

Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself
    Byron Christmas

    Bam Bam


    By: Mr. A.Himself
    Entertainment LLC 
    I am Mr. Anayveace Twine Himself and I look forward to keeping you all entertained. Here at M.A.H.E. LLC, we like to fly beyond possibilities. I promise everyone here, that you are in for one hell of a ride.


    Here is where you can find our latest information on Bam Bam



    Character Bio


    • Full Name:   

    Reason or Meaning:

    • Nick Name:   

     Reason or Meaning:

    • Birthday/age:

    • Birth Place:


    Physical Appearance & Characteristics


    • Eye Color:     
    • Glasses? Style?:
    • Hair Color:     
    • Hair Style:
    • Height/Weight/Build:     
    • Nationality/Skintone:
    • Notable Features:     
    • Marks or Scars:
    • Jewelry/Accessories:     
    • Clothing:
    • Dominant Hand:     
    • Blood Type:
    • Horoscope:
    • Health &/Or Allergies:




    • Speech Style:

    • Accent:

    • Quirks:

    • Temperament:

    • Positive Traits:

    • Talents:

    • Negative Traits:

    • Flaws:

    • Drives/Motivations:

    • Sense of Humour:


    Are They Generally?


    • Private/Public:
    • Loud/Quiet:
    • Leader/Follower:
    • Messy/Organized:
    • Daredevil/Cautious:
    • Solo/Team Player:
    • Pessimist/Optimist/Realist:
    • Introvert/Extrovert:
    • Speaker/Listener:
    • Relaxed/Serious:




    • Hometown:
    • Type of Childhood:
    • Social Class:
    • Upbringing:
    • Education:
    • Best Qualification:
    • First Memory:
    • Worst Memory:
    • Best Memory:
    • Most Important Childhood Event. Why?:
    • Most Influenced By:
    • Role Model:
    • Where Does Character Live? With Who?:
    • Where Does the Character Want To Live? Why?:




    • Mother/Guardian:

    Relationship with Her:

    • Father/Guardian:

    Relationship with Him:

    • Siblings/Cousin:

    Relationship with Each:

    • Children/Grandchildren/Neice/Nephew:
    • Close Family
    • Extended Family:
    • Pets:
    • Spouse/Lover/Beneficial Friend:
    • Friends:
    • Enemies:
    • Co-Worker/Partner:
    • Boss/Employer:


    Christmas Family Tree

    Coming soon!

    A New way of Entertainment

    Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.