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Prince of


By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 
I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.




The Story Of Benjamin & Vega


Chapter 2…


Then summertime came, and the school year had ended. The Kids all started to hang out at Seans’ house on Broadway whenever they weren't playing football in the streets or basketball at Chain court. But, on this day, Baby Woe, who lives with his cousin Sean, wanted to swim at Chick Web community recreation center, a building right next to their elementary school, just past Lester Morton Court.


It was Aisha’s idea. She had been begging Baby Woe to go with her all week; finally, he gave in. Wolf came looking for Sean, and Aisha answered the door as she and Baby Woe were about to leave.

"Man... you know Sean went to see his dad." She reminded Wolf as she looked into his freckled Albano face.


"Dang, I forgot."


"What's up, dummy." Baby Woe approached the two of them at the door. "You tryin' go swimming at Chick Webb?"


"Yall goin' now?" Wolf asked as he looked at the towel and trunks that Baby Woe was shoving into the bag he held.


"Yea, dummy. Do you need some swimming trunks?" he asked, and Wolf nodded.

Everything was going well. Aisha was enjoying her time with her boyfriend, and Wolf found himself in a conversation with a pretty little girl in six feet of water in the middle of the pool.


"You live around here?" She asked him.


"I live on Wolfe Street."


"Hold up, your name is Wolf, and you live on Wolfe Street?"


"Yeah, my last name is Wolfe, wit' uh E though. That's what I've been called since preschool. My first name is Kersyn," He set forth as he paddled towards the poolside. She backstroked.


"So, where do you live?"


"I'm from Edmonson Avenue."


"E.V?" He said as they climbed out of the pool.


"No," she chuckled, "that's Edmonson Village. I'm on Edmonson Avenue and Brice. Do you know where it's at?"




"It's still West Baltimore. A little ways from E.V… I'm staying at my mother's house for the night. She lives on Chase and Broadway Clay Court Apartments." She presented.


Everyone had a good time until Aisha stepped out of the pool to dive into the deep end, and another little boy called out to her. Although he called her by name, Aisha's reaction bothered Baby Woe. She stiffened, her eyes grew big, and her mouth gapped. She looked spooked. "Com'mere, Aisha girl." The boy said as he entered the pool area.


Right away, Baby Woe climbed out of the pool. Aisha looked back at her boyfriend. "What's up? Baby Woe approached.


"Who's this?" The boy asked.


"This my boyfriend. "Aisha tossed out quickly. Her heart was pounding. She wouldn't have thought she would have run into this boy here. He was from Latrobe Homes, where her cousin stayed. For a moment, she thought that she was dreaming. Only she couldn't wake up.


"Boyfriend? Wow, now you got a boyfriend?"


"What? I been had a boyfriend, I told you that." She lied through her teeth.


Baby Woe watched the two of them go back and forth for a few moments before he heard what he needed to hear. "Look, you and him must not be too close if you call me every night. Telling me you can't wait to see me again." The kid said.


"Oh yeah, dummy?" Baby Woe chuckled. "You can have her dummy. I'm out." He turned towards Wolf, and they dried off and left.


Aisha followed behind them, crying and begging her boyfriend to believe she would never talk to another boy again, "Bitch bye!" He tossed his wet towel over her head and pushed her to the ground. "Stop following me, dummy."


He shouted. But, the truth was, he couldn't care less who she talked to. He didn't love Aisha. She was always so ignoring. She was just so pretty. Every little boy wanted to be next to the little chocolate girl. And let's say Aisha wasn't a shy girl.


But Baby Woe had had enough. She could hear it in his voice, see it in his face whenever he looked at her. But Aisha was used to the love that everyone else gave her when she was with him. He was a respected and feared kid in Deakyland. And she felt that that made kids respect and fear her. She didn't want to lose that.




Vega's father moved from East Baltimore to South Baltimore, and she had to make friends all over again when she visited for the summer.


Pig Town in South Baltimore was so different from the East side. Although she was mixed black and white, she had never lived in a neighborhood with so many white people. There were interracial couples all around. And the people had no respect for the kids. Drug dealing and use were done right in front of the kids. Some parents came with their kids to buy drugs. Vega made friends with two girls, who were sisters. Their dad was a heroin addict. He would allow Vega to hang out with his two daughters at his house whenever she wanted.


But, one day, Vegas's older sister, Latia, went to Mr. Mills' house to pick up Vega, and Mr. Mills was in the living room, high, out of his mind. Latia had just turned eighteen years old. She was familiar with his kind, and she never trusted them.


Latia quickly grabbed her sister and rushed her outside. "Vee, is Mr. Mills always like that when you come over, walking around high in his underwear?"


"Not all the time." The little girl answered. Latia didn't like her nine-year-old sister being at that house.


A bad feeling washed over her body. She knew that Vega had no friends in this new neighborhood, and she didn't want to take her away from her friends. But she felt the need to do something. "Look, Vega, I know Pearl and Hannah are your only friends, but how about they just come to our house from now on? I don't like you being around Mr. Mills."


Vega gave Latia every excuse in the book on why she was okay at Mr. Mills' house. Latia stood her ground and demanded that Vega never go back there again.


After some fuss, Vega agreed never to enter that house again. So, for then, she would come up with excuse after excuse to tell Pearl and her sister Hannah why she wouldn't enter their house again.


Vega found herself outside a lot after that. Latia started dating one of the neighborhood's drug dealers, and he immediately liked Vega. "Hey Vee, here... go buy snacks for you and your friends." He would always give her enough money to spend at least five dollars a piece on her and each friend with her, but he would never tell her how to spend the money he'd given her.


"Thanks, Pickle!"


"Thanks, who?" he would always say.


"Heh, heh!" She snickered. "Thanks, big brother." she would correct herself, showing off a full set of bright white teeth as she smiled.


Vega was clever, adorable, and respectful. Pickle saw her as the little sister that he always wanted. He was the only child of a single-parent home. He always had his mother, aunts, and female cousins. No uncles or male cousins. Females had raised him and always wished that he had a daughter and younger sister to pass on the knowledge that he received, to them, from a male's point of view.


Vega always clung to Pickle. She even began to love him like a real brother as time passed. Latia trusted him, no question. Sometimes, he would call Latia and tell her, "Hey, I got Vee with me. We goin' to the mall, or we're goin' to eat. Whatever it was, Latia knew that Vega would be safe with him. But, it was this one day when Pickle pulled up in the neighborhood with Vega in his Escalade; there were two dudes mixed in with a few other guys on his block. Vega didn't know who the guys were, but she could tell they were not Pickles' friends.


"Vega, go to your friends' house!" He demanded more than anything. Using her name for the first time in what seemed like ever, she thought. His using her full first name was uncommon.


"Latia said I can't go in there. Can you call her?"


“Listen, Vega, I will call her and tell her that I told you to go in, but please, lil sis, go now," he begged.


She could see fear in his eyes for the first time since she'd met him. Little did she know that his fear was only for her safety.


Vega knocked and Mr. Mills' door, and he answered soon after, “Oh, Vega, C'mon in,” he slurred, holding a beer in his hand.


Quickly, she stepped inside. "Hi, Mr. Mills,” she walked over to the window and looked through the Venetian blinds. She could see that one of the three guys held a gun in his hand, but Pickle seemed to be the one looking for a fight. The gun holder stood there, and Pickle was steadily pressing his finger against the guy's head, yelling something Vega could not hear.


"C'mon away from that window girl,” Mr. Mills grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away.


"Ouch, Mr. Mills, that hurt," she complained as he snatched her away.


“Set down on the couch,” he ordered.


"Where's Pearl and Hannah?” Vega questioned.


"Outside. They coming in soon. You can wait on them here.”


"Can you call my sister?" she looked up at the man who towered over her.


“She don't know that you're here?"




Mr. Mills displayed a creepy smile. Then, he took a sip of beer. "Ok, sat there; I'll call her now, " he said and went into the kitchen. A few moments later, he re-entered the living room and told her that her sister would be there once she finished caring for a few things.


"Did she sound mad?" Vega worried.


“Mad, why would she be mad? She knows where you are," he told her.


She looked at the drunk man. His words slurred as he rocked back on his heels, barely able to stand still.  “How long ago did Hannah and Pearl go out?"


“Not long, stay there,” he staggered up the stairs, then came back down and into the kitchen. Vega watched him stubble past her. He flashed a smile and went into the kitchen.


She looked at the TV when he came back into the living room.


“Here," he held out a cup.


“No thanks, I'm ok, Mr. Mills.”


"Take a drink,” he insisted.


“But, I'm not thirsty,”


"Take the damn cup!” he became more aggressive. In fear, she took the cup and looked inside. He nodded at her, and she sniffed the contents inside.


"What is it?"


“Just take a sip,” he said, and they both heard a knock at the door. "Drink,” he ordered before walking over to the door.


She heard Pickle’s voice; he was asking for her. Mr. Mills told him she was okay and Latia was coming to get her.


Vega stood to walk to the door. She wanted to leave with him. Mr. Mills said something in a low tone that Vega couldn't hear, and it shut before she reached the door. Mr. Mills turned around and saw her standing, "Set down, Vega; who told you to get up?"




Everything Baby Woe said and did to Aisha was in vain. She did not want to leave his side. Tears ran down her face as she took everything he had dished out while they walked towards Madison Street past Lester Morton Court.


The little girl was so dramatic that her cries had grown-ups come to their windows, and some stepped from their front doors to ensure Aisha was okay. Baby Woe and Wolf walked and left Aisha behind, crying to the adults who stopped her.


"Man, she trippin'."


"Fuck that bitch dummy." Baby Woe spat out, "Who was that girl you talked to in the pool?"


"I don't know; she said her name was Anissa." Wolf presented.


"Anissa? She..." something grabbed his attention. "Look at this shit, dummy." Baby Woes' eyes pointed Wolf's attention across the street at a group of four kids walking towards them.


"Oh shit! That's Kenny and 'em."


"So what dummy, I know you not scared of these niggas?"


"No, but it's four of 'em Woe. They goin' try to jump us." Wolf told him.


"So, just hold your ground, dummy. Don't fall. I take two; you take two." Baby Woe said to Wolf as Kenny and his friends approached.


"Fuck is yall doin' aroun-" Kenny's words fell short when Baby Woe punched him in the mouth.


One of Kennard's friends punched Baby Woe, and he swung a jab back at the kid. As soon as he connected, another kid grabbed hold of him. Kenny and his friends all wrestled Baby Woe to the ground.


On his way down, he saw in between two of Kennard's friends that Wolf was high tailing it down Madison Street. Wolf didn't bother to look back as he ran full speed.


Baby Woe's biggest problem was he never gave up. He couldn't just ball up and take the beating. He constantly tried to push, Kick, grab and climb to his feet.


He was surprised when help came. He saw someone defending him, and he fought harder once he saw Kenny clock Aisha in the side of the head, and she fell next to him.


The boys saw Kenny hit Aisha, and when she fell, they all took off running. For about three seconds, Aisha was asleep on the ground.


Baby Woe jumped to his feet, ready to give chase behind the boys. Feeling like he deserved another shot at the four of them. Then, he noticed Aisha; her eyes were open but unconscious. He saw her eyes wandering slowly, and for a second, he felt like, fuck her, I'm out. But then, he realized that she had tried to help him when Wolf took off running. Baby Woe was livid when he returned to his neighborhood. "Dummy, that bitch ass nigga Wolf ran on me."


"Fuck no. I just saw Wolf. That nigga ain't say shit, dummy!" Menace informed Baby Woe. "Let's go beat that nigga!"


"Com'mon!" Baby Woe agreed.


He, Menace, and Aisha went looking for Wolf. They had no luck finding him at his house or any other place. But they did manage to collect Youngsta, Blocka, Stew, and Nelly. After walking around a bit longer, they found Cam, Horace, Sticks, and Grit.


All eleven of them decided to go to Lester Morton court, looking for Kennard and his crew. They were all hyped up. Ready to go the distance. It was Plenty of people in the community. Dope boys were hustling, music blasting from cars in the parking lot, and plenty of ladies, young, old, and all flavors. The boys walked through Lester Morton and Miller court, then circled back to Lester Morton. Bopping through as if they owned it...


Cam spotted Extra and one of his friends, that went by Colored Boy due to his very dark skin complexion. The crew walked up on the two kids. "Where ya boy Kenny at, dummy?" Asked Grit. Cam and his cousin Grit were Baby Woe's first friends when he moved from his mother's house on Greenmount Avenue a little over a year ago.


"I don't fuckin' know nigga. Don't be walkin' up on me, asking no fucking questions." Extra snapped. But the approaching crew wasn't surprised. They all know that Extra was not a pushover. He would go toe to toe against all odds. He was a savage kid. They knew he wasn't a kid that you could just beat up and continue your day. There would be consequences. They didn't care. Each of these boys was a young GIT, Gangsters In Training.


"Nigga you better watch your fuckin' mouth!" Youngsta stepped forward, and so did the others.

Extra balled his fist to swing when Colored Boy stepped out before him. "Yo, whatever beef yall got with Kenny, keep that shit with Kenny. If you nigga's got a problem with us, then make a move. But, we ain't got shit to do with Kenny."


"Man, fuck that." Baby Woe stepped up, all you Lester Morton Court niggas is-"


Youngsta stepped in front of Baby Woe, "Chill out dummy, he right,"


Extra sucked his teeth, "Let him do what he do, Youngsta." Extra gritted, "Like my homie said if niggas got a problem with L.M.C., let's rock out. But Kenny is a separate issue."


After a brief silence, the kids ended the problems with Extra and Colored Boy. They all shook hands with Extra and Colored Boy but continued to look around for Kennard. The hunt was unsuccessful.


Later that day, Baby Woe and the other kids got together and had an excellent long football game against Extra and his crew. They just wanted to return and stick around in hopes of seeing Kennard.


Playing football against one of the courts was something they hadn't done since the summer before. And all of the kids enjoyed the game.

It wasn't until later into the night when Baby Woe returned home from making sure that Aisha made it in safely, that he walked into his cousin Sean and his friend Wolf.


"Bitch, you got the nerve to show your face around here?" Woe snapped. He lunged, but Sean intercepted. "Move, dummy!"


"No, nigga chill out!" Sean demanded. "Leave him alone."


"What? That nigga left me. You goin' protect this nigga?"


"He told me what happened. He said you ran first. How you goin', run on him and get mad because he got away?"


"What?" Baby Woe looked at Sean with a screwed face. "I ran, dummy?" He looked at Wolf. "When the fuck have I ever run from anybody!?"


"I saw you run." Wolf lied. His heart was pounding while hoping that Sean believed his words.


"Bitch? Okay, I got you, dummy. I should beat both of you whores. But, I'ma catch you when Sean not around, and I'ma lay-yo ass. And Sean..." he gave Sean a nasty look. "I can't believe you don't know what type nigga I am. Picture me running from a nigga?" Baby Woe gave them both an evil stir, then walked away. Baby Woe didn't know that Sean knew that Wolf had run and left him. But whipping on Wolf wouldn't prove anything. Sean knew that Wolf didn't have a heart and felt responsible for keeping him safe.


Just as Vega began to wake up on the sofa, she heard a knock at the door. She didn't know where she was. For a moment, she didn't know whether she had been dreaming...


Her vision was so unfocused that she could only see colors. Her hearing was muffled as if she was underwater. Then she felt a sharp pain in her center area. She slid her hand down between her legs and felt wetness.


A loud banging sounded against the wooden door once again. Vega tried to move from the sofa, and the pain shot through her. "Ahh!" she cried out, "Help!" She pleaded without knowing if anyone could hear her.


"Hey, Mills!" A voice screamed out from the other side of the door, followed by multiple kicks against the doors. "Open the fuckin' door, now!"


"Pickle." She mumbled after the owner of the voice had finally registered in her head. She was unable to stand, so she slid down onto the floor.


She blinked her eyes constantly, trying to regain focus. She froze, taking a moment to remember what had happened. The only thing that came to her was Pickle. Him and her going from store to store in the mall. His smile when she told him of her plans to be a singer or a model when she was older. 'What went wrong?' she questioned herself.

She wondered if he had hurt her and locked himself out somehow. She figured she could be making a mistake by letting him inside, wherever this place was.


Then, it hit her; he was yelling for Mr. Mills... Why? That was when she started to look around, trying her best to see. That's when a few more memories subsided. She remembered Pickle telling her to go inside Mr. Mills's house. And at that moment, everything rushed into her mind. Everything, from entering the house to passing out on the floor.


She tried to ignore the pain inside her and push herself over to the sounds coming from the outside. She cried out once she heard Latia calling for her. But, Just as she began to yell out, she felt a hand cover her mouth. "Shhh..." Mr. Mills picked her up and pulled her away from the vestibule.


She tried pushing away from him, but a nine-year-old girl couldn't overpower a man in his early thirties even if she had her full strength.


She clawed at the hand over her mouth, and her vision was more precise as she fought him. She kicked and flung her limbs in a desperate attempt to free herself. Her attacks were desultory and random.


"You little bitch! Calm down!" He slammed her back against the wall twice, and her legs fell limp. He looked into her pleading eyes. "They're gone anyway. They've stopped knocking." His words were full of hope. He was trying to convince himself that that was the truth.


He looked over at the vestibule, hoping there would be no more knocking. Vega felt him gripping her face tightly, and she decided that if they were leaving, she needed to fight for herself. So she reached up and dug deep into Mr. Mills' red baggy eye. As he pulled back, screaming in pain, she opened her mouth wide, and a finger fell between her teeth. She chomped down with extreme force. He slammed Vega down onto the living room floor. "Crazy bitch! I'ma kill you!" He towered over her. His one eye closed, and he was gripping his free hand around his damaged finger.

In terror, Vega turned to the door, and just as she was about to scream, there was a loud boom, and the first door flung open. Still, she yelled out. "Latia! Please, help me." She couldn't see who had entered, but whoever it was, they were in the vestibule now and trying to kick in the second door.


Vega felt relieved when she looked back and saw Mr. Mills. running for the kitchen. She didn't know if he was going for a weapon or for the exit. But she was satisfied as long as he was going away from her.


When the second door flew open, Vega saw Pickle stumble into the living room, holding a gun, ready to shoot. Latia entered so close to Pickle that she looked attached to him. They both froze at the sight of Vega naked, exhausted, and with a face full of pain as she reached for them.


Vega could see the pain in both their eyes as well. They felt hurt for her. Latia pushed past Pickle and rushed to her little sisters' aid. Pickle was in a short-lived trance when he heard the back door slam shut. Vega saw the look in Pickles' eyes change from a sentimental, remorseful glare into fury, intense rage, and violence. He was torn and wicked looking. He sprung towards the sound of Mr. Mills trying to escape viciously as Latia held her tightly. Latia didn't waste time putting on Vega's clothing; she grabbed all of Vega's belongings, snatched the blanket from the sofa, picked Vega up from the cold wooden floor and wrapped the blanket around her body, and carried her out the door.


To Vegas' surprise, the doorway of Mr. Mills's house was cluttered with people. The entire block surrounded his house. As Latia walked through the crowd, many of them asked question after question about her condition. Vega nor Latia said a word, and out of nowhere, shots were fired in the distance. No one said anything about it; they knew what had happened. Instead, a few neighbors helped Latia take her sister home.


The following day, Baby Woe heard a knock at the front door. "What's up, dummy?" He said after opening the door, he saw his friend Nelly standing there...





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A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.