

Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself
Prince of


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.



Chapter 5



"I told you already Bam, I talked to Pickle. He said he Was getting everything straight last night." Vega set forth.


"Why you don't want to just tell me where them niggas be. I can get this shit straight myself," said Bam Bam.


"Just tell him Vega. They took his stuff and they shot Lil Dion." C.C, chimed in.


"I can't do that C.C, Pickle will handle this." Vega promised as she grabbed the blunt from C.Cs' hand.


Bam Bams' phone rung. "This Big Maine," he said before he answered," Yo, what's good big homie?"He listened for a moment, "Okay, say no more," Bam Bam stood up and went to the door. Vega became nervous, because just last night, Pickle told her to stay away from Bam Bam. She knew that Big Maine was Pickles' connect to the drug game.

She hurried up and passed C.C. the blunt back. She knew that he would tell Pickle that she was smoking, she tried her best to sober up.


The door opened and Big Maine walked in, he was followed by Pickle. Vega almost freaked out. Her chest felt as if it was sinking into itself and it seemed as though everything around Pickle had faded away into darkness or, nothingness but she held it together. Then, she grew confused when she saw Sean walk in behind Pickle. "Vega what the hell is you doing in here? I just told you last night-" Pickle looked her over. "Is you high?" He stepped over towards her.


"No, I..." She couldn't find the words.


"I thought you looked buzzed last night, I just ain't say nothing. But I caught you now," he looked over at Bam Bam. "This what you got my lil sister doin' nigga?"


Big Maine stepped in, "Chill out Pickle homie."


"This ain't over," Pickle told Vega. "Bam Bam, you good?"


"Yeah, I'm good. I've been trying to get Vega to tell me who the niggas was." Bam Bam looked at Pickle, "But she Keep telling me that Pickle get everything under control."


"This Sean, the niggas who jacked you is a part of his crew." Pickle presented.


Sean and Bam Bam locked eyes. Sean, reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out Bam Bams‘ chain, watch and a stack of money. He handed everything over to Bam Bam. "What about my gun?".

asked Bam Bam.


"I couldn't get it, so I threw in a few extra dollars for you to get at least two new ones.” Sean, let him know.

Although, Sean really didn't do anything but hand the things over to Bam Bam. Everything came from Big Maine. But, Sean wasn't hearing that Big Maine had it all covered. He needed to see Bam Bam himself. Big Maine thought that it would be a great idea to let Sean be the one to hand the things over in the hope to ease any thoughts of retaliation.

Bam Bam set the money and other things on the table.


"So, I guess I'm supposed to just forget about having guns in my face and almost being shot huh?"


"Look homie," Sean gritted. "I really don't give a fuck about what you remember or forget. All I'm here for is knowing that my niggas good, and that's by anymeans. So, If you planning on doing anything, just remember that last sentence."


"So, that's a threat?"


"I ain't here to hold hands and to coach you on how to feel. All I'm saying is, you got your shit back. You was in the wrong place at the wrong time dummy." Sean said.


Big Maine for a long time, wanted to introduce Sean and Bam Bam, but on more peaceful terms. These were two of his young future neighborhood runners. They were both ninth graders who were already running the block. He knew that there was a chance that this could go wrong. He could have easily put an end to this himself, but Big Maine also knew that if Sean and Bam Bam were both real at heart, this would eventually pull these two closer than any meeting that he would threw together.


"Now, what he by mean by wrong place wrong time is." Big Maine added, "You wasn't supposed to be there. I sent them niggas at Dayton boys on that corner for telling people they got my work," Everyone but Sean looked surprised, even Pickle was caught off gaurd. He knew that Big Maine did know the boys but he didn't know they were working under his orders.


"Why would you do that?" Vega couldn't hold her tongue.


That crazy boy wanted to shoot me and Bam Bam, and he would have if Extra didn't stop him."


"C’mon Maine.” Pickle threw up a hand in disbelief. "You almost got my Lil sister Killed."


"Your sister good Pickle. But look though, it aint over." Big Maine set forth. "So if y'all could, stay away from them niggas. Because when they come back out, I'm sending my hitters at them boys."


"You really sending them niggas back around here?"


"Chill out Bam. They already know who you is now. You ain't got to worry about them niggas." Big Maine told him.

Bam Bam just shook his head in disaprovel, but he held his tongue. After a few more moments of clarification, Big Maine, Pickle, and Sean were, about to leave, when Pickle gave Vega a hard stare.


"Are you leaving, or do you think that you're grown enough to stay here?" Pickle asked Vega.


Nervousely she said, "Um..." Looking at Bam Barn, and C.C, I'ma stay here with my friends." She received a disappointing look from Pickle. He turned his back and left out, leaving her behind.

Vega, felt bad inside. She felt like she let Pickle down. He always thought so much of her. To him, she was the smartest little girl and the most fragile thing in his world. He did everything for her. He made sure that she was always up to date on the latest clothes, shoes, phones and all. Little did she know, she just threw all of that out.


"What's wrong Vega?" CC asked.


"I don't know, Maybe... maybe I should go home."


"Girl, forget Pickle. He ain't your father."


"I Know but he always looking out for me. He's not saying anything wrong. He is actually right. I shouldn't be here." Vega told CC.


"You good Vega, here." CC handed Vega a lit blunt and Vega took a pull.


"Hey Vega?" Bam Bam called out. "You don't have to stay here if you don't want to. No hard feelings. Just go home and if you want to talk, just video chat with us. I'll leave it on alday. It'll be just like you're here."


"Yea right!" CC laughed. "Minus the weed and the money we make for counted your cash for you."


"Vega, I'm your friend no matter what." Bam Bam took a few hundred off of the stack that Sean gave him. "If you need money, here. And take a handful of the weed with you." he tossed her the money and manjuane.


"Girl, if you leave, you goin' miss the party tonight." CC set forth.


"What party?" Vega was curious.


"It's my cousin birthday party tonight."


"Which cousin, and where at?"


"You don't know her. She lives over east Baltimore but her mother throwing her a party at her aunt's house on Edmonson and Brice."


Bam Bam looked over at CC. "I know. you can't be talking about Nissa wild ass? I ain't seen her in years."


"Me neither. All three of us can go."


"Man... I can't CC I got money to look over."


"I can't either CC." Said Vega. "I can't stay out too long or my sister gonna flip."


"Girl I'll have you home before your curfew." CC promised.


"CC?" Bam Bam called out. "Stop lying. How would you have her home when you not even coming home yourself." He Knew CC too well. She was bound to leave Vega on her own to get home.

When, CC and Anissa got together, CC was Known to show off.

Vega took Bam Bam's advice and declined CC's offer. instead, she set in the house with Bam Bam all day and night, counting money and smoking marijuana.

He gave her five dollars for every thousand dollars she counted, on this night. She counted over eight thousand dollars. Vega was a thirteen year old girl going in the house with four hundred and twenty five dollars. before her nine o'clock curfew.




"So you think this shit cool huh?" Bill smacked Baby Woe up side the head. "You wanna be running around robbing and shooting niggas like you tough?"


"You tripp'n dummy. I ain't shoot nobody." Baby Woe told his older brother.


"That lil nigga lying, Bill."


"Shut your fat ass up Greasy." Baby Woe cursed.


Bill slapped Baby Woe against the head again, "Stupid ass nigga, where the gun at?" Bill grabbed Baby Woe up by his shirt and felt his waist for the weapon, found and took it from him. "And I got the other one you tried to hide. Keep your ass in the house until I find out what's going on. Your lil soft ass acting like you bout that life. Somebody gonna fuck you up and I ain't goin be there to stop the shit."


"We for real Woe, stay in the house." Greasy told him.


"Dummy don't say shit else to me!" Baby Woe was tired of Greasy adding his two cents.

Greasy and Bill left the house to go get some information on what the streets were saying about the shooting.

After Baby Woe smoked his last blunt, he was wide awake with boredom setting in. He counted off a few hundred dollars and called a few numbers, but no one had any marijuana or they just didn't answer their phones. There were quite a few people who just didn't want to deal with Baby Woe. Either because they just didn't like his attitude, fear or because they just didn't trust him.


He grew tired of sitting around, so he decided to go against what his brother Bill told him and he went outside, even though he didn't have a gun at the moment. In no time Baby Woe approached a group of boys on the corner about three blocks away from his house.


"What's crackin' lil Woe?"


"What's up dummy? Who got some weed?" Baby Woe questioned the small group.


"Shit, nobody around here. We had to go up to LMC." The boy said as he inhaled some marijuana smoke.


"Good looking dummy" Baby Woe turned to leave.


"A Woe?" a girl in the group called out and walked over to him. "You know Aisha been with them nigga's in Lester Morton court all day."


"I aint stressin' that shit dummy. I would't be me if I was that nigga who worried about a bitch." He said as the two of them walked.


"I Know Woe. I'm just saying though, shorty wrong for that. If I would've known she was like that, I would've been threw some pussy at you." When she said it he just looked at her. She used to be Aisha's friend. He could see now that that didn't mean a thing. "I'm just saying Woe, keep me in mind. You got my number right? Use it." She smiled at Woe and walked back to the boys on the corner.


He decided to walk to Chain Court where a few guys would hang out and play ball or smoke and sell marijuana to see if anyone there was selling any marijuana before he headed to Lester Morton court. He stopped at a group of three boys standing around talking.


"Yo, where the bud at?" He asked.


"I got some bud," one teen replied.


"I need a ounce dummy."


"Oh, I only got Knicks." the boy pulled out a bag of marijuana.


"Naw dummy," he frowned. "I can't do shit with that. I'm going up to Lester Morton." Baby Woe went to walk off.


"Go ahead then." The boy said under his breath, while placing his marijuana back into his pants.


Baby Woe turned back around "What?"


The three boys stood there staring at Baby Woe, "Man, go ahead." The boy said, sucking his teeth.


"You niggas must be strapped." Baby Woe stepped forward and patted the boy waist and when he felt the gun, the boy pushed Baby Woes' hand away.


"Yo, don't touch me boy,"The teen told him.


"OKay, you lil niggas getting gangsta huh? Check this out though, guns don't shoot themselves. If I had mines on me, I would show you whores how one work." He turned to walk away, but turned back quickly. "What?" He faced the boys again, who were just standing there. "Oh, thought a nigga said something." As he turned and walked away, the boy just sucked his teeth again and watched Baby Woe walk off.


The thing is, the guys that he was talking to weren't really scared of him. They were more worried about what would happen if they did anything to him. They knew that they would have to deal with everyone else. Sean, Stew, Bill, Greasy Low Blow, Extra, Blocka', the list goes on. They're all just as dangerous as Baby Woe, if not more dangerous.

Baby Woe had a habit of exposing his hand. Many of the other's would make you believe that everything was fine, then kill you as he walked.

He came across a boy who he had met at Aisha's birthday party last year.


"What's up Boy?"


"What's up Woe? Every thing good?" Roy extended a hand and Baby Woe shook it.


"Naw dummy, I'm looking for some weed."


"Me too."


"I'm on my way up LMC dummy, walk with me?" Baby Woe suggested.


"Naw, I ain't going up there." Roy dismissed the offer.


"Why not? Ain't no bud nowhere else."

"'Everytime I go up there, them niggas be on some shit." Roy told him. Baby Woe already knew that Roy was soft. He got bullied all of the time. But, he respected Roy because he never pretended to be tough. He stayed in school, stayed out of drama, and never tried to talk to a girl who had a boyfriend. He didn't sell drugs or talk shit behind people back.

His parents gave him money and he stayed off the corners like they asked. His only flaw was marijuana smoking at a young age. That was a habit he received from Aisha's pressure on him.

"Man you good. Come on. I ain't letting no nigga fuck with you while you with me, "he assured Ray. After a few more moments of influencing, Ray decided to trust Baby Woe and he followed him into a neighborhood that was far from his own. Ray was nervous but, he didn't want to disappoint Baby Woe for one and secondly, he believed that if anyone could get him a pass, it would be Baby Woe.

As they walked, the two of them were approached by someone. “What's good lil Bill?" It was one of the older guys who had seen him shoot the teen earlier that day.

“Ain't shit dummy.”

"Boy, you a wild lil nigga. Just like Kill Bill crazy ass. I knew you was goin' be out here wet’n shit sooner or later. But be on point though young nigga. I heard it was some niggas walking around here dressed in black hoodies.”

“I ain't stressing no niggas dummy. It is what it is, Big Griff.”

“I hear that shorty. You stay strapped up out here fam. Don't get cought slippin. “Griff told him before he turned to walk away.

“A dummy, you know where I could buy another gun?"

“What you do with the last one? I know you ain't toss it before you got your hands on something new?"

"C’mon Big Griff. You Know Bill be tripping.”

“What! Bill took your strap?” Griff questioned. “That nigga trippin for real. And he know what's going on?”

“Yeah, that's why he took the shit.”

“That's crazy.” Griff lifted his shirt and removed his weapon. Roy eyes grew big. “I’m only giving you this because I fuck with you and your fam. Don't let my shit go cold." He handed Baby Woe the pistol. "You make sure your name ring in the hood Lil Bill." Griff always called Baby Woe, Lil Bill. A lot of the older guys did. He went to shove the gun in to the waist of his pants. "Hold up Lil nigga. You not going check it to make sure it’s full? I could've gave you a empty gun.” Griff said and Baby Woe checked the clip and seen that it was full before he hid the gun into his pants, again.

What was he talking about Woe? What's going on?" Roy asked, knowing that Baby Woe was capable of having anything going on. If Griff gave him a gun, it had to be serious.

"I ain't got shit going on dummy. You good."

"I'm just not tryin'a get in no shit Woe."

"You good with me Roy." Baby Woe stated.

The fear in Roy's heart really set in once they reached Lester Morton Court. They both walked up to a group of guys standing in the parking lot, next to a vehicle that had the windows down and blasting rap music.

"What's happening Woe? Why you got this pussy with you?" The boy pointed at Roy.

Chill dummy we trying get some bud." Baby Woe let be known. "I need a ounce." He looked over at Roy. "What do you want?

"I'll take a ounce too." Ray answered Baby Woe and handed him his money and Baby Woe handed the guy all of the cash.

"Okay, I got you. I be right back." The guy said while taking the money and left.

"You think he coming back?"

"Roy, come on dummy, you good. You wit me boy."

Ray looked around nervously as two guys approached. "What it is Woe?" Both guys shook hands with Baby Woe.

"What's up with you two niggas? Yall seen Extra?"

"Yea, he with the nigga Youngsta. They went to Latrobe Projects with some bitch's. They should be on their way back soon." The young teen said then he stepped over towards Roy. “What the hell this nigga doing in the hood?” He reached out and patted Roys pockets. "What you got goin on?"

"Chill, Tye Man. I aint got nothing." Roy Spat out in fear.

"Let me see?" Tye Man went to dig in to Roy's pocket.

"Fuck is you doing Tye?" Baby Woe stepped forward.

"What the fuck do you mean? I'm fittin to run this nigga pockets." Tye Man started to stick his hands inside of Roys pocket again.

"No dummy." Baby Woe slapped Tye Man's hand away. There was no way that Baby Woe wouldn't stand up for Roy. Even if they arrived there seperately. Still, Roy and Baby Woe were from the same hood. How could he watch outsiders bully him? "He good."

Tye Man steered Baby Woe down. "Don't you ever slap my hand boy. Is you crazy?" Tye Man was a well known name throughout this community. He got his name once Extra left and started to hang out in Deakyland instead of The Courts, as they called the neighborhood. Tye Man is actually from Arnold Court, but we makes money in Lester Morton. He would always push down on teens who were coming up in the hood. He put together his our crew and they run out Kennard and others who they felt were soft like him. But, Tye Man made sure to always stay clear of Extra and the small crew that he had still in Lester Morton Court. But, that was only so that Tye Man could build his own foundation.

"I'ma tell you something that you should already know dummy. Whenever you see a nigga with me, I dont care who he is or what he did, he good. You hear me dummy? You goin' have to catch him some other time." Baby Woe set forth.

Tye Man frowned as if he was offended. "You standing up for this chump ass nigga?"

"If he with me, he good dummy. I aint going back and forth about it.

"Okay." Tye Man chuckled, turned around shaking his head as him and his friend walked a few feet away and sparked up a blunt.

"Thanks Woe. This why I never come to the Courts." Roy voiced

"That's crazy though. How don't nobody play with you like th-" Roy's face froze, looking pass Baby Woe. "Ain't that Aisha coming out of Lea Way's house?" Roy pointed.

When Baby Woe turned, he saw Aisha walking from the boy house with a big smile on her face. "Fuck her dummy. She can fuck who she want to."

"You not mad about that shit?"

"No Roy and you know why? Because, the moment I start to care about a bitch like Aisha, I become a clown dummy. If she want to fuck every nigga in the hood, then so be it. Pussy like that is for ever nigga breathing." Baby Woe explained.

"Yo, here come the nigga with the bud." Roy tapped Baby Woe.

"Here." The boy gave Baby Woe an ounce of marijuana then, he gave Roy his.

Roy looked at his package, then went to put it in his pocket. "Let me see that dummy?" Baby Woe stopped Roy. "This ain't a ounce." He told the guy who was trying to walk away.

"That's all I got left, Woe." The guy said then, he turned to walk off again.

"Yo, hell no dummy. I gave you money for two ounces. I gave you that money. Come off that money or more bud." Baby Woe ordered.

"I gave you yours Woe. The other money was his right. You good, you got all yours." The boy said.

Baby Woe pulled out the pistol that Griff gave him and aimed it at the boy. Instantly, people started walking away.

"What the fuck!" The boy looked at Baby Woe. "Boy you better put that gun down before you get that shit took."

“You better come out your pockets before you take some hot ones out this bitch dummy.” He walked towards the boy.

"Put it down Woe." Tye Man said. Baby Woe looked over and saw that Tye Man was holding a pistol aimed straight at him.

The guy in front of Baby Woe quickly reached out and grabbed the gun with one hand and punched Baby Woe in the face with his other hand. Roy watched his friend fall to the ground as the boy snatched the gun from him. “Now, you kick that shit out Woe. Everything nigga.” The boy ordered.

"One thing I must say dummy." Baby Woe looked up at the two gun holders.

"What's that?" asked Tye Man.

"You got to be the dumbest nigga's I know.”

“Why's that?” Asked the other guy.

"Because.” Baby Woe chuckled. "You dummies ain’t kill me yet. You got to know that if I live yall niggas good as dead.”

Roy looked at Baby Woe then at the two holding the guns. Tye Man aimed his gun towards Baby Woe’s face. "Please." Roy yelled. “Don't shoot him. We not coming back up here no more.”

"Fuck that!" Baby Woe leaned up and started to stand. "You got me fucked up.” He looked at Ray. “If these niggas don't kill me right now. My ass will be up here every day until they both dead." Baby Woe said plainly.

Out of nowhere, some girl yelled out. “Police coming.”

"Shit.” Tye Man fumed. He turned and ran and the other guy did the same.

When Baby Woe turned to go in another direction, he notice Aisha standing there. “Com'mon Woe. I was bluffing. Ain’t no police coming. She confessed. Then it hit him that her voice yelled out the warning.




The next morning Vega woke up to the smell of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and grits. The smell made her stomach rumble. She grabbed some underclothes, a pair of light blue Ogle jeans and an orange Ogle tube top.

Vega took her shower and got dressed as fast as possible. She put her hair back in a pony tail. She like to wear her natural hair. But lately, she's been having thoughts about dying her hair another color and straightening it to lay down.

"Umm, what the hell is you wearing?” Her mother asked as soon as she walked into the dining room.

“What?” Vega played dumb. “Ain't nothing wrong with what I got on Ma!”

"Vega Rachel Smallwood. If you don't get your ass up those steps and change that mess.”

“Ma, can I please eat first? My food goin get cold." Vega cried out.

Her mother stared at her for a moment. "You not going out that front door like that Vega. Don't let me call home from work and here that you’re out side like that."

"I’ma change as soon as I finish eating.” Vega lied. She knew that by the time that she would be done eating, her mother would already be gone for work. And just as she figured, it was done. But, just in case one of the neighbors was to rat her out, she put on one of her small white Focus T-shirts that had the word Desire across the breast in blue bold letters. Although, the shirt still shows off her belly, it was a major improvement.

She left the house and text her friend CC to see where she was. CC led her to a house just a few blocks from Bam Bam’s trap house. Vega became nervous when she reached the house and CC didn't answer the door. It was a tall boy, still young looking. But, the way that the boy looked at Vega made her feel dirty.

"C'mere ma.” He reached out for her.

She stepped back. "Umm, where's CC?” She questioned.

"CC!” He yelled inside. “Your home girl out here!”

Then she could hear CC’s voice yelling for her to come inside. For a moment, she was hesitant. But she went against her gut feeling and entered the house.

“What's your name sexy?” Asked the boy as she entered.

"Not sexy.” She answered.

“Never mind him.” Some other boy told her. “He can only say what he see. My name is Chance.” He reached out a hand.

“Vega.” She extended her hand to meet his.

“Have a seat Vega. CC just went up stairs. She’ll be down in a minute.”

Vega took a seat on the sofa. “What's she doing?"

“She good. She up there with my homies." The tall boy told her and Chance shot him a look.

“Your homies? What is they doing?" She questioned.

"Chill Vega. She okay.” Chance smiled. He had a clean innocent look. He seemed harmless, she thought as she looked at his dimpled cheeks, smiling bright teeth and wavey hair. “Do you smoke weed?" Chance held up a blunt.

“Yeah, I got my own weed home.”

"Home." Chance chuckled. “It’s okay if you don't want to smoke with me. But, I’m about to blaze.” He set down at the opposite end of the sofa and lit the blunt.

The tall guy wouldn't take his eye's off of her. She wouldn’t look at him, but she could see that he was staring. Chance must have noticed how uncomfortable she was. Because, he faced her and asked her was she okay.

"I’m good, I just want to know whats taking CC so long?”

“Girl...” The tall boy walked up to her. “I just wanna know what's it gonna take to peel them tight ass jeans off?" He stood above her rubbing his hands together.

"Tell CC I'm leaving.” Vega tried to stand but the boy was too close. "Can you move, please?"

"Move J.D.!" Chance stood up and shoved the boy away from Vega. She went to stand and Chance looked at her. “You don't have to go nowhere. This nigga leaving.” chance pushed J.D. towards the door, opened it, then pushed him out with ease.

“Sorry about that Vega." Chance looked up at the ceiling and yelled up. “CC! Vega down here waiting on you!”

A few seconds later, CC yelled back. “Vega, give me a minute. I'll be right there!" She sounded as if she was running and out of breath.

“Oh my god!” Vega looked at Chance. “How many of your homies is up there with her?”

Chance laughed and handed her his blunt. “Just four.”

"Four? Is they doing what it sound like they doing?”

"You want to go peep in and see?" He smiled at her.

"Oh no, god no." She smiled at Chance, then inhaled the smoke from the blunt. Instantly, she began to choke.

"You okay? Let me get you a soda." He jumped up and ran into the Kitchen. By the time he came back she was done choking and had inhaled a few more times. “Here.” He handed her a red plastic cup with cola inside.

She looked inside of the cup, then at chance. “Thanks.” She took a gulp. She hit the blunt again, then took another drink as she passed the blunt back.

As they talked, she found Chance to be funny and sweet. He didn't seem too pressed and she liked that about him she found herself setting right next to him some how. They both were in the center of the sofa. But, he still kept his hands to himself.

They heard a banging sound coming from up stairs. "Oh my god! They still up there?" Vega could hear her words slurring and somehow she wasn’t feeling herself. She had forgotten the reason why she was there until she heard the banging. The sound of the headboard hitting the wall was turning her on. She was getting hot. She could feel a bead of sweat forming on her forehead. “You not hot?" She questioned

“No, but um... C'mon." He stood up and grabbed her hand.

"What, where we going?” She stood curiously.

"Shhh!" He placed a finger over his lips as he led her over towards the stairs.

She smiled deeply. “Oh my God, are you about to go peep on them?”

"No." He frowned. "Of course not. We’re about to go peep in on them.” He corrected her.

Instantly, she was hornier than she had ever been in her life.

“I can't believe I'm doing this.” She whispered as they made their way down the short hall and stopped at the open door. The moans were loud and muffled. The bed was squeaking and the headboard continued to pound the wall. Vega stood at the door in shock as she watched her friend bent over, getting sexed, while going back and forth, giving oral sex to two other guys on the bed. The fourth guy stood beside the guy who was at CCs' rear, stroking himself. It was clear to Vega that he had been waiting his turn, again.

Chance saw the look on Vega’s face. He caught the lust in her eyes. She hadn't noticed that her hand was now at her crotch. But Chance noticed. And he knew what was causing her to behave the way that she was.

"Psss.” He grabbed her attention. "C'mon.” He grabbed her hand. She took one more look before she allowed Chance to pull her away.

It was as if she was no longer in control. she wanted to ask, why was she feeling so horny. But, she couldn’t bring herself to let him know how she felt.

They found themselves back downstairs, on the living room sofa.

But, this time Chance couldn’t keep his hand off of Vega and something inside of her didn’t want him to. She was lost in the moment of passion. She didn’t realize it was even real until she felt him push inside of her. She gasped, he pumped and she gasped more. It hurt but also felt pleasant and she wanted more but, at the same time she was afraid. She held a hand on his chest. It was her way of asking him not to go any harder or deeper, if possible. But, she also didn't want him to stop the rhythm that he had going.

Before she Knew it, he had collapsed on top of her. He laid therevstill inside of her. She liked the feeling of him laying there, still between her legs.

She closed her eyes and laid with her arms and legs around him. She couldn't understand the feeling that she was having. She was still horny. And to her pleasure, he lifted himself and kissed her. Before long, he was back at her again.

This time, he was able to last long enough to make her reach her climax. She squeeze him so tight. She didn’t want to let go until she heard all of the commotion.

"Oh shit!” One guy yelled out as he saw Vega shoving Chance off of her. “Damn! shorty bad!"

"This your homegirl CC?" Another guy asked as they all watched Vega slide into her panties then her jeans. All of the guys harried around Vega, trying to stop her from getting dressed.

"Chill girl. You don't need those pants. You look better without em." one guy grabbed her hand as she tried to zip up her jeans.

“Stop!” She contested.

“Get off of her!" CC got in-between Vega and the boy.

"Bitch stop hating!" Another guy shoved CC out of the way.

"CC!” Vega grabbed hold of her friend.

"You niggas chill out.” Chance finally stepping up. "Y’all niggas on some other shit, like yall going rape the girl.” He chauffeured Vega to the door. “Sorry about the homies Vega.”

She didn't have any words to say, but she was grateful that he had defended her. Her and CC both hurried out the front door.

"Y’all nigga's too high!" CC fumed as she existed the door right after Vega. “Are you okay?" She asked as they walked down the sidewalk. But, Vega didn’t answer. CC placed a hand on Vegas shoulder. "Hey?” They both stopped. “Are you okay?"

“I feel funny.” Vega looked around.

“Vega, look at me." CC stared into her face. When Vega looked into her eyes, sure CC could see it right away. Vega was high and not just marijuana.

"Did you take anything. You look high?"

“We smoked some weed."

“No bitch, not weed. Did you... did Chance give you anything to drink in there?”

"Just soda, why? Oh my God! Do you think he put something a my drink?" Vega looked worried. The Mr. Mills situation shot through her mind. She felt scared all over again. CC could see her starting to panic. So she lied. “No, calmed down. Chance wouldn't do that." But, he already had. Chance was the one who started CC to take pills almost a year ago. But, CC liked it. She liked the high, the rush, and the feeling of the guys all over her. What she didn't like, was for Vega to be taking advantage of. She felt sorry for Vega.


She didn’t know Vega back when she was beaten and raped by Mr. Mills. CC don’t even know who Mr. Mills was. But, she was hating herself for being so high and careless to have invited Vega over to Chances brothers house, knowing how the boys were. CC didn’t want to take Vega to Bam Bams' trap house because she knew that he would see the difference in her right away. So instead, they went to CCs’ cousin's house. Which they had to catch a Uber in order to reach.


"Girl, you should’ve came here with me last night. That boy Sean was there.”


“What Sean?” Vega questioned as they set in the car.


"Sean, that boy who came to Bams’ house and gave him his stuff back. Sean is friends with my cousin Anissa and her boyfriend." She set forth.


“Was Eric there?"




"Extra, his name is Eric.”


“No. Why do you want to see him?" CC questioned but Vega didn’t answer. She just stared out of the window for time. CC could see that her friend was in a deep thought, so she just let her be.

"What Kind of weed was that?" Vega asked, breaking the silence.

“I don't know. What you mean?"

"Why do I feel so... SO... weird?" Vega wanted to ask, why do she feel so horny.

“I don't know.” She wanted to tell Vega the truth, but she didn't want her to freak out.

“Who was all of those guys you were up stairs with?" Vera looked at CC curiously.

“They were...” CC shrugged nervously. “We was just smoking and just talking.” She lied.

Vega looked at her sideways. “C'mon CC. I'm your girl.”

CC felt shame sweep over her body. She stared down at her hands. “Please, I just... I dont want you to judge me Vega.”

“I wont judge you CC. I mean, how could I?”


CC looked up at Vega. “I was... I fucked em.”


“I know.” Vega smiled and she instantly felt even more horny then before. “Me and Chance was watching.” She chuckled.


"What? On my god! What did you see?" She became very excited. Vega put up both hands and opened her mouth to imitate CC going back and forth giving two blow jobs at once.


"Shut up!” She playfully shoved Vegas hands down. Then they both laughed for a moment. “You was not suppose to see that. I was so horny.” She looked over at Vega. “So... How was Chance?” She watched Vega closely.


“Umm, I'm not sure. It wasnt too painful, I guess. I liked it. I thought it would hurt more.” She confessed.

CC turned in her seat to get a clear look at her friend.


"Oh my goodness, Vega was that your first time?" she looked at CC wondering why was she so shocked. She was only thirteen yours old. “When was your first time?”


“Not today.. More like, four years ago.”


"What? With who?”


CC laughed. “My cousin, but don't tell nobody.” 


"Eww bitch, you nasty!"


"Shhh! Don't let the world know." CC joked in the back of the Uber.


"Mmm man, I feel crazy, CC. Why am I still horny?” Vega whispered.


"I don’t know girl, but... I don't think those four was enough because I'm still horny too.” CC frowned.


Benjamin (Baby Woe) Prince

Vega Smallwood

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