

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Page 9: A Clash in the Night



As Seamus trod down the desolate stretch of 7th Street, his footsteps echoed softly against the cracked pavement, each step a cautious progression towards his destination at Kate's apartment building on San Vicente Blvd. The dim glow of the streetlights cast long, eerie shadows that danced ominously around him, heightening his senses to the surrounding darkness.


As he ventured further along the deserted road, his eyes scanning the desolate landscape for any signs of life, a movement ahead caught his attention. Two figures loomed in the distance, their silhouettes stark against the backdrop of the moonlit night. Instinctively, Seamus slowed his pace, his pulse quickening with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.


Drawing closer, the details of the figures began to materialize, revealing their true nature. They stood motionless in the middle of the road, their forms shrouded in darkness. With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Seamus recognized the telltale signs of the undead – soulless beings driven by a relentless hunger for flesh.


A chill ran down Seamus's spine as he contemplated his next move, his mind racing with the implications of the encounter. Every instinct urged him to turn back, to retreat from the looming threat that stood before him. Yet, a flicker of determination burned within him, driving him to stand his ground in the face of danger. With a steady breath and nerves of steel, Seamus steeled himself for the confrontation ahead.


Seamus braced himself for the onslaught as the two freshly turned undead creatures lurched towards him with bloodied teeth gnashing. Their movements were erratic and uncoordinated, a show of their recent transformation into creatures of the night. With a mixture of eagerness and determination, Seamus prepared to meet them head-on.


The first undead lunged towards him, its bloody jaws snapping hungrily as it sought to sink its teeth into Seamus's flesh. But Seamus was too quick, sidestepping the attack with a fluid motion. He delivered a decisive blow to the creature's head in one swift movement, feeling the satisfying force beneath his fist.


As the first undead staggered backward, the second closed in, its putrid breath hot on Seamus's neck. Seamus dodged its grasp with lightning reflexes, his senses heightened by the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. He retaliated with a series of devastating punches, each one landing with deadly accuracy.


But the undead were relentless, their hunger driving them forward despite their increasingly futile attempts to capture their prey. Seamus knew he had to end this quickly before more of them emerged from the shadows.


Spotting an opportunity, Seamus seized upon a nearby aluminum baseball bat clutched in the hands of a lifeless man who appeared to have been shot. With grim determination, Seamus wrenched the bat from the man's grip and swung it with all his might, the metal connecting with a sickening thud as it collided with the second undead creature's skull.


The force of the blow was enough to send the creature crashing to the ground, its lifeless form crumpling in a heap at Seamus's feet. With a surge of adrenaline-fueled strength, Seamus continued to rain blows upon the creature's head, each strike accompanied by the sickening sound of bone breaking beneath the force of his assault.


Seamus acted fast as the first undead regained footing and lunged towards him again. With a quick kick, knocking the soulless figure back to the ground. Seamus delivered a decisive stomp; he brought his foot down on the creature's skull with bone-crushing force, again and again, ending its undead afterlife with a sickening crack.


As Seamus dropped the bat, the metallic clang pierced the night air, a grim echo of the chaos that surrounded him. His heart sank as he realized that his actions had unwittingly attracted more undead to his location. From the depths of the shadows, a horde of grotesque creatures emerged, drawn by the commotion and the scent of fresh prey.


With a grim resolve, Seamus braced himself for the onslaught, knowing that he was about to face a seemingly endless tide of relentless adversaries. With every strike and every dodge, he fought with a ferocity born of desperation, his determination driving him forward even as exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him. But no matter how many undead he knocked down, they always rose again, their undead resilience proving to be a formidable obstacle in his path.


Amidst the chaos of battle, the crack of gunfire shattered the night, causing Seamus to duck behind a shot-up vehicle for cover instinctively. His heart raced as he realized that the shots were not aimed at him but at the undead. Through the haze of fear and confusion, Seamus saw the figures of US Military personnel, their weapons trained on the advancing horde.



Relief flooded through Seamus like a cool wave as he watched the military operatives methodically decimate the advancing horde of undead with chilling efficiency. The sight of their precision and firepower instilled a fleeting sense of hope within him, a glimmer of reassurance in the midst of the chaos that engulfed Santa Monica's dark streets.


But his relief was short-lived, shattered by the sudden realization that the soldiers' attention had shifted from the undead to him. In the dim light, they saw not a fellow survivor but merely another target to eliminate in their relentless mission to purge the streets of any and all threats. The sound of gunfire erupted once more, echoing off the decaying buildings as bullets whizzed perilously close to Seamus, tearing through the air with deadly intent.


Forced to abandon his precarious cover behind the battered vehicle, Seamus felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he scrambled to evade the barrage of gunfire. Each step was a desperate bid for survival, every movement fueled by sheer instinct as he sought refuge from the relentless onslaught.


As he retreated further away from his intended destination, the weight of despair settled heavily upon him. The realization that even the supposed protectors of the city had become indiscriminate hunters, willing to gun down anything that moved, filled him with a profound sense of dread.


Yet, even in the face of overwhelming odds, Seamus refused to succumb to despair. With every fiber of his being, he clung to the flickering flame of hope that still burned within him, determined to persevere against the darkness that threatened to engulf him. And so, with a heavy heart and a wary eye cast towards the shadows, Seamus pressed on, his resolve unbroken, his spirit undaunted by the trials that lay ahead.



With a mixture of frustration and resignation gnawing at him, Seamus realized that he was now faced with a new challenge: evading both the undead and the military in his quest for survival. Yet even as he slipped into the shadows once more, his determination remained unshaken. For amidst the chaos and carnage of the night, Seamus knew that he had proven himself capable of facing whatever horrors awaited him in the darkness.


As Seamus sprinted down the dimly lit street, the distant rumble of military jeeps grew louder, their engines roaring as they closed in on his position. Panic surged through him, urging him to push his legs harder, to run faster than he ever had before. But no matter how much he pushed himself, it seemed as though he could never outrun the relentless pursuit.


With a quick glance over his shoulder, Seamus spotted the headlights of the approaching vehicles, their beams slicing through the darkness like knives. He knew he had to think fast to find shelter before it was too late. In a desperate bid for safety, he veered sharply to the right, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced towards the nearest residential home.


Bullets whizzed past him, the sound of gunfire echoing off the walls of the surrounding buildings. Every step was a battle against the searing pain radiating from his wounded left shoulder, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked behind him.


With the military hot on his heels, Seamus reached the front door of the nearest house and made a split-second decision. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, using the momentum of his sprint to crash his good right shoulder into the door with all his might.


To his surprise, the door yielded under the force of his impact, swinging open with a loud creak as if it had been waiting for him. But even as a surge of relief washed over him, the pain from his wounded shoulder sent shockwaves of agony through his body, threatening to overwhelm him.


Ignoring the pain, Seamus stumbled into the relative safety of the house, slamming the door shut behind him just as the sound of gunfire erupted once more outside. With trembling hands, he fumbled for something – anything – to barricade the door, knowing that his respite would be short-lived if he didn't act fast.


As he frantically searched for a means of defense, Seamus couldn't shake the feeling that he was merely delaying the inevitable. The military would not rest until they had apprehended him, and the undead horde still lurked outside, their insatiable hunger driving them ever closer.


But for now, in the fleeting sanctuary of the abandoned house, Seamus allowed himself a moment of respite, his chest heaving with exertion as he braced himself for the next inevitable onslaught.


Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind Seamus, causing him to whirl around in alarm. "Tienes un deseo de muerte?" a man exclaimed with his rifle aimed.


Once Seamus turned to face the unexpected voice, his heart pounded with a mixture of relief and apprehension. The two men standing before him, armed with military-grade rifles, exuded a tense energy that mirrored his own. With his hands raised in a gesture of surrender, Seamus met their gaze, his mind racing with the implications of their presence.


"I'm not here to cause trouble, lads," Seamus spoke, his voice calm despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins. "It's the military. They must think I'm one of those infected."


The man holding the AR15 nodded in understanding, his expression tinged with fear. "No, they're killing everyone," he explained urgently. "The military is setting up camps all over the city. They separate the men, women, and kids."


Beside him, the tall Spanish man wielding the M16 added his voice to the conversation. "They kill off the men and those who are too old," he said solemnly, his eyes betraying a flicker of anger and defiance.


But before they could delve further into the grim reality of their situation, the sudden sound of gunfire shattered the fragile calm of the room. Bullets tore through the front windows, sending glass shards flying as Seamus and the others instinctively ducked for cover.


As smoke grenades filled the air, obscuring their vision, the two men returned fire with practiced precision, their movements fluid and coordinated despite the chaos unfolding around them. With each shot fired, the tension in the room mounted, a palpable sense of danger hanging heavy in the air. Amidst the chaos, Seamus's gaze drifted towards the back of the house, where a group of armed men had gathered, their weapons at the ready. It was clear that these individuals were not merely a makeshift alliance formed out of necessity – they were a cohesive unit united by a common purpose.


As he observed their determined faces and the arsenal of weapons at their disposal, Seamus couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon something more than just a group of survivors. These men were organized, disciplined, and undoubtedly formidable. They were not just a gang in the traditional sense but rather a tightly knit community bound by loyalty and a fierce determination to protect their own.


Venturing deeper into the house, Seamus's eyes fell upon an older man with a breathing device, surrounded by a group of younger men who looked at him with a mixture of reverence and admiration. It was clear to Seamus that he held a position of authority within their ranks, his presence commanding respect and deference.


As Seamus's gaze wandered further, it came to rest upon a large family portrait adorning the dining room wall – a show of the tight-knit bond that held this family together. The faces in the photograph spoke of love, unity, and the unwavering strength of familial ties.


Suddenly, the men erupted into a flurry of activity, shouting orders in rapid-fire Spanish as they ushered women and children toward the safety of the back of the house. It was then that Seamus realized the true nature of their mission – they were not gang members but guardians, protectors of their loved ones in a world consumed by chaos and uncertainty.


At that moment, a wave of empathy washed over Seamus, driving him to action. Despite the danger surrounding them, he knew he could not stand idly by while innocent lives hung in the balance. With a newfound sense of purpose, Seamus resolved to lend his support to these brave individuals, to stand alongside them in their fight for survival and the protection of their families.