

Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself
Prince of


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.


Chapter 4


In the morning, Vega was still in her feelings from what Ariel had done the night before.

“I dont understand though, Ce Ce. Ariel always told that she loved me.” Vega, wined.


“Girl, Ariel is nothing. Fuck her, move on. You’ll find somebody soon, watch.”


“Speaking of, why Bam Bam walked me home after all that shit, talking about he going be here fo me. I almost smacked the fuck out of his ass.”


“Why? Bam Bam cool.” Ce Ce set forth dryly.


“Bitch not trying to holla at me in the middle of all that shit happening.”


“Vega you do know that Bam Bam is my cousin right?"


“Yes.” Vega gave her a careless look.


“And you do know that he IS gay right? He don't even like girls like, at all,”


“What?" Vega was confessed.


“Bam Bam is not attracted to females. He like roughneck dudes.”


“No!" She placed her hands over her gapped mouth, "You lying bitch!"


“No I'm not. I'm sure he really wasn’t trying to hit on you Vega." Ce Ce cleared up.


“Aww, I feel so bad now. You better not be lying. Where is he?”


“Real shit, come on, walk with me.”




“Com'mon.” The girls walked about four blocks until they ended up on the block where Bam Bam stood on the corner with about seven other guys and two girls. “Hey Bam! Com'mere?" Ce Ce called out for her older cousin.


“What's up сuzо?"  Bam Bam held a hand full of cash as walked over to the girls.


“I think Vega got the wrong idea last night. This bitch thought you was hitting on her."


“I figured as much?” Bam Bam chuckled. “I was thinking like, she do Know that I'm gay right?"


“I do Know now.” She looked past Bam Bam at the guys on the corner. “Do they know?"


“Yeah, but ain’t none of them gay though. Money speaks louder than anything out here. So, they know but they just overlook it. I just respect their sexuality and they respect mines.” Bam Bam made it clear.

Vega was impressed. He didn't hide it and she respected him for that.

“Y’all want to hit this blunt?” he removed a blunt from behind his ear.




“Hell yea! " Ce Ce intervened.


“...I never smoked weed before.”  Vega made Known.


“Well, today is your lucky day. This is a perfect first time smokers blunt. Moonrock, bubble hash and hash oil to stick the papers together.”


“Oh hell no! I don't know what none of that shit mean, but it don't sound good.” Vega complained.


“Com’mon, lets go in the backyard.” Bam Bam led the girls around the corner and through the alley.

After just two hits Vega was geeked up. she could not stop giggling and say the stupidest things. Before she knew it, she was in Bam Bams trap house sleep in the living room holding an empty bag of chips and two empty kit kat packs. When she woke up Ce Ce was gone and Bam Bam was on the sofa across from her, counting stacks of money with another blunt in his mouth.


“Shit, how long was I sleep for?”


“Girl, you was out far about two and a half hours.” Said Bam Bam. “Ce Ce been left, but you good though."

“Danm, I need to go home."


“Why what's wrong? It's still early.”


“I'm fucking hungry!” She sounded starved.


“Ha ha! Girl, I’ll get you something. We can walk over to the subway in Mount Claire if you want, my treat?" Vega stood up, ready to go. He stood up and handed her the blunt. She thought twice then grabbed it but, she was sure to take small hits.


Bam Bam and Vega walked towards the shopping center and stopped at a corner store. There were two kids inside.

A white girl and a young boy. “What's up lil Maine?” Bam Bam spoke to the boy and handed him two one hundred dollar bills and a fifty. Bam Bam turned to the white girl and she handed him an ounce of marijuana. He tucked it away and purchased some blunts along with a few things for him and Vega to snack on.


They took their sweet time in Subway. They ordered set down and enjoyed their meals. They laughed, joked, and enjoyed their time together. It was hard to tell that he was gay. He seemed like a regular guy. He made a good friend for Vega.


On their way back Vega spotted Ariel and Poe Boy walking.

“Ariel!" Vega ran over, "Ariel can we talk?"


“Vega,” Poe Boy blocked Vega from getting close to Ariel. “Go home somewhere. She don’t want you.”


“Move Poe, let me talk to her." Vega tried to push past him but, he pushed her back and Vega fell on her bottom. She looked up at him. It was the second time he put his hands on her and Ariel said nothing. Vega grew angry inside because of that.


As she made her way to her feet, Bam Bam passed her and punched Poe Boy in the mouth. Poe Boy swung back. A jab slid across Bam Bam’s cheek and Poe Boy threw another but Bam Bam side-stepped and punched Poe Boy twice more before grabbing hold of him.


“Bitch, let me go you whore!" Poe Boy yelled.


“Let him go!" Ariel grabbed Bam Bam and Vega snapped. She grabbed a hand full of Ariels' hair and yanked her away from Bam Bam.


Vega pulled Ariel to the ground, and wrapped her legs around Ariel, laying on their side. Vega held one hand on her hair and the other hand continuously punched Ariel in the side of her face, "Bitch! Bitch, you leaving me for a nigga?" Vega was enraged.


Bam Bam slammed Poe Boy on the ground. Bam Bam, got on top of Poe Boy, "Get off of me, you gay bitch!"


"Oh, gay bitch huh? " Bam Bam released a flurry of punches.


“I guess this makes you my bitch then, huh?" Bam Bam pounded Poe Boys' face repeatedly, as he laid balled up under him, “You my lil bitch boy!" Bam Bam continued raining down on Poe Boy.


Vega was still punching Ariel when she noticed Poe Boy's hands fall to the ground and his face was taking a steady beating "Bam!" Vega pushed Ariel over and crawled over to the two boys.


"Stop Bam Bam!" She was afraid that he was killing him. But, Bam Bam just laughed and stood up. Ariel ran over to Poe Bay and tried to wake him, as Vega pulled Bam Bam and down the street they went.

They both sat on the sofa in Bam Bams' trap house. He could see that she was sad, she rarely said a word since the fight.


"Vega?" he set down next to her and handed her a blunt and some marijuana, "I'ma show you how to roll a blunt, okay?"


"What? You know I'ma fuck this blunt up right?" She forced a smile, still hurting inside. But, she knew that he was only trying to take her mind off of Ariel, so she tried to work with him. Just like she said, she destroyed the first blunt. She cracked it and it went around the side while trying to crack it straight down the middle. Bam Bam knew that the blunt was done but, he let her Keep trying for both of their entertainment.


She couldn't get the papers of the Dutch to line up and she gave up and grabbed a new one. This one she cracked a little better but she tried so hard to line the papers up that she made the papers soggy with spit.

"Girl," Bam Bam laughed," We ain't putting no weed in that mushy ass shit."


"What? It's not that wet!"


"Vega, you got saliva running through your fingers and down your wrist," he joked.


"Hell no!" She laughed hard. She tossed the blunt on the coffee table. "Give me another one. I'ma get this shit right," she grabbed another one from his hand as someone knocked on the door. Without looking too noisy, she watched him peep out of the peephole, then the window. He placed his, hand on something at his waist, under his shirt, "Do he have a gun?" she said to herself, "Did he have it doing the fight?" she wondered.


The door opened and one of the boys who stood in the corner with him came walking inside. Bam Bam closed the door so fast that he almost shut the boy's foot in it. Bam Bam didn't apologize nor did the boy complain.

He locked the door while still holding his hand at his waist. The boy looked at Vega, and she turned her eye's away nervously. She knew that this was some illegal business. She never was in a house where drug deals occurred.

Pickle was a drug dealer, of course, she knew that. She had seen him and any others do business, but it was never done in the house like this. A trap house was something that she had only heard of. He locked up the door and she heard the boy whisper. “Is she good?"


“Yeah, of course,” Bam Bam answered.


She licked the blunt she had cracked and when she looked over at the two of them, the boy was pulling out three stacks of money. “This from up top, this from Gwap and ‘em, and this from the nigga Shady.” He handed it off.

“Okay," Bam Bam walked over and tossed the money on the table in front of Vega. He walked to the back and after about two minutes, he returned with a black store bag she could tell that it was heavy, by the way, it pulled from the bottom.


“Here, you know who get what?”


“Yeah, I got it," the boy said as Bam Bam looked through the peephole, then out of the window with his hand at his waist, under his shirt. Once he was satisfied, he unlocked the door, peeped out as he opened it, and let the boy out. He closed it just as fast as he opened it.


Vega was curious about the money in front of her. ‘Why did he put it there? Did he just want me to see it?’ When he came over, she held up the blunt she rolled. “Did it." she smiled.


“Wow! That...” He wagged a finger at the blunt. “ one of the holiest blunts I've ever seen,” they laughed. "I’ll roll-up another blunt. But, I'm curious to see how you smoke that shit.” He handed her a BiC lighter.

After they laughed trying to smoke Vegas' blunt, which was a waste of marijuana, they smoked until Vega passed out.

When she woke up, Bam Bam was shutting the door and locking it up. She looked and noticed more money on the table next to piles that he must have been counting from.

“Hey, sleepin beauty,” Bam Bam walked over and grabbed a blunt from the ashtray and sparked it. "Hey, are you any good at counting money?”


“Um... I could count, but I never counted that much money,” Vega said looking at the cash on the table.


He told her what money he needed her to count and how much it was supposed to be What she didn't know was that the money she was counting was money he had already counted twice while she was sleeping.

But, her math was correct each time. “I never counted that much money in my life,” she smiled. She was confused and happy when he slid her a hundred-dollar bill. “This mine?” She asked and he nodded while cleaning up the piles.


By then it was getting late and Vegas curfew was nearing.

“C'mon, I'll walk you home.” Bam Bam told her and they both left the house.


“You just leave all that money in the house while you gone?”


“It’s okay. Aint nobody dumb enough to go in there.” He felt certain. Vega was high and hungry as they walked down the street. “Walk me in here.” He said as he walked into a corner store.


There were three bags standing out front that Vega and Bam Bam passed. "I got the munchies." Vega giggled. "I need to get some snacks to take home."


“I got it, save your money,” he told her as he pulled out a stack of cash, in the small vestibule of the store.

At that moment, they both heard a loud voice out front of the store. “You niggas know what it is. Put everything in the bag dummy!”


Bam Bam went for the gun at his waist, but before he could pull it out, a boy came in the door way with a gun aimed at him, "Get your shit push back dummy. Go ahead, pull it out," the young teen dared Bam Bam.


Vega thought that the boy looked familiar, but she kept her mouth closed. The boy took Bam Bam’s gun from his waist and pushed him out of the store, along with Vega.

Immediately, they locked eyes on one another. Vega was just as shocked as the boy who stood there jamming his gun in a boys face while the boy stuffed his jeans in a black bag, that was being held out by another boy that also looked familiar. Bam Bam noticed the looks between the two of them.


He pulled out his stack of cash. And dropped it in the bag. “Take off everything, you too bitch!" The guy who brought them out from the store pointed the gun at her.


“Whoa!" Extra pushed Baby Woe’s arm, forcing the gun away from Vega. “Chill dummy!" Extra ordered.


“Nigga is you fuck’n stupid? Don’t ever do that again.” Baby Woe stepped up in Extra’s face.

Then Vega realized who Baby Woe was. "This is the boy who be with Sean. No, he's Sean's cousin. But, wasn’t he the one who stabbed Extra’s friend?" She thought to herself. Extra ignored Baby Woe and turned to Vega and Bam Bam. Bam Bam knew that Vega and the boy had to know one another. But, still he took off his chain and his watch and dropped it all in the bag that Nelly held out.


When Bam Bam went to take off his shirt, Extra stopped him. “He got enough. Let's go.” Extra turned to leave.

Bam Bam Knew that he didn’t get stripped because of Vega.


“Naw, fuck that dummy. He comin’ outta everything. Strip.” Baby Woe said while aiming the gun at Bam Bam.


“I said we got enough.”


“What, do you know this nigga?” Baby woe asked and everyone on the corner looked at Extra for his reply.




“Ok, than you won’t mind if I shoot him then?” Baby Woe steadied the gun at Bam Bam, but Vega jumped in front of him.


“No, please don’t?” She begged, hoping that Extra would step in a save them both.


“Bitch, what makes you think I won't shoot you first, then your boyfriend?"


Vega shot a look of fear over at Extra, but Extra didn't seem to be moving. He just looked at her, "He's not my boyfriend," Vega said to Extra, although Baby Woe had made the statement.


"Woe, chill out, dummy." Extra pleaded.


"My nigga, you know the rules. If you pull it, you gotta use it."


"Not this time Woe."


"EVERY TIME!" He shouted. "Dummy, somebody getting shot!" he promised Extra.


"Man, we gotta get going. We been here too long." Said Nelly, as two vehicles cruised by.


"You want somebody to get shot?" Extra asked Baby Woe as he stepped towards a guy.


“Somebody getting shot dummy!" Baby Woe restated.


“Okay!" Extra aimed at one of the guys who stood there with his hands up only wearing boxer shorts.


“Yo, c’mon please!" The boy cried out.


Pop! Pop! Pop! Extra shot the boy and watch him fall down. Everyone else scattered, except for the robbers. Extra, watched as Bam Bam pulled Vega away, down the street. The two guys who were only wearing boxer shorts fled in unlike directions and the third one laid out on the ground with three holes in him.

Bam Bam and Vega both stopped running after they turned a corner and made it a half of a block away.

“Who the fuck was them niggas? Do you know them?" he demanded an answer.


"I swear, I haven't seen them in years, Bam." she panted.


“I went to school with them boys. The one... the one who shot that boy,” Vega shook her head, trying to catch her breath. "That's my ex-boyfriend. But I promise you that I had nothing to do with that back there.”


“Calm down, I could tell by the way you both reacted to each other that you both was surprised to see each other.” Bam Bam set forth.


"Are you okay, how much did he get from you?”


"About three thousand."


“Oh my god! I'm so sorry," She truly was.


“I need you to tell me everything you know about them niggas. Bam Bam demanded as he walked Vega home.


“Dummy had a knot on him," Nelly said as he counted the money Bam Bam had in the back of Big Maines Lexus.


“Dummy what was up with you and the nigga, you know him?” Baby Woe looked back at Extra from Big Maines passenger seat.


“Naw, I don't know that nigga, I use to talk to the girl Vega. She was Kyla's friend in elementary school. She knows Kyla as Shannon."


“I knew she look familiar dummy,” Baby Woe turned back and said.


“Yo,” Big Maine looked at Extra through the rearview mirror, “You said, Vega? She a lil light skin girl?”


“Yea, you know her?”


“Yo, tell me yall didn't rob that little girl?" Big Maine entreated.


“Naw, she got a pass. But I was about to buss that bitch dummy.” Baby Woe made known.


“What the fuck for?”


“She tried to save her boyfriend.”


"Yo, what the fuck happen, tell me everything?" Big Maine demanded answers.


The boys took turns telling bits and pieces of the story. Big Maine was happy that Extra shot one of the boys but, he was a little pissed that Vega was there. Then, he found out by the chain and watch that the guy with her was one of his own workers, Bam Bam. He gave the boys the money for the chain and watch back. And just a few moments later, Big Maine's phone rang.


“Yo... yea, I Know Pickle... Tell Vega I said it's all takin' care of. I'ma talk to him... all right holla.” He hung up. “That was my man. He fuck with Vega's sister. He said Vega told him what happened. She wanna talk to you Extra. The nigga she was with want to holla at you bout this shit."


“Say no more, spin back through there,” Extra said with excitement. “I'll lay the nigga down now dummy.”

“Naw, that's my lil homie. I'ma give him his shit back and let him know it's over with. He was at the wrong place, wrong time.”


“See Extra, you should’ve let me slump that nigga and that bitch. She gonna tell him who you is. Ain't no telling if he goin listen to this nigga. I wouldn’t listen to this nigga.” Baby Woe set forth. Big Maine gave him a cold stare as he pulled over on Broadway. He was really getting fed up with Baby Woe. It was like dealing with a young Bill all over again. “Fuck is you looking like that for, dummy? This ain't your call. Matter fact, if that's your boy, then let that nigga know I'ma smack his fuckin' head." Baby Woe left the vehicle and his friends followed.


Big Maine looked at Extra as he climbed out of the back, "Yo, why that nigga gotta be hard twenty-four-seven?" But, Extra didn't respond with words. He mugged Big Maine before slamming his door shut.


The boys went to Sean’s house, where Sean, Stew, Wolf, Malaysia, and Anissa were. Malaysia is Stew's girlfriend and Wolf ended up getting with Anissa. The girl he met at Chick Web a few years back. Sean's girlfriend, Kyla moved to Atlanta with her grandmother.


Baby Woe, Extra, and Nelly walked past them all and went into the dining room and emptied out their black trash bag on the table. Extra counted all of the cash while Baby Woe examined the Glock 40. that they took from Bam Bam, which they never mentioned to Big Maine.


"Look at you niggas." Sean walked into the room. “Who the fuck did you dumb ass niggas rob now?"


“Mind your business, before we rob your ass.” Nelly grabbed the 25. from in front of Extra, and held it up.


“Nigga, if you ever in your life try to rob me, I’ll make you eat that gun, lil pussy.” Sean said and everyone laughed, including Nelly. Sean saw the gun setting in front of Baby Woe on the table. “Boy, you better stop taking Bill's guns. He goin' fuck around and need it one day and your dumb ass going to be running around with it."


"Mind your business dummy. Bill got plenty of guns tucked away. This wasn't the only one in there.” Baby Woe explained to his cousin.


“Well, my mother on her way home. You know if she see all that money, her junky ass goin’ to be all in your pockets until she spend every dime you got.” Sean walked through the living room and into the Kitchen.


“Hey Anissa?” Baby Woe called out, “Come here dummy.” Anissa walked into the dining room with a blunt lit.




“I need you to do something for me dummy.”


“What now, Woe? She asked while dropping one of her hips lower and placing a hand on her waist, inhaling marijuana smoke.


“I need you to run down on some bitchs for me.”


Anissa frowned her face, “Fuck is you asking me for? Just take me to the bitchs nigga.” Anissa was raised to be a fighter. She grew up on Edmonson Avenue. She is the only one in her group who was a Blood gang member, besides Butt Butts' best friend Dave, who went to Los Angeles California to pursue his rap career.


“Okay Nissa, say no more dummy. Baby Woe was satisfied with her answer.


Then, her boyfriend Wolf walked in beside her. “Say no more about what?” He asked.


Nelly sucked his teeth, "Man get out of here, clown.” Nelly blurted out.


“Nigga fuck you.” Wolf barked back. “Bitch ass nigga."


"Both you niggas needa shut the fuck up," Extra said plainly. "Ain't neither one of you niggas fittin' to move hands, so fall the fuck back."


"Ha ha." Anissa chuckled, "Ya'll be lettin' Extra treat yall like bitchs." She knew that her boyfriend was soft. But, she loved the way that he loved her. Plus, she felt as though she was tough enough to hold them both down, but she couldn't help but tease him sometimes.


After Baby Woe, Extra and Nelly all divided the morey and got very high and wasted on weed and codeine, they went their own ways. Baby Woe walk a few blocks away and stopped at his friend Menice house,"


"Hey Woe. You looking for Menice?" a small girl answered the door, barely able to pronounce words.


"Hey Lil sis, what're you doing still, woke girl?" Baby Woe slurred


"Move girl, go sit down." Menice appeared in the doorway behind his younger sister. "Dummy, it's almost one in the morning. You out there by yourself wasted?"


"I'm good dummy," Baby woe, lifted his shirt and showed Menice the glock 40. Baby Woe stumbled back a step while holding doubled stacked cups.


"Man get in here."


"Naw dummy, come outside. Let's go on a move." He couldn't even stand up, without stumbling around.

Menice stepped down from the doorway and down his front steps and grabbed Baby Woe by his arm and pulled him up and inside.


"Nigga you can't even hold your eyes open and you talking about robbing somebody. Get your dumbass in the crib."


"I'm... I'm good, dummy... I'm trying... I'm trying get this money," he slurred as Menice pushed him in and shut the door behnd them both.


"Is he hurt?" The little girl asked her brother.


"No, he okay, he just need to get some sleep. He'll be okay in the morning." Menice said as he helped Baby Woe to the sofa.


Baby Woe couldn't remember much more about being at Menice house, until the morning, when he heard a women's voice. "Benjamin, wake the hell up."


"Ms. Joyce?" He looked up at Menice's mother, wondering why was he on his friends couch.


"Boy, get those dirty ass shoes off of my sofa," she demanded.


"Damn, Ms. Joyce, I thought something was wrong. This damn sofa already dirty as fuck dummy."


"Benjamin, you need to watch your mouth in my house. That's why Dan said you couldn't come here last time." She reminded him of her husband.


Baby Woe sucked his teeth, "Dan? That nigga is a basehead. He ain't bought nothing, dummy."

Ms. Joyce threw her hands up, "You know what? Be out of my house when I get back. Com'mon girl." she waved the little girl over to her.


Baby Woe hadn't noticed the girl playing off to the side the whole time. "Bye!" She waved.


"Bye bye Lil sis," he smiled at the girl. She smiled back and left with her mother.


After Ms. Joyce left the house, Baby Woe remembered the move he made the day before and he checked his pocket.

"What the fuck?" His pockets were empty. He searched the sofa, "Where the fuck is my shit!" he shouted.


"Yo, dummy!" Menice yelled as he came down the stairs. "Your mother stole my shit dummy!"


"She ain't steal shit. I got your shit upstairs nigga."


"What the fuck you got my shit for?" Baby Woe questioned.


"Nigga your gun was on the floor! K.T could've got that Shit. And if I wouldn't have took your money, my mother probably would've." Menice went up stairs and returned with all of Baby Woe's things. He first grabbed his cup of syrup and took three pills before taking a sip. The two of them left out of the house, sparking blunts.

They went pass Aishas' house and her mother informed them that Aisha never came in last night.


"This bitch think she slick dummy." He told Menice but the lady heard him.


"What did you say about my daughter?"


Baby Woe sucked his teeth, "Man, tell Aisha, I said she ain't slick."


"Whatever Benjamin. You need to stay away from Aisha, you aint shit but trouble."


"Shid, that bitch won't leave me alone," he said as he walked away. The lady shook her head and slammed her front close.


The two of them walked around the neighborhood smoking and sipping out of last nights cup until they reached the block where Sean, Stew and Wolf were.


"What's good?" Sean and the others all shook hands. "My mother wanted to know where you was at." Sean told Baby Woe.


"I'm headed to the crib now, "he responded. Baby Woe and Menice both went to the house and as soon as they entered, Seans' mother was stretched out on the sofa with a needle in her arm. "Look at this shit dummy... Wake up!" he smacked his aunt in the face.


She jumped up "What the fuck Benjamin?"


"C'mon aunty, you pregnant, still getting high. You lucky Sean ain’t come in here and see your trifling ass!" Baby Woe fumed. "Where London at?"


"Just leave me alo-" She nodded out before she could finish the sentence.


"I'ma wait out front dummy," Menice went outside while Baby Woe went to get his self together. It wasn't long before Baby Woe was walking back out of the front door wearing different clothes and shoes.


"Yo dummy, I just seen the nigga Mouse. He said Aisha. with the bitch April." Menice told Baby Woe.


"Hell no, he lying dummy, look." He showed Menice his cell phone where April texted his phone in the middle of him taking a shower, asking if Aisha was around, because she wasn't answering her phone. "Fuck Aisha dummy," the two young boys went for a walk.


They ran into another one of their friends or an aquatint. "What's good CB?" Menice shook his hand but Baby Woe and Colored Boy just gave each other a head nod.


When they walked back to the block, it was mostly Colored Boy and Menice who spoke. They spotted Sean and Stew in a heated argument with four young teens! Wolf stood there as if he was just observing as Colored Boy, Baby Woe and Menice walked towards the situated, a car pulled up beside them, "Woe?" A voice yelled out.


"What's up dummy?" He looked over at Big Maine sitting in his Benz.


"You strapped?"


"Hell yeah, and I'm on go," he answered Big Maine with his head held high.


"Hold up let me get these niggas." Big Maine sped up and stopped beside Sean, Stew, Wolf and the four guys they were arguing with. Sean, Stew and Wolf walked over to the Benz and got inside. The four boys started walking off, still heated as the Benz pulled away.


"I'ma meet y’all nigga's at my aunt house dummy." Baby Woe told his friends.


"Naw, I'm coming too nigga," Colored Boy lifted his shirt to let Baby Woe see his pistol.


"Well shit, let's get it. Manice, you not holding so go to the house and wait for us, dummy," Baby woe told him. He hated it but, he knew that without a gun, all that he could do is run once the action started so, he listened and left.

The two of them followed behind the four boys for about four blocks. Trying to allow them to get outside of the Deakyland community.


"Who is these niggas," asked Colored boy.


"Dead niggas."


"But, where they from?"


"Why, you scared nigga?"


"Fuck you nigga. Fuck I look like being scared of a nigga fool?” Colored Boy seemed offended.


"Okay dummy, I know you still in your feelings about me stabbing you years ago." Baby Woe looked over at Colored Boy as they walked, "I got my gun, you got yours. Ain't nobody right here to stop us, dummy. We can make this shit about us." Baby Woe placed a hand on his pistol.


"You trippin Woe. That shit was years ago. If I had feelings on that, I would've at least smacked the shit out you or something by now. Trust me, you safe round me lil bro or I would've been laid you out." Colored Boy petted his gun at his waist.


"Okay dummy, whatever. Just put it like this. If you ain't trying to bang out now, then put the old shit behind you."

"It's been behind me. Let’s get it." Colored Boy grabbed his pistol and sped up to catch up with the four boys. But, one of the boys turned around and saw Colored boys' movements.


The boy shoved his friend aggressively to get his attention.


By the time that the second boy turned around, Colored Boy was already pulling his weapon from his waist. But, the boy was fast, he was pulling his weapons as well. Three of the four boys went into a full sprint as Colored Boy and the teen aimed and squeezed.


By the time shots were being fired, Baby Woe was just starting to pull his weapon from his waist. Colored Boy ducked behind a parked vehicle and so did his target.


Baby Woe stood out in the center of the sidewalk and fired. The boy lifted his head to get a look and Baby Woe fired two more shots. The bullets struck the car, right in front of the teen's face. The boy fell back in fear when he saw the bullets strike.


Baby Woe walked alongside the vehicle as the boy was scrambling to his feet. When the boy looked up and saw Baby Woe, he tried to aim but he was too late, too slow, too easy of a target, two bullets struck him in the chest. Baby Woe watched the boy body push back into payment and instantly start to weezing with blood trinkling from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were locked on Baby Woe as Colored Boy appeared at his side.


Suddenly, both boys aimed their guns at two older boys who turned the corner with their guns drawn as well. Then, once they noticed who the two older boys were, they lowered their weapons.

Baby Woe pointed his gun at the boy on the ground in front of him.


"Lil Bill, fuck is you doing boy?" One of the older boys asked.

Then, “BOOM!” Baby Woe fired a shot into the teens skull.

"You fuck'n wild, just like your fucking brother," the older guy approached.

"You lil niggas get out of here," the other older guy told Baby Woe and Colored Boy as he shoved them away. Both of the young boys took off running away.




Benjamin (Baby Woe) Prince

Vega Smallwood

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A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.