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Angelica Angie



By: Mr. A.Himself
Entertainment LLC 


Background of Angelica Hernandez


Angelica Hernandez was born just seven months after the undead apocalypse began, thrusting her into a world of chaos and survival from the moment she took her first breath. Her family had come to Los Angeles for a business trip just a week before the apocalypse struck. Despite the impending doom, they found themselves enchanted by the city's diversity. Angelica's parents, Pedro Alejandro Hernandez and Maria Lourdes Hernandez were influential figures in Mexico, shrouded in mystery and power. Nobody quite knew what Pedro did for a living, but his influence stretched across Mexico and the West Coast of the United States. Rumors swirled that he could still be alive, a dominating force even in this shattered world.

Angelica's Feelings, Thoughts, and Curiosities About Her Grandmother


Angelica's grandmother, Isabella Hernandez, was a woman of immense strength and resilience. Isabella had remarried an African American man named John, and together they had become active participants in the 'Black Lives Matter' movement before the apocalypse. Angelica grew up with vivid stories of her grandmother’s activism, each tale a beacon of inspiration amidst the darkness of their world.



Angelica felt a profound sense of admiration and pride whenever she thought about her grandmother. Isabella's courage and dedication to fighting for justice were qualities Angelica deeply revered. She often looked at the old photographs of her grandmother marching in protests, her face stern with determination, her eyes alight with a fiery resolve. These images stirred a sense of connection in Angelica, a link to a time of struggle that was not so different from their current fight for survival.



Angelica often pondered the parallels between her grandmother's activism and her own struggles in the apocalypse. She saw the fight against the undead as a continuation of Isabella’s fight for equality and justice. The principles of resilience, community, and solidarity were as crucial now as they were during the protests. In moments of quiet reflection, Angelica would imagine conversations with her grandmother, seeking advice and drawing strength from Isabella’s imagined words of wisdom.




Her grandmother's stories sparked Angelica's curiosity about African American culture and history. She yearned to learn more about the struggles and triumphs that had shaped the community. Angelica would often ask her mother to recount tales of her grandmother’s involvement in the movement, hanging on to every word. These stories were not just history lessons; they were lifelines, guiding Angelica's actions and decisions in the present.


A Night of Reflection


One night, as the survivors gathered around a fire in the ruins of an old library, Angelica found herself drawn to a dusty book she had scavenged earlier that day. It was a history book about the Civil Rights Movement. As she flipped through its pages, illuminated by the flickering firelight, she felt a deep connection to the stories within. The images of marches, sit-ins, and powerful speeches resonated with her own experiences of rallying the survivors, organizing defenses, and scavenging missions.


A Mysterious Discovery


While exploring an abandoned house, Angelica stumbled upon a hidden stash of personal belongings. Among them was a worn, leather-bound journal. Opening it, she discovered it belonged to a woman who had been part of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement. The entries were filled with raw emotions, detailing the woman’s hopes, fears, and triumphs. Angelica read through the journal with a sense of reverence, feeling as though she was reading a sacred text. The journal’s words echoed her grandmother's stories, reinforcing the values of courage and resilience.

Growing up in this apocalyptic landscape, Angelica, known to her friends as Geli and to her associates as Gelica, was shaped by a life of constant danger and relentless survival. At the age of 14, she discovered her deep attraction to African American boys, falling in love with their culture and the vibrant diversity she saw around her. Her fascination was partly fueled by her grandmother's influence, who had remarried an African American man and actively participated in the 'Black Lives Matter' movement. Photos of her grandmother proudly marching in protests were a source of inspiration for Geli, who saw them as a testament to resilience and solidarity.


By the time she was 23, Angelica had become a well-known figure in the apocalyptic world of Los Angeles. She spoke both Spanish and English fluently and had a natural talent for bringing people together during hard times. She was truly the glue that held communities together, a beacon of hope and unity in a fractured world.

From a young age, Geli learned to navigate the perilous streets of Los Angeles, teeming with the undead. The apocalypse was the only life she ever knew, and she adapted quickly. She became adept at killing the undead, scavenging for supplies, and hunting for food. Survival was not just a necessity but a way of life. Geli's skills made her a formidable force, and she earned the respect and admiration of those around her.

Despite her hardened exterior, Angelica had a soft spot for the people she cared about. She became close friends with María García, another beautiful Latina woman who was Afro-Latina. Angelica often assisted María, and their bond grew strong amidst the chaos. Together, they navigated the challenges of this new world, their friendship a beacon of light in the darkness.


Angelica Hernandez:


A Complex Life in the Apocalypse

Unfulfilled Desires and Inner Turmoil


Angelica Hernandez’s life in the undead apocalypse was one of constant survival, but beneath her tough exterior lay a whirlwind of emotions and unfulfilled desires. Her attraction to African American boys, discovered at the age of 14, became a constant source of frustration and longing. This attraction was a bright, untouchable dream in her dark reality, a testament to the diversity she loved so much about Los Angeles.


Angelica often found herself lost in thoughts about what could have been. She imagined a world where the apocalypse had never happened, where she could go to school, make friends, and date without fear. These thoughts were a bittersweet escape from her harsh reality. She dreamed of holding hands with someone who understood her, laughing together without a care in the world. But each time reality crashed back, the weight of her situation bore down on her, making her dreams seem impossible.


Her feelings were a tumultuous mix of hope and despair. She hoped for a future where she could find love and happiness, but the ever-present danger of the undead made it seem like an unattainable fantasy. This inner conflict added a layer of complexity to her character, making her both a fierce survivor and a vulnerable young woman yearning for connection.



Parties and Nervousness


Angelica’s nervousness around African American boys was a stark contrast to her otherwise confident demeanor. She attended gatherings and parties organized by survivors, moments of reprieve in their otherwise dangerous lives. These parties were often held in abandoned buildings, their dimly lit interiors filled with laughter, music, and the rare sound of human joy amidst the apocalypse.


The Abandoned Warehouse


One such party took place in an old warehouse, its once-gleaming machinery now silent and covered in dust. Angelica wore a makeshift dress she had fashioned from salvaged fabric, her long, dark hair cascading down her back. As she entered the room, she felt a rush of anticipation mixed with anxiety. The room was filled with people, their faces illuminated by flickering candlelight. Music played from a scavenged radio, and for a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away.


She spotted a group of African American boys laughing and talking near the makeshift bar. Her heart raced as she imagined walking over, striking up a conversation, and maybe even dancing with one of them. But as she took a step forward, her confidence faltered. She felt a knot of nervousness tighten in her stomach, her palms growing sweaty. The fear of rejection, the fear of saying something foolish, or worse, the fear of them seeing her as weak, made her hesitate.


Angelica's mind raced with doubts. What if they don’t like me? What if I’m not good enough? These thoughts paralyzed her, and she found herself retreating to a corner of the room, watching from afar as others danced and laughed. She felt a pang of loneliness, a sharp reminder of her unfulfilled desires.


The Church Gathering


Another night, during a gathering in a partially collapsed church, Angelica found herself in a similar situation. The church’s stained-glass windows were shattered, but still beautiful in the moonlight. The air was filled with the scent of burning wood and the distant sounds of the undead. She was standing by the remnants of the altar, sipping on a drink made from scavenged alcohol, when a young African American man named Marcus approached her.


His warm smile made Angelica’s heart race. They started talking, and for a brief moment, Angelica felt her nervousness melt away. Marcus told her about his life before the apocalypse, about his dreams of becoming a musician. Angelica listened intently, her eyes wide with fascination.


But as Marcus asked her about herself, the nervousness crept back. She felt her throat tighten, her words stumbling over each other. She tried to share her own stories, her own dreams, but the fear of rejection loomed large. She could see the confusion in Marcus’s eyes, the unspoken questions. Before he could say anything, Angelica made an excuse and left, her heart heavy with regret.


Angelica Hernandez’s life in the apocalypse was a complex tapestry of survival and unfulfilled desires. Her feelings and thoughts were a blend of hope and despair, her curiosity a bright light in the darkness. Her nervousness around African American boys added a layer of vulnerability to her otherwise tough exterior. Despite the constant danger and her own internal struggles, Angelica remained a beacon of hope and unity in her community, her strength and compassion guiding those around her through the harsh reality of their world.


Angelica's Role in the Community


Angelica's ability to bring people together was unparalleled. She taught the Spanish language to those who wanted to learn, fostering a sense of community and cultural exchange. Her charisma and leadership made her a central figure in the community, a symbol of hope and resilience. She organized groups for scavenging missions, coordinated defenses against the undead, and provided emotional support to those in need. Her presence was a stabilizing force in a world of uncertainty.


Geli's mysterious background added to her allure. The shadow of her father's legacy loomed over her, adding an element of intrigue to her already fascinating persona. People speculated about her family's past, their power, and their influence. Yet, despite the mystery, Angelica remained grounded, focused on the present and the survival of her community. In a world where the apocalypse was the norm, Angelica Hernandez stood out alone.

Annn  'G!

Here is where you can find our latest information on Gelica

Full Name: María Isabel Reyes García

Nickname: Marisa

Date of Birth: June 10,

Place of Birth: Seville, Spain


Physical Characteristics


Eye Color: Hazel
Glasses: None
Hair Color: Deep black
Hair Style: Long, curly, often styled in loose, voluminous waves
Height/Weight/Build: 5'7", 140 lbs, curvy with an hourglass figure
Nationality/Skintone: Afro-Spanish, warm caramel
Notable Features: High cheekbones, full lips, radiant smile
Marks or Scars: A small birthmark on her left shoulder
Jewelry/Accessories: Wears gold hoop earrings, a delicate gold chain with a small cross pendant
Clothing Style: Chic and elegant, favoring dresses and skirts that accentuate her figure; loves vibrant colors and bold patterns
Dominant Hand: Right
Blood Type: O+
Horoscope: Gemini
Health & Allergies: Allergic to pollen, generally in good health


Mannerisms and Personality


Speech Style: Articulate and expressive
Accent: Soft Spanish accent with a slight Andalusian lilt
Quirks: Twirls her hair when deep in thought, often hums softly to herself
Temperament: Warm and approachable, yet firm and confident
Positive Traits: Charismatic, compassionate, highly intelligent, patient, and perceptive
Talents: Exceptional teaching skills, fluent in multiple languages, excellent public speaker
Negative Traits: Can be overly meticulous, sometimes struggles with saying no
Flaws: Perfectionist tendencies, can be a bit stubborn
Drives/Motivations: Passionate about spreading love for the Spanish language and culture, motivated by the success and happiness of her students
Sense of Humor: Witty and playful, enjoys clever wordplay


Social Characteristics


Private/Public: Private about her personal life but very public in her professional role
Volume: Moderate, clear and confident
Leadership Style: Inspirational and collaborative
Organization: Highly organized, meticulous planner
Risk-Taking: Calculated risk-taker
Preference: Prefers structured environments but adapts well to change
Outlook: Optimistic and forward-thinking
Social Orientation: Extroverted, enjoys social interactions and networking
Communication: Effective communicator, both in speaking and writing
Demeanor: Poised, graceful, and approachable




Hometown: Seville, Spain
Childhood: Grew up in a close-knit family, immersed in the rich cultural heritage of Seville
Social Class: Middle class
Upbringing: Raised in a supportive environment that valued education and cultural pride
Education: Honorary college student, completed her degree in Linguistics and Education at the University of Seville
Expertise: Spanish language and literature, bilingual education
Key Memories: Winning a regional poetry contest, her first solo teaching session, moving to Santa Monica for a teaching opportunity
Influences: Her grandmother, who was also a teacher, and renowned Spanish authors and poets
Current Residence: Santa Monica, California
Desired Residence: Hopes to eventually split her time between Santa Monica and Seville


Family and Relationships


Mother: Carmen Reyes, retired teacher
Father: Juan García, musician
Siblings: Younger brother, Luis García, studying engineering
Children: None
Close Family: Very close to her immediate family and her grandmother
Extended Family: Numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins in Seville
Pets: A rescued tabby cat named Luna
Ex-Wife: N/A
Friends: Several close friends from college, and colleagues in Santa Monica
Enemies: None notable, generally well-liked
Co-Worker/Partner: Collaborates closely with other language teachers
Boss/Employer: Works for a prestigious language institute in Santa Monica
Net Worth: Comfortable but not wealthy
Salary: Earns a good salary from teaching and private tutoring
Income: Steady income from her job and private lessons


Skills Profile


1. Speed: Average
2. Agility: Low
3. Stamina: Average
4. Reaction time: Quick
5. Strength: Low
6. Balance: Good
7. Coordination: Good
8. Flexibility: Average
9. Endurance: Average
10. Power: Low
11. Quickness: Moderate
12. Accuracy: High
13. Focus: Exceptional
14. Mental toughness: High
15. Spatial awareness: Good
16. Hand-eye coordination: Good
17. Motor control: Good
18. Acceleration: Average
19. Deceleration: Average
20. Recovery time: Average
21. Creativity: Exceptional, especially in language and literature
22. Problem-solving skills: High
23. Critical thinking: High
24. Decision-making abilities: High
25. Communication skills: Exceptional
26. Leadership skills: Strong
27. Teamwork skills: Excellent
28. Emotional intelligence: High
29. Resilience: High
30. Adaptability: High
31. Negotiation skills: Good
32. Time management: Excellent
33. Organization skills: Exceptional
34. Analytical skills: High
35. Technical skills: Moderate
36. Artistic skills: Good (writing and poetry)
37. Public speaking skills: Exceptional
38. Presentation skills: High
39. Research skills: High
40. Learning aptitude: Exceptional
41. Strategic thinking: High
42. Networking skills: Strong
43. Sales and persuasion skills: Good
44. Marketing and branding skills: Moderate
45. Financial management skills: Moderate
46. Project management skills: High
47. Risk assessment and management skills: Good
48. Problem-solving in high-stress situations: High
49. Crisis management skills: Good
50. Knowledge in relevant fields: High (linguistics, education)
51. Physical fitness and conditioning: Average
52. First aid and medical knowledge: Basic
53. Weapons proficiency: None
54. Surveillance and reconnaissance skills: None
55. Navigation and orienteering skills: Good
56. Infiltration and stealth abilities: None
57. Interrogation and intelligence-gathering skills: None
58. Cultural sensitivity and awareness: Exceptional
59. Diplomacy and conflict resolution skills: High
60. Ethical decision-making abilities: High


María Isabel Reyes García is a well-rounded individual with a strong focus on her intellectual and social capabilities, making her a highly effective and beloved teacher.

Hernandez Family Tree

Coming soon!

A New way of Entertainment

Anayveace Twine provides readers with a whole new way of storytelling. Here you will be able to really gain a bond with each character. We give the readers the oppertunity to choose which character(s) they favor most and dive head first into the story, from the chosen character's point of view.