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Limping hastily between the two buildings, the man reflected on his gratitude for the woman, whoever she might be, for saving his life. The transition from the dark night to the emerging morning intensified his sense of appreciation.


As he pressed forward, his gaze fixed on the sky, a sudden grunt shattered the quiet dawn, freezing him in his tracks. A soulless being, propelled by an eerie speed, hurtled toward him. "Vamos, Pobló. Sé valiente y lucha por tu vida," he encouraged himself, placing his hand up in a defensive stance.


As the undead assailant closed in, Pobló unleashed a hook with a precision that surpassed any punch he had thrown before. The impact resonated with a surprising force. However, the significance of that punch was lost on Pobló, given that his first and only fight had taken place 27 years ago at the tender age of 8.


The soulless figure, undeterred by the formidable strike, leaped onto Pobló, sending him crashing to the ground. Groaning under the weight of the adversary, Pobló grappled with the harsh reality of facing an unrelenting force in the eerie morning light.


Pobló, his adrenaline-fueled strength evident, gripped his assailant's throat with one hand while relentlessly delivering punches with the other. Despite the punches proving ineffective, they seemed to wear down Pobló instead of the soulless attacker, leaving him momentarily fatigued.


Shoving the adversary aside, Pobló pivoted to escape, struggling to regain his footing before the relentless man clutched his ankle. With determination, palms pressed to the ground, Pobló executed two powerful kicks, successfully repelling the soulless creature and creating the opportunity to rise.


Climbing to his feet, Pobló battled through the pain radiating from his busted knee, sprinting with all his might. Glancing backward, he noticed the man had also regained his footing. Pobló raced into the 500 block of Georgina PI N, entering an open lot cluttered with burning vehicles, lifeless bodies, and scattered debris—a stark reminder of the chaos unfolding around him. Sensing the imminent threat, Pobló swiftly turned just as the reinvigorated soulless figure lunged at him. Though not inherently a fighter, Pobló drew upon his soccer skills. With a deft juke to his right, he skillfully avoided the grasping hands of the undead assailant, causing him to stumble and crash to the ground in pursuit of emptiness.


Pobló's eyes quickly caught sight of a trick bike sprawled over a lifeless figure in the street. Driven by a surge of urgency, he embarked on a series of nimble moves—running, jumping, and skipping—all in a determined effort to reach the bike faster, his mind racing with the instinct to escape the relentless pursuit. 


Grasping the bicycle, Pobló hastily pulled it away from the lifeless body, a chilling reminder of the relentless pursuit behind him. Glancing back, he met the gaze of his pursuer, a soulless figure emanating hunger, anger, hatred, and a level of rage that surpassed any sociopath imaginable.


Fear gripped Pobló so intensely that he nearly lost control of his bodily functions. His heart burned in his chest, and the weighty, sinking sensation in his throat amplified his panic. Running with the bike, he glanced over his shoulder to witness the man closing in, driven by an insatiable need.


Jumping onto the bike, Pobló paddled through the pain in his knee, a surge of terror propelling him forward. The relentless growls and outreached hands of the pursuer sent shivers down his spine. In a state of sheer fright, Pobló arched his body towards the handlebars, desperately evading the grabbing hands.


As the pursued and pursuer engaged in this frantic chase, Pobló managed to gain momentum, placing some crucial distance between them. What started as a mere foot or two evolved into five, ten, then twenty feet. Pobló, fueled by a mix of terror and determination, began to feel a glimmer of relief as he started to escape the clutches of the relentless, soulless figure.


Pobló's fleeting sense of happiness and relief crumbled as thoughts of his sister flooded his mind, tears welling up as he pressed forward. The realization that she had turned into one of the soulless figures weighed heavily on him. "Debe ser las mordidas," he thought, recalling the moment his sister was bitten by a neighbor's kid, a precursor to her eventual illness.


As Pobló rode onto 7th street, his attention was drawn to a horde of pursuing undead figures chasing someone in the opposite direction, and it struck him that it might be the young girl that they were pursuing. Slamming the brakes and making a sharp turn in the middle of the road, he found himself inadvertently caught in the chaotic pursuit.


Several undead noticed Pobló's presence and began to follow him. Despite his initial intent to head to Canyon Elementary School, the relentless pursuit forced him in the opposite direction. Dodging through 7th Street, he quickly turned onto Georgina Avenue.


Wide-eyed, Pobló encountered a surprising sight—a sizable group of Military Soldiers, armed with a tank and two Humvees equipped with heavy machinery. Grateful for their presence, he squeezed the brakes and came to a stop. "¡Gracias a Dios, es el ejército de los Estados Unidos. ¡Ayuda, por favor!" he exclaimed.


However, his relief was short-lived as all the soldiers aimed their rifles at him. *Panicking, Pobló raised his hands and prepared to dismount the bicycle, intending to escape the approaching undead. Suddenly, the military unit unleashed a barrage of gunfire, targeting both Pobló and the oncoming horde, leaving him caught in the crossfire of survival and military intervention.