

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Page 9: A Father's Fury



As the night washed over Canyon Elementary School in Santa Monica, California, the eerie hum of military vehicles permeated the air. US soldiers, their fatigue palpable after hours of relentless battles against the undead, moved with determined efficiency; barricades were set, and floodlights were positioned around the school grounds. What was once a place of learning now morphed into a FEMA camp, a last bastion of transportation out of a city overrun by chaos and fear.


Amidst the flurry of activity at the front of the school building, Vince's gaze honed in on the two M809 series 5-ton 6x6 trucks being loaded with soldiers and civilians. His heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as he scanned the scene, searching for any sign of his son, Junior, and Kate.


But as his eyes swept over the trucks, Vince's heart sank. There was no trace of the familiar faces he sought, no glimpse of Junior or Kate among the passengers being ushered into the vehicles. His brows furrowed in concern as he realized that something was amiss.


His keen eyes darted around, searching for any clue that might lead him to his loved ones. But amidst the hustle and bustle of the scene, there was no sign of the dog kennels or the beloved family pets that always accompanied Junior and Kate on their travels. Vince knew instinctively that they wouldn't be on those trucks without their cherished companions, and their absence only fueled his sense of urgency.


With determination burning in his chest, Vince resolved to find another way to locate his son and Kate. Though the situation seemed bleak, he refused to give up hope. Clenching his fists with renewed resolve, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, determined to leave no stone unturned until he was reunited with his family.


Vince's heart pounded with urgency as he pressed forward toward the camp, his mind consumed with the need to locate his son. A fierce determination propelled every step he took; nothing mattered more to him than finding Junior. With his shoulders squared, back straight, and chest thrust forward, he projected an air of unwavering resolve. He was a man driven by the singular purpose of reuniting with his child, and that resolve radiated from his very being.


As he drew nearer, a chilling sight greeted him. Along the roadside, bodies lay shrouded in blood-stained white sheets, a grim reminder of the chaos that had unfolded. The presence of soldiers only intensified the gravity of the situation, signaling the severity of the circumstances at the once-ordinary school now transformed into a FEMA Camp. Despite the somber atmosphere, a semblance of order prevailed, with civilians queuing up patiently for the basic necessities of safety, shelter, showers, and hot meals.


In the midst of this grim tableau, Vince's determination burned even brighter. With each passing moment, his need to find his son grew more urgent. Though the road ahead was uncertain and dangerous, he marched forward undeterred, propelled by the unbreakable bond between a father and his child.


Vince observed the scene unfolding before him at the makeshift FEMA camp set up at Canyon Elementary School in Santa Monica, California. Soldiers moved swiftly, their actions precise and methodical as they interacted with the civilians who had sought refuge here. Their demeanor was severe, reflecting the gravity of the situation at hand.


Each civilian who approached was subjected to a thorough inspection by the soldiers. Vince watched as they conducted searches, meticulously checking for any signs of injury or illness. They examined for bites, scratches, and other unidentified wounds, as well as monitored for fevers, all while scrutinizing for the presence of weapons or any nonessential items. The atmosphere was tense, with little room for conversation amidst the urgency of the situation. Yet, despite the somber circumstances, there was a palpable sense of relief among the people as they were ushered into the safety of the camp.


Vince approached two soldiers who were both holding M16s; their intense conversation and constant puffing on cigarettes hinted at the gravity of the situation. Undeterred by their apparent preoccupation, Vince closed in, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere. Beneath the surface, a growing resentment simmered among the ranks. Many soldiers grumbled about being separated from their families and forced into the role of caretakers for civilians they viewed as burdens rather than fellow survivors. The tension hung heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of the fragile state of their fractured society.


"Hey," he called out, his tone firm yet measured. "Have you recently seen a black woman and child with three highly trained military K9s? My ex-wife is military."


But before Vince could finish his inquiry, the soldier's response was brusque and dismissive, his words dripping with impatience. "Look, does it look like we have time for your shit?" he retorted sharply, his frustration evident in his tone. "Go to the fuckin' entrance and give them your ID." The soldier's abrupt dismissal left Vince momentarily taken aback. The urgency of his inquiry was overshadowed by the chaos unfolding around them, and the soldiers took their leave.


The soldiers began implementing their own sinister agenda. They segregated the survivors, imposing harsh restrictions and separating males aged 16 and older, along with women over 40, from the rest of the group. Those deemed sick, disabled, or showing signs of infection were ruthlessly isolated in a separate area, watched closely by armed guards with orders to shoot on sight at the first sign of trouble.


Strict protocols were put in place to prevent the spread of infection within the camp. Anyone with a bite or scratch mark, deemed a potential threat, was swiftly apprehended and escorted to a secluded chamber. There, under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, they were interrogated and ultimately executed in a chilling display of precautionary measures aimed at preserving what little remained of their besieged humanity.


As Vince glanced behind him, the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention. Turning, he saw two men and a woman, their faces etched with fear and desperation. They appeared to be in their mid-twenties to early thirties, their eyes pleading for assistance. "Hel, help us, please!" cried one of the men, his voice trembling with urgency. "My brother needs medical attention. He was..." The sentence hung unfinished, the desperation in his voice conveying the gravity of the situation as he paused at the sight of officers aiming their weapons.


Tension crackled in the air as the man raised his hands defensively and interposed himself between his brother and the soldiers, pleading for restraint. "Wait!" he implored, his voice strained with urgency. "Don't shoot! He's not bitten!"


The woman's voice rose in a frantic crescendo as she added her plea to the chorus of desperation. "He needs a doctor!" she yelled, her words echoing off the walls of the school-turned-camp.


But the soldiers, their nerves frayed by the relentless strain of the crisis, remained unmoved. "Move!" one of them barked, the harsh command cutting through the chaos. "Does he have a wound? Is he bleeding?" The tension escalated as every soldier within fifty feet trained their weapons on the trio, their fingers poised on triggers, ready to act at a moment's notice.


Caught in the crossfire, Vince found himself under scrutiny as well. Confusion knitted his brow as he realized that the soldiers were uncertain whether he was affiliated with the group before them. "Whoa! What the hell!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident in his tone.


But any protest was drowned out by the commanding voice of a sergeant. "Hands above your head, now!" the sergeant roared, his authoritative command brooking no argument. Caught in the grip of the unfolding crisis, Vince complied, his hands slowly rising in surrender as the soldiers maintained their vigil, poised on the razor's edge of uncertainty.


The chaos of the moment escalated as one nearby soldier rushed forward, his movements rough and aggressive as he shoved the injured man against the wall with brutal force. A pained wince escaped the man's lips as his body collided with the unforgiving surface, blood seeping from his wound as the impact exacerbated his injuries. "Hey, easy. He's been in an accident!" the young lady accompanying them protested, her voice a desperate plea for compassion amidst the tumult.


But the soldiers, their nerves frayed and their senses on high alert, were unyielding in their demands. With weapons drawn, they advanced on Vince, the injured man, his brother, and the woman, their movements brisk and assertive as they sought to impose order amidst the chaos. Yet Vince remained rooted to the spot, a steadfast pillar of determination amidst the storm of uncertainty. Slowly, he lowered his hands, his voice calm but resolute as he spoke. "I'm looking for my son," he explained, his words tinged with urgency and purpose.


As the soldier's frantic shouts reverberated through the chaos, Vince watched in grim silence as the scene unfolded before him. The tension in the air was palpable as the soldier leveled his weapon at the injured man's head, his finger poised on the trigger with lethal intent.


But before he could carry out his grim task, the injured man's brother intervened, reaching out in a desperate attempt to stop the impending violence. In a flash of motion, the soldier pulled the trigger, unleashing a burst of gunfire that tore through the air with deadly precision.


The first bullet struck the man in the throat, followed by two more that found their mark in his upper chest. With a strangled cry, the man crumpled to the ground, his life snuffed out in an instant.


The sight of the man's lifeless form sent a wave of anguish through his brother and wife, who both rushed to his side in a desperate bid to comfort him. Tears streamed down their faces as they clutched the lifeless body of their loved one, their cries of sorrow echoing through the chaos.


Amidst the turmoil, the soldier's voice rang out with urgency, "Are you bitten?" his repeated question cut through the air like a knife. "Are you bitten? Are you bitten?" he pleaded, his tone tinged with desperation.


But Vince's response cut through the tension like a blade; his chuckle filled with grim amusement. "Do you see a bite on the guy?" he remarked wryly, his words laced with bitter irony.


But the soldier confronting Vince paid little heed to his words, his own aggression mounting with each passing moment. "Get the fuck against the wall," he snarled his voice, a harsh command punctuated by the cold steel of his weapon pressed against Vince's head.


Yet amidst the tension and turmoil, a moment of unexpected interruption occurred. One of the soldiers lowered his weapon, recognition dawning in his eyes as he closed in on Vince. "Hey, guys. That's Vince Hab-" His words were cut short as Vince's movements blurred with lightning speed. With a seamless twist of his body, he deftly slapped the soldier's wrist upward while simultaneously snatching the barrel of the weapon downward. In a fluid motion, he flipped the gun around, freeing the soldier's hand as he spun the M16 around to press it into the soldier's chest with one hand while the other hand grabbed hold of his assailant with a vice-like grip.


With lightning-fast reflexes, Vince swiftly maneuvered, seamlessly positioning himself against the wall while maintaining his hold on the soldier and the weapon. His movements were a blur of calculated precision, a show of his skill and agility in the face of danger.


As the soldier's threats rang out, Vince's smile twisted into a menacing sneer, his gaze icy and unwavering. His grip on the man's neck tightened, the pressure exerted with deliberate control. His fingers poised near critical pressure points, ready to incapacitate his adversary with minimal effort. At that moment, Vince exuded an aura of quiet menace, a stark reminder of the formidable force he represented.


The soldier's bravado faltered in the face of Vince's unyielding resolve, his earlier aggression giving way to a palpable sense of unease. It was clear that Vince held the upper hand, and his mastery of combat techniques was evident in every calculated move.


Amidst the tension-laden atmosphere, Vince remained poised and composed, a silent sentinel in the midst of chaos. His determination to protect himself and those under his care was palpable, a testament to his unwavering commitment to safeguarding what mattered most to him.


As shots rang out rapidly from the direction of east Amalfi Drive., the soldiers remained fixated on Vince, their attention consumed by the tense standoff unfolding before them. Despite the escalating violence in the distance, their focus remained squarely on the immediate threat posed by Vince.


In the midst of the chaotic scene unfolding before him, Vince's mind raced with questions and confusion. "Why the hell would the UN be attacking the US Military?" he mused, his thoughts swirling with a mix of disbelief and apprehension. But as his attention was momentarily diverted to the wounded man at his feet, reality came crashing back with brutal clarity.


The soldier's grim assessment of the man's injuries pierced through the haze of Vince's thoughts, underscoring the severity of the situation. "He just took two M16 rounds to the chest and one in the throat," the soldier's words echoed in Vince's mind, their grim implications sinking in with chilling finality.


Suddenly, the man's convulsions escalated into a full-blown seizure, casting a grim pall over the already tense atmosphere. As the UN forces closed in on the military soldiers nearby, Vince's focus sharpened with a newfound sense of urgency.


It was then, amidst the chaos and turmoil, that the sound of a barking K9 cut through the cacophony of noise. In that moment, the memory of his son, Junior, flooded back to Vince with startling clarity. "Junior," he muttered under his breath, the weight of his mission bearing down on him with renewed intensity.


Driven by a primal instinct to protect his son at all costs, Vince sprang into action. With a swift and decisive motion, he shoved the soldier holding him, using the element of surprise to knock both men off balance and send them tumbling to the ground.


As the chaos unfolded around him, Vince's attention was drawn back to the man on the ground, his body contorted in agony. But as he rose from the ground, a sinister transformation took hold, his snarls punctuated by blood oozing from his wounds. It was a chilling realization that struck fear into the hearts of all who witnessed it—the man was no longer human, but one of the undead, a stark reminder of the grim reality of the world they now inhabited.


In the midst of the chaos, the injured man lurched forward, blood spewing from his mouth in a grim indication of the severity of his condition. The sudden movement elicited a collective gasp from the soldiers, their eyes widening in alarm as they trained their weapons on the stricken figure.


"He's been bit!" one soldier shouted, his voice tinged with urgency as he alerted his comrades to the dire situation. Panic rippled through the ranks as the realization sank in that they were facing a potential outbreak of infection within their midst.


Amidst the mounting tension, another soldier stepped forward, his rifle held aloft with practiced precision. His voice was steady as he addressed the sergeant, a silent plea for permission to take action. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, the fate of the group teetering on a knife's edge as they awaited the sergeant's decision.