

Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself
Prince of


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.



Chapter 3


At the end of summer, Baby Woes' older brother Bill, a street hustler who stalked the corners of Broadway and Ashland sent Wolf to find Baby Woe and deliver a message.


The message itself scared Wolf. But, he had to deliver it. He was already on thin ice. He had been fighting to redeem himself in his friend's eyes.


So, Wolf found Baby Woe and the others playing a game of football and delivered that message. It was one that every kid from Deakyland to Lester Morton wished for, but none wanted to be a part of.


Baby Woes' eye's had lit up. He clearly enjoyed the thought that the message brought to his mind. Wolf could see the excitement building right in front of him. Baby Woe, rushed to inform Sean, Stew, Youngsta, Menice, and the others of the news he'd just received! "Yo, dummy." Baby Woe called out with excitement. "Kill Bill, and em said they gonna pay us to go fuck up Extra and em. You niggas tryna get paid?!"


They had been waiting for a reason to go up against Extra and his crew. They had already gone up against every other crew who had a strong foundation, and they came out on top every time.


They ran through almost every surrounding crew in their age group except for a hand full. One of those crews is Extras crew. Now, they finally get to answer all the circulating questions. The question of who was the strongest crew.


It wasn't long before the Deakyland crew was entering Lester Morton court, where they spotted Extra, Colored Boy, Anwut, House, and his brother Porter along with a few other kids who were headed in their direction as they approached.


Baby Woe had a sinister grin as he neared Extra and his crew. Extra stood there waiting, cool, calm, and collected.


"What's up dum-" Baby Woe found himself eating his words along with and fist. Extra punched him in the mouth. Baby Woe spun slightly before he could catch his balance, and Extra hit him again.


Sean wasted no time punching Colored Boy right before Baby Woe hit the ground, and the parking lot became very active, very quickly. Stew swung on Porter and missed. House, swung two quick jabs and connected both against Stews, but Stew reacted fast and hit House, so hard that he fell into a parked car. Stew delivered a flurry of Jabs, crosses, and hooks that made House fold up against the car but the punches held him up.


Youngsta stopped Porter from helping House. Blocka Nelly and Menice all squared up with about four other kids. Wolf swings at Fetch, one of Extra's friends. Fetch weaved the blow and swung a two-punch combination of his own that connected with power.


Wolf turned and took off, running away. No one chased him, everyone knew that he was the least of their worries. In Lester Morton court, Wolf was known as 'Cool Running'.


Soon, the situation took a turn for the worst for the Deakyland crew. Lester Morton Kids came from all over. They seemed just to appear. Each Deakyland Kid was defending themselves against about four kids. They found themselves feeling the wrath of young Extra. Baby Woe was still on the ground Extra and a few other kids stomped and kicked him repeatedly until he punched one kid in the leg, the kid fell back on the ground, holding his shin. Extra saw his friend holding his shin and noticed blood between his fingers."


Extra pushed his friend back away from Baby Woe and Baby Woe jumped up from the ground. Colored Boy rushed over to Baby Woe, unaware of what Extra had just recently discovered, and as soon as he swung at Baby Woe he sidestepped and jammed his knife into Colored Boys' stomach twice.

Colored Boy fell to the ground holding his stomach. All the kids backed away as Baby Woe swung his blade at them.

When other kids noticed Baby Woe swinging the knife, they all stopped fighting.


Both Deakyland and Lester Morton court boys stood there yelling for Baby Woe to stop chasing people, trying to stab them, until he was stopped by Extra, Jumping out in front of him. "Let's go! You wanna stab somebody? Stab me bitch!" Extra stood they with his fist up. Baby Woe swung the bloody blade and missed, Extra swung his fist and missed as well. After a few seconds of missing on both sides, the police siren was blasted from outside of the parking lot and everyone scattered, including Baby Woe and Extra.




Weeks pass bye, but Vega could see the terror she faced as if it was just yesterday. She dreamt about it when she slept, thought about it when she was awake and she saw it in every strange man that she saw. What scared her most of all was that the man who had hurt her, was a man she thought that she knew very well. Come to find out, Mr. Mill's daughters, Hannah and Pearl were also victims of his abuse and their mother found out and took the girls. That's why they weren't home in that terrifying situation.


Although, Vega faced an unforgettable nightmare, she was happy with one outcome. The situation brought her mother and father closer. Her mother was falling apart after she had found out that her nine year old daughter had been drugged, raped, and beaten. She began to go mentally unstable, but Vegas father took her, Vega and Vegas younger sister Caitlyn under his roof where at first it was only him and his daughter Latia.


Vega and Latia had the same dad but different mothers. They both had the same features though. The same beautiful eyes nose and lips. You could clearly see that they were sisters. The only things that set them apart were the age differences and the fact that Vega's mother was white so of course Vega was a light skin girl whereas Latia was dark. Vega's parents discussed their plans for Vega starting school in just a few days. She overheard them saying that they thought it would be best for her to be home-schooled for a while until she was a little better.


But, it was Vega's mother who was afraid. She didn't want to let her daughter out of sight. As far as she knew, Mr. Mills was still out there somewhere. Just another face, body and name. Even though, she knew the man who had hurt her daughter was dead, any man could easily be the next Mr. Mills. When Latia and Pickle stopped by and picked up Vega, she told them what she'd overheard. "Please, tell them that I want to go to school. I don't want to be home-schooled." Vega begged her sister.


"I'll talk to your mother." Latia, set forth. "I know she is scared. Daddy, we'll let you go but, he just wants Mommy to feel comfortable."


They drove over to Mount Clare Junction to buy Vega a few more pairs of shoes, some sweaters, and jackets before the school year began. Vega sat on a bench and waited for one of the DTLR employees to bring her the three pairs of shoes that she chose.


Pickle was not only well known throughout his neighborhood but the seventeen-year-old was also known in every store in and surrounding the neighborhood. He was used to the attention that he always got from everyone and ever since he had Latia beside him, she had been getting a lot of attention as well. Boys of all ages adored Latia along with younger girls. But, all of the females who were old enough to date Pickle, would give Latia nasty looks, and attitude or some would flat out ignore her and hit on Pickle like she wasn't there. "There go your boy." Latia pointed Pickle's attention over at the entrance of the store as an older guy entered with two young girls.


The guy looked like money. He was brown skin with deep waves and sported a thick gold chain, a rolex watch and Versace shirt, pants and a pair of Louis Vuitton red bottom shoes. "What's up Pickle. Hey Latia." He spoke, then he looked at Vega, Is this lil sis?"


"Yea, that's Vega." Latia, let be known.


"What's good Big Maine?" Pickle, shook hands with his connection to the drug game. "I see you got lil sis and her big head home girl with you."


"My head ain't big." Said one of the young girls who stood with Big Maine.


"I'm fuckin' wit' you Chel, whats up? How you doing Charmaine?" Pickle spoke and both girls spoke back, with bright smiles. It was obvious to Latia that the girls both liked her boyfriend. But, it was cute to her because both Charmaine and Chel were only around the age of thirteen years old and pose no threat. Although, they both were pretty girls.

Vega was being spoiled as usual, by Pickle and Latia, all day long. When Vega was sitting in the back of Pickles Escalade, her cell phone rang. She was surprised to see that it was one of her old friends from the east side of Baltimore.


"Hey hey, Amanda, what's up?"


"Hey Vega girl. How you been?"


"Um..." Vega thought about the terrifying situation with Mr. Mills, then thought that it was something that she would rather not talk about. "I been good. What's goin' on with you? It's been a while since we talked."


"I know right. I was calling to see if you heard about your boy, Extra?"


Vega set up in attention at the sound of his name. She really missed him a lot and wished that she could forgive him but, her sister and other close relatives had taught her better than to give in to cheaters. But, she wanted his protection. Although, he was only nine years old, she felt safe with him. "What happened,  is he okay?" She inquired.


"Girl, he got into a big fight. The whole Lester Morton Court was just gettin' it in." Amanda, set forth.


"What, with who, each other?" Vega noticed Latia was cutting her eyes at her through the mirror. But, she never said anything.


"No girl." Amanda continued. "Them Deakyland Cruddy Buddy boys. You know, Sean, Blocka, Youngsta, Steward, all of them nigga's. And some boy that suppose to be Sean cousin. His name Baby Woe. That boy pulled out a knife and stabbed two people. Colored Boy in the hospital. Extra, crazy ass was fighting Baby Woe, while he had the knife but the police came. I think that crazy boy would've stabbed Extra up if the police wouldn't have come." Amanda, informed Vega. Then, they talked for a little while longer before they said their good byes and hung up.


Vega signed "Why would he try to fight a boy who got a knife?" She questioned herself. She scrolled through her contacts and found Extra's name, stored as Eric in her phone. She contemplated calling him, but just reminisced on the time they spent together instead.


"Everything okay?" Latia, questioned. Vega, noticed Pickles eye's through the rear view mirror.


They both looked concerned. So, Vega informed them about what she had just found out about her ex-boyfriend. Pickle, only heard one thing that caught his attention. "What you mean, boyfriend?"


Vega sucked her teeth. She turned and stared out of the window. Pickle, could see that she was deeply thinking about him, "Hey, if this Eric kid is as crazy as you say, maybe you should let me talk to him. Maybe, he just needs someone to talk to him. I wish I had someone to talk to me."


Vega thought about what he just said momentarily, "Naw, he won't listen." The truth was that she didn't really want to have Extra around. In any way, for any reason. She knew that if she saw him, she would forgive him.




In east Baltimore, Baby Woe approached his brother Bill at Shimaya's house, which is Bill's daughter's mother.

When Baby Woe entered her house, Bill was holding his daughter, on the couch. "Yo, dummy, you wanted me?" Baby Woe asked and Bill passed Sequoia to her mother.


"Yea, come in the kitchen." Bill led the way. "Yo, what's up with this Cruddy Buddy shit I'm hearing about."


"Deakyland Cruddy Buddies, that's the crew dummy."


"No, dumbass. Cruddy Buddies is some other nigga's. Yall claiming some shit that some nigga's made up already. You don't even know them nigga's." Bill, let be known.


"So... We Deakyland Cruddy Buddies dummy. We ain't gotta know 'em. Minnesota ain't know the Vikings. But, they rep it, and people respect it."


"Man, make up yall own shit. But, anyway, on another note." Bill pulled out a  knot of one's, fives, a few ten's and a couple of twenties. He handed a couple of bills over to his little brother. "The nigga Cheese, and his lil brother came to the hood about an hour ago."


"Yea, I heard dummy. Cheese got rocked, yall laid that nigga down?!"


"No, the nigga Box from Chaple street pulled up and shot him, thinking that Cheese was one of us. So tonight, we having a meeting with the LMC niggas. That mean. hold tight on that beef with, Lil Extra and them."


"Do Extra Know about that?" Baby Woe was curious. He didn't want to put the beef on hold if Extra wasn't doing the same. He knew how important it was to listen to Bill. It wasn't just fights with the older teens and grown ups. It was bodies being left in the streets when it came to them. And a lot of the kids who were attacking one another, are younger siblings of the neighborhood dealers, and killers.


"Yea, I talked to his brother already. Everything is on hold until tomorrow." Bill set straight.

Baby Woe, Kissed his niece on the forehead and headed towards the door. "Benjamin?" Shimaya called for Baby Woe.


"Yea?" He turned to face her.


"Calm down out there." she had a look of compassion in her eye. "I heard you stabbed somebody. She looked at Bill, then back at Baby Woe. "Don't be like your big brother."


Bill sucked his teeth. "Man, that Lil bitch ass nigg-" He stopped when he noticed Shimayas face growing angry. She hated that Bill always looked down on Baby Woe. In her eyes, it's what made him more violent. He wanted to prove to his big brother Bill, that he was like him.


Baby Woe turned and left without a word. He certainly had something on his mind. Bill, told him that they should start their own crew, using their own name and Sean had already started a crew called My Other Brother, The MOB for short, or M.O.B. Baby Woe laughed at Sean's idea but, Stew and Wolf both Sided with Sean. He wondered if he had made a mistake.


He got all of his Cruddy Buddy friends together, including the new M.O.B. members and they all set around Baby Woe in the park, while he informed them all about the situation with the Lester Morton Court Boys and Chaple Street Boys.

But, the next day, Baby Woe discovered that the meeting was postponed. It seemed as though, every time they were supposed to meet up, something would prevent it from happening. Before long, School had begun and on the first day of school, there was a lot of tension. Many of the students had heard what happened in Lester Morton Ct. They all had their eye's on Extra and Baby Woe.


After being known as the crazy boy who stabbed Colored Boy, Baby Woe was becoming the talk of the school. If it wasn't for Colored Boy, Extra and a few others saying that Baby Woe wasn't anywhere near him when he was stabbed, he would have been charged.


He became the talk of the school alongside Extra. One name couldn't be mentioned without the other. Kids couldn't wait to see them explode into action.


It was on a Friday, when Baby Woe, Stew, and Wolf were walking through Lester Morton court on their way home from school and saw Sean on the ground fighting while two of Extra's friends stood watching. As they hurried closer, they noticed the girl named Shannon was yelling for them to leave Sean alone while an older guy from the neighborhood stood there playing coach, watching as well.


"Yo what the fucks goin on dummy? Baby Woe, questioned as he walked up on the fight.


"Hurry up Woe, help your cousin." Yelled the older guy.


"Yo, that's my brother!" Stew shouted at the attackers as he neared, pointing out Sean on the ground. "Oh, well they was jumpin' your brother when I pulled up." The older guy set forth and without any further words, Stew punched the closest boy in the mouth. Baby Woe punched the other one and Wolf, he finally helped. He kicked the kid that Sean was rolling around on the ground with until the kid released Sean. The four of them beat those kids silly while Shannon and the older boy watched.


After a moment passed, the older boy stopped the rumble. Baby Woe eyed Shannon as Sean was holding a conversation with the older guy. She noticed him staring at her, from her undone hair down to her old K-swiss shoes. She felt so embarrassed, she called out to Sean. "I have to go..." She said and started to walk away.


"Hold up, we walking wit' you." Sean shook hands with the and they all walked Shannon home together. And that's the way things went from that moment on. They would all walk Shannon home after school, on Sean's behalf.


Baby Woe found out that the older guy who was there at the fight, turned out to be a neighborhood drug dealer who was taking over the streets in the Deakyland area, under a up and coming street legend that they call Big Maine. The older boys' name turned out to be Butt Butt and he liked Sean. Baby Woe noticed the money that Sean was getting. Shannon had new clothes, shoes, and accessories and had her hair done every day. Sean, Stew, and Wolf, started to shine. But not Baby Woe. He knew that his cousin and friends were being used by Butt Butt because of their ages.

Bill, Baby Woe's brother, ended up having to move his drug shop a few blocks outside of Deakyland in order to make money.


Bill, was pissed when he found out that his younger cousin, Sean, was the reason why his money was slowing up. Then, to find out that Butt Butt, one of Bill's old friends from school was Sean's supplier, pissed Bill off even more. Eventually, money for Bill, just about stopped coming in altogether and Bill, pulled up on Butt Butt about it.

Butt Butt and Bill came to an agreement and he started supplying Bill, but on one condition, Bill had to leave East Baltimore. Bill, jumped at the deal and him, Greasy, and Low Blow moved to Edmonson and Brice. Greasys' neighborhood.


Although, Bill is originally from Greenmount Ave, during the time of Bill's stay in Deakyland, he brought peace between them and Lester Morton court. By teaming up and going against the Chaple Street Boys.

A short while later, Baby Woe and Extra held a small meeting, where Baby Woe called out Extra in a fistfight to end their dispute. Extra accepted without hesitation and the two of them rumbled in a one-on-one fistfight in the middle of Lester Morton court, with Youngsta, Blocka, Menice and all of, Lester Morton court were watching. Youngsta, Blocka, and Menice all knew that Baby Woe was not a good fighter, and now, the whole of Lester Morton court knew.

But, everyone soon found out the heart that Baby Woe Possessed. He fought non-stop. Even after one eye swelled shut, his nose leaked blood and the inside of his mouth tasted of copper. Baby Woe, wouldn't stop. And after long, Extra ran out of gas and slowly but surely, the fight shifted Baby Woes' favor. There was a complete turn around and both fighters walked away with a closed eye and bloody nose.




As time passed by for Vega, she met new friends. A lot of them were bad influences on her. Latia, Pickle or Vega's parents didn't approve. The one that Vega's parents hated most was Ariel.

Ariel and Vega had become so close, it sickened Vega's parents. Before long, three years had passed and at age twelve, Ariel had seduced Vega and the two of them became known as a couple throughout the neighborhood.

The choice was easy for Vega, since she had stopped trusting boys ever since she was abused by Mr. Mills. Ariel was a girlie girl. Many of the boys wanted, Vega and Ariel. It drove the boys even more crazy when they learned that the two girls were together.


But, for the most part, all that the young girls would do was Kiss and touch one another. They never removed any clothing and they both were fine with that.


Ariel was experimenting and having fun turning on the guys. But, Vega had her heart in it and she was hurt when she started realizing how Ariel really turned up her flirting with her, whenever the boys were around. At age thirteen, Vega was coming back from a night out with Latia and Pickle, when she asked to be dropped off at Ariels' house.

"You only got an hour before you take your ass in the house," Latia yelled out of the car window as Vega walked up to Ariel's front door.


"I know, I won't be long." Vega set forth, and Pickle pulled away with Latia.


Ariel must have heard Vega's voice because she beat her to the door. "Hey Vega." Ariel smiled nervously. "I thought you was out with your sister." She stepped out and shut the door.


"I was, they just dropped me off... Um..." Vega frowned "What are you sweating for?"


Ariel quickly wiped her forehead, "It's hot!". She looked back at her living room window with a quick glance.


Vega was puzzled. "Why... you don't have the air on?"


"I don't know." Ariel took a look up and down the street, they were both silent for a brief moment. Then, Ariel broke the silence, "What's up, what are you about to do?" She looked back at the window again.


"Nothing. Can I come in for a minute?"


"I... um... my mother not home and I can't have company." Ariel said nervously.


"What? Your mother always been cool with me. coming inside. What changed?" Vega, noticing Ariel, glance back at the window once again. "Who's in there? Why you keep looking back at that window?"


"What do you mean, fuck is you talking about?" Ariel became aggressive as if she were offended.


"What's wrong with you? Can you let me in?" Vega said as she started to feel drops of rain.


"I can't."


"Ariel, oh my god yo'. It's about to pull down; your mother will not be mad if  you let me in." Vega pleaded, and as you-" she went to say another word, she noticed a face peeping out through the vanishing blinds at the living room window.


"Yo, who the hell is that?"


"Who?" Ariel looked back and saw her friend move from the window. "That's not nobody."


Vega tried to walk up the steps to enter the house, but Ariel shoved her back. "What! Mind your business, Vega!"


"Mind my business? This is my business! You in there with somebody else. The rain started to drop down harder. It's none of my business who you in the house with!" Vega cried out.


"It's none of your business who I'm in my house with."


"Ariel?" Vega cried. "What's going on? I fucking love you and you treated me like shit. Leaving me out in the rain for some other bitch. Who is she?"


Ariel sighed. "Just go home Vega."


"Go home? No, who is she?"


"Fuck it, you want to know? It's Poe Boy and he's not leaving. So, just go home Vega. We done." Ariel stepped back in the doorway, stepped inside and shut the door and left Vega outside in the rain.


"Oh my god!" Vega climbed the steps and banged on the door, calling Ariel to return. "Ariel, please, come talk to me." She pleaded. Vega had trusted Ariel. She gave her her heart.


The rain covered Vega. She was a wet mess. But, she did not care. She continued to pound on the door rapidly. Then suddenly the door flew open. But it wasn't who she hoped for, "Bitch, go home!"


"Poe Boy, please." She begged. "Let me in, I need to talk to Ariel." Vega tried to push past the shirtless young boy. But, he shoved her back and she tumbled down the steps and landed on the sidewalk as rain slammed down on her.


Poe Boy slammed the door shut as Vega set up on the ground. She was crushed. She felt as though she had given Ariel her all. She was too heart broken to feel like a fool. "Vega?" Someone called out. She couldn't see who it was in the dark rainy night. But, she could tell that it was a boy. "Vega, you okay?" He approached with a hand extended.


"Bam Bam!" She took hold of his hand. "No, I'm not okay. Poe Boy and Ariel is in there and they won't let me in." She cried.


"Vega, chill out girl." Bam Bam walked closer. "You ain't know, they been fucking around?"


"No! No, they have not." She was standing on her feet, thanks to Bam Bams' help. She looked up at the front door. She wanted to bust in through it.


"C'mon Vega," he grabbed her arm, "I'ma walk you home." He pulled her and she walked lifelessly alongside him. The rain pulled down on them both relentlessly. "Look Vega," they stopped out front of Vega's house after walking in complete silence, "You don't need to be stressing out over Ariel. Obviously, she don't give a shit. So, fuck her, let Poe- Boy have her."


"I know... but it still hurts like hell."


"Yeah, I know. That's going to take some time. But, don't worry, I'll be here for you," Bam Bam set forth.


"Really? This is your game? You going try to halla at me the same moment this bitch do this to me?" she was fearious.


"What? I'm not trying to holla at you Vega."


"You know what? Thanks for walking me home Bam Bam," she turned and walked away.


"Vega, I'ma check on you tomorrow," Bam Bam told her.


"Whatever Bam Bam, bye," she left him standing out in the pouring rain.




Over the past few years, Sean, Stew and Wolf, all became well-established in Deakyland. Butt Butt was close friends with Bill, Greasy and Bills' cousin Low Blow. Butt Butts' best friends Dave and Smack-Wolf, who is Kersyn Wolf's older cousin, left Baltimore. Dave went to L.A. and Smacks went to Memphis.


With Sean and his crew doing so good, Big Maine wanted to meet the young teens himself. He took a liking to Sean and Stew immediately. "This lil nigga goin be trouble," Big Maine said the moment that he met Baby Woe.


But, Baby Woe didn't care what no-body thought about him, as long as they didn't think that he was lame or weak. Baby Woe and Extra had become best friends and couldn't no one come in between them. Sean, tried to put them down on the block to make some money. But, Baby Woe and his crew had an easier way to make ends meet.

Today, Baby Woe along with Extra, Nelly and Blocka walked the streets of Greenmount and Preston, where Wolf's sister Chel likes to go hang out whenever she's not in the Park Heights or Deakyland areas. Wolf told Sean about the boys up there on Greenmount getting money and Baby Woe listened and took notes.


Extra took in a hale off of the blunt of exotic marijuana and passed it to Nelly. Baby Woe took a big gulp from the double cup full of codeine. They were all pretty wasted.


Blocka's eyes were basically closed. "Hey y'all!" two girls waved at the four of them. Two pretty young girls who were looking to have some fun for sure.


"Hey ma! What's yo' name." Nelly asked.


"My name-"She was cut short.


"Fuck these bitchs, we ain't come here for this shit dummy." Extra spat out as one of the girls neared him. The girl froze. Extra thought that they both were cute girls and he would most certainly take either one of them, but he was high and most definitely focused on the reason why they were there.


"Who you calling a bitch?" the lighter girl questioned.


Extra simply dismissed her with his hand and started to walk away. "Chill!" Blocka told the girl, "Now ain't the time."

They all walked away from the girls, "A bunch of clowns," one of the girls whispered.


"Whoa! A Woe, you heard that shit? Shorty says, you niggas clowns." Blocka made known, knowing that Woe hated to be labeled a clown. He took his reputation very seriously.


"Okay," Baby Woe eyed the girls. "Remember you said that," he took good looks at the girls and walked away. Naw, fuck that," Nelly pulled a bottle of E&J from his back pocket a threw it at one of the girls. The one he initially aimed for, ducked, and the bottle smashed in the face of the girl who had called them clowns. But, he never knew which one said it and he really could care less.


"Ahhh, Oh my god!" the girl fell to the ground holding her bloody face.


Nelly didn't stop though, he punched the girl who ducked. And he didn't stop punching her in the face until Blocka and Extra pulled him away. They dragged Nelly down the street and as the four boys turned the corner, a group them six young teens approached with one guy holding an aluminum crutch in his hand teens approached you nigga's from?" one guy asked the crew.


"Not this lame-ass hood," Nelly said and stepped forward.


"What's up?" Extra looked over the boys. They wore nice clothes and a few had gold teeth. "They must be working the block," Extra thought to himself.


"You whores like putting your hands on girls?" another teen said as he walked around the corner from behind the crew and stepped over beside the one with the crutch.


"Look," Extra pulled out a 25 automatic and aimed it at the boys. "You dummies just kick that shit, before I yank this bitch."


"Whoa!" one blurted.


"Shit!" another shouted.


"Everybody donate something," Blocka pulled out a black trash bag for them all to place their items inside.


"Now, you punch ya man in the face for acting like he had a problem when he approached before both of you nigga's get shot." Baby Woe said as he grabbed the gun from Extra.


"What?" The teen questioned," "I'm not doing that."


POP! Baby Woe shot the one who had the crutch. Then, he aimed the gun back at the guy standing beside him. "One don't make it."


Nelly jumped at the sound of the gun firing off. He never saw someone get shot up close. "Yo, let's go!" He became nervous.


Blocka and Extra started laughing. Extra, helped the shot teen up off of the ground.


"You goin' do it or are you goin' take the shot like a G?" Baby Woe questioned.


The guy looked at his wounded friend. Baby Woe and the others watched the boy fist tighten up. He cocked back and punched his friend in the face and he fell back down after being punched. "Now, that was some bitch ass shit!" Baby Woe said and shot the teen anyway. Then, he turned and the Deakyland crew walked off with their spoils.

It was all fun and games for Baby Woe, Extra and Blocka. They teased Nelly none stop. none stop. Dummy, you was scared like a lil bitch! "Extra laughed.


"I ain't never been no bitch!" Nelly placed the blunt to his lips.


"I bet you happy you back in the hood though, huh dummy?"


"Fuck you dummy!" Nelly pointed a finger in Extras face and Extra shoved Nelly hard. Blocka had to jump in between the two of them.


Baby Woe was laughing until he heard someone call his name. He looked over and saw that it was Big Maine in his BMW waving him over. "What?" Baby Woe asked as he walked over to the passenger side.


"Get in lil nigga!" Big Maine ordered. Baby Woe got inside and shut the door. Extra and the others watched the BMW pull off. "Why you lil nigga's ain't trying get this money with your cousin Sean?"


"Man I'm good. Me and my nigga's straight dummy."


"Ya'll ain't straight. I heard what you did yesterday. I had to pay one them nigga's from Chaple back because of the money you robbed one of his workers for."


"Look dummy, I ain't ask you to do shit for me. If a nigga want some kick back, I'm with the shit. So, fuck Chaple, you and anybody else." Baby Woe told him without hesitation.


"Fuck me? Fuck you nigga..." They locked eye's for a moment. "Dummy what? You ain't special. I don't fuck you like that anyway. If it wasn't for Sean, I would have been lined you up and rocked you."


Big Maine laughed. "You got a lot of balls shorty."


"See, that's the problem with you old niggas. You niggas think shit is a game. You set in here behind your tents with your diamond chains and rings. Pockets full of money. Then, you invite me in your car. And you laugh in my face... I say you the one that got balls, dummy.” Baby Woe clutched the weapon that he never gave back to Extra.


“Okay.” Big Maine rubbed his chin, thinking Baby Woe just wanted him to say one thing disrespectful. He was itching for Big Maine to get him wrong.


He didn't care that Big Maine supplied the entire Deakyland, some of Edmonson Avenue and a portion of Pig Town. All Baby Woe care about is respect, and the moment Big Maine show him lack of it, his mind had been all made up to kill him right there in that driver seat of the BMW.


You know what? You right tough guy. But, that little bit of money you making ain't shit. You robbing niggas for two and three hundred dollars. How about making some real money.”


“Doing what dummy?”


“First of all, you can start by watching your cousin back. Making sure that don’t nobody come through trying rob him out here. And on the side, I'll send you a few tips an who holding.”


Baby Woe like the sound of the last part. Big Maine giving him tips on who got money. It was sure to be more than three hundred dollars? “Okay... And it's guaranteed to be more than three hundred dollars?”


Big Maine smiled. “Get your homies together tomorrow night. I got something lined up for you lil niggas. I want to see what y’all could do.” Big Maine, pulled up in front of Extra and the other and let Baby Woe out where he found him.

“What the fuck that nigga want dummy?” Extra asked.


“That nigger aint cracking slick is he?”




“Man, you know if it wasn't for Sean-” Extra got cut short.


“I knows, he good... He say he got a play for us, tomorrow night.” Baby Woe looked over his crew.




Benjamin (Baby Woe) Prince

Vega Smallwood

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