. When Bill pulled over to the curb, he saw his little cousin, Sean, along with Seans' friends jumping someone. He didn't know who until he got out of the vehicle and walked over to the fight. He saw his younger brother on the ground, choking Wolf as the others kicked him in hopes of him releasing Wolfs throat.

Aisha was laying about two feet away from her boyfriend as Malaysia and Anissa kicked and Stomped her to stop her from getting back to her feet.


“What the fuck is goin' on?” Bill yelled out. Once Sean and Stew heard Bills voice, they stopped. Anissa, and Malaysia both stopped kicking Aisha.


“Let him go!" Bill ordered Baby Woe as Aisha stood to her feet with her eyes on Malaysia and Anissa.

When Baby Woe released Wolf, Wolf was red and choking non-stop on the ground as Baby Woe stood up, looking down on him.


Bill looked over at Sean. "Nigga, you out here jumping your own cousin?"


“Man your lil brother out here trippin. He almost killed that girl." Sean pointed over at CC who stood there with a swollen eye and a knot on her forehead.


“You did that?" Bill questioned. Before Baby Woe could answer, Bill grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him closer.  Then, bill noticed the gun at his little brathers' waist. “Where the fuck did you get this one?" Bill slapped him up side the head. Baby Woe, didn’t answer. “Get the fuck in the car.” He ordered Baby Woe and Aisha.

When Baby Woe set down in the passanger seat, he noticed his nieces, sequoia and Stephani seating in the back where Aisha was getting in.


“Uncle Benjamin, did Sean and his friends beat you up?" Stephani wasted no time asking.


“Mind your business.” Bill told her as he set down in the driver seat.


“Is Uncle Benjamin okay?” his Sequoia whispered to Aisha. As if her father, Bill could not hear her, although she set directly behind him.


“Aisha?” Stephani called out from beside her. Before she could say anything, she blurted out. “Your ear bleeding.”

Baby Woe turnped and looked just as she was feeling for the damage her ear suffered.


“Somebody ripped out my earring." Aisha complained

She had a trail of blood on her neck and some on her shoulder.


“Ha!" Baby Woe laughed. “That was whipping ya ass too!” He chuckled.


“Really?" Aisha looked at him side ways. Bill looked at him confussed. He shook his head at his little brother and they drove Aisha home. The car pulled over at the location and Aisha stepped out. “Are you gonna call me, Woe?" she asked as the car pulled away from her.


“I dont Krow dummy, stand bye.”


“Whatever, I love you Woe.”


“You want me to say it back or tell you the truth?" Baby Woe held up a middle finger as he yelled out of the window.


Bill smacked the back of Baby Who's head and smashed the brake all at once. “Just tell the girl you love her too.”


“Fuck her, dummy. I dont love her.” He stared at Bill and Aisha turned and stormed away.


"You mean uncle Benjamin. Mommy said mean people goin burn in hell.” Sequoia set forth.


“Girl, watch your mouth.” Bill, fussed. When they arrived at Bills house, he told the kids to run inside with their mother Shimaya. “Let me hella at you Woe.” Bill, looked his brother. “Shorty, you goin get yourself killed out here.”


“How's that?"


"How? Nigga, you and your punk ass homeboys keep runnig around here like yall untouchable. That's how."


“What you talkin bout, dummy?” Baby Woe, questioned.


“Really lil nigga?” She whispered as she stepped to him. “You seriously think I don’t know what’s goin' on because I’m not around? You and BlackOut lil brother. What’s his name, Colored Boy? The one who just shot the nigga yesterday? Yup, you Extra and Colored Boy, shot some Arnold Court boys just a lil while ago, too. Yea, I got the call as soon as you niggas did it. I was on my way back from gettin the girls and the lady, Ms. Elder called me, telling me she seen you dumb ass niggas shoot lil Peewee and Emmie. Then yall let Tony go? Yall think Tony not gain' ride about that shit?"


“Tony? From Lester Morton? That’s my nigga, dummy.”


“Your dumb ass keep thinkin shit a mother fuckin joke!" Bill shouted. "Your dumb ass goin get laid out if you Keep running around here like you in god mode or some shit. This aint no fucking game boy. Then, you got them dumb ass lil niggas with you. Ain't Tony and Colored Boy cousins?


“Colored Boy, don’t fuck with Tony.”


Bill, slapped Baby Woe in the head again. “You so fucking stupid... And what's all of this shit over anyway?! I bet it aint no money involved. Atleast when yall was out there robbing, yall was getting a few dollars." When Bill said that, Baby Woe shot him a look. “Yea, I know you niggas was using my guns to go rob niggas.”


“You lost me, dummy. I ain't never rob no body.” He lied to Bill.


“You Know what? " Bill sighed. "Get the fuck in the house and tell Shimaya happy birthday.” Bill, set in the driver seat and watch his brother leave and enter the house.


“Benjamin!” London, yelled as he came through the front door. Although, she was Sean’s baby sister, she looked absolutely nothing like Sean.


London, was a few shades lighter with freckles and has beautiful, brown hair. She ran over and wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt the gun at his side but, she ignored it. She was quite use to weapons at the age of seven. “Hey London. Girl, you act like you ain't see me in forever. You do know we live in the same house?" He teased his younger cousin.


“I know." She smiled up at him before she released him.


“Hey hey, Shimaya. Happy birthday, dummy.”


“Boy." Shimaya frowned. “If you call me dumb one more time. Don't come in here with that mess.” She walked over and embraced Baby Woe. She stepped back and looked at him.


She glanced down at his waist line. "Benjamin, you growing up too fast. You really is turning into your brother. Is that What you want? You want to be like William?"


“I'm being like, Woe. No body else. Shimaya." He assured her.


Benjamin (Baby Woe) Prince

Vega Smallwood

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