

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Page 8: Strained Bonds in the City of Despair



Amira maneuvered through the sea of halted vehicles and lifeless bodies that cluttered the streets. Bullets zipped above her, colliding with vehicles in a chaotic symphony of destruction. The urgency of her escape was palpable. 


Amidst the cacophony of gunfire, Amira strained to comprehend the chaos unfolding behind her. The relentless barrage of weapons made it challenging to discern the fate of her loved ones. The urgency of the situation allowed no time for backward glances; she plunged forward into uncertainty.


The SWAT team divided, and two determined men set their sights on Amira. With her head low and legs in constant motion, she observed two other civilian men in the street ahead, oblivious to the approaching threat. Approximately eight feet away, she wasted no time in assessing the danger.


Under the stark illumination of a street lamp, she noticed the blood-soaked shirt worn by one of the men. The moment they detected her presence, their trajectory shifted, rushing directly towards her. Amira, guided by survival instincts, maintained a low profile as she closed the distance. In a swift, calculated move, slugs met their targets, drilling into the skulls of the undead creatures.


Nimbly maneuvering between vehicles at the corner, Amira turned down the block. The realization struck too late that the block lacked vehicles for cover. Instead, a small crowd of soulless creatures stood in the middle of the block, advancing in her direction. Faced with this dilemma, she continued sprinting toward the impending threat, grappling with the challenge of evading both the undead and the armed pursuers.


“Stop!” a SWAT officer barked, punctuating the command with gunfire. In response, Amira instinctively veered right, leaped into a ball position, and crashed through a store window, seeking refuge within.


Amira’s entrance through the shattered store window seemed almost rehearsed, a seamless execution honed by the urgency of survival. In a swift motion, she untucked herself mid-air, adjusting her body to ensure a feet-first landing within the confines of the small shop. However, her grace was impeded as the defiant curtains rebelled, wrapping around her in a chaotic dance, threatening to confine her within their fabric embrace. The impact sent her careening into items artfully arranged inside the shop, a haphazard symphony of crashing sounds accompanying her descent to the floor.


Amidst the disarray, the relentless staccato of automatic gunfire outside provided an unsettling soundtrack to the unfolding horror. Though she could only imagine the chaos behind her, Amira had little time for contemplation. Her focus shifted to the immediate need for action as she wrestled free from the clutches of the rebellious curtains, losing the weapon in the process.


The cacophony of destruction continued as she extricated herself from the tangled fabric, the relentless gunfire forming a disconcerting backdrop to her struggles. Rising to her feet, she found a moment of respite, a brief pause in the relentless pursuit. Despite the intensity of the situation, a wry thought crossed her mind, a timely joke that emerged amidst the chaos: ‘No closed curtains for me.’ This brief, internal quip served as a reminder of her resilience and adaptability in the face of relentless adversity.


Shattered glass lay about, and Amira's adrenaline was coursing through her veins heavily in the aftermath of her daring entry; she hurriedly navigated the unfamiliar interior, encountering unforeseen obstacles. Tripping, stumbling, and bumping into objects, she pressed on, driven by the urgency of the chaos unfolding outside. Darkness shrouded her surroundings as she ran towards the back of the shop, where a twist of the locks freed the door, and she could finally escape the confines of the building.


Outside, the symphony of conflict between SWAT officers and the undead played out, but Amira, undeterred, plunged into the chaos. Her decision to let them contend with each other provided a brief respite as she embarked on a full sprint, leveraging a skill that distinguished her—sprinting.


Amira's prowess in sprinting was not just a practical skill; it highlighted her exceptional abilities. Her training aimed at surpassing the existing Guinness World Record, a feat that stood at an awe-inspiring 363.28 miles (584.04 kilometers). The record, set by Dean Karnazes in 2005 after completing an 80-hour non-stop sprint on a treadmill, was a formidable benchmark.


In her own remarkable endeavor, Amira spent 72 continuous hours and 11 minutes on the track, covering an impressive distance of 327.68 miles. Maintaining a steady pace of 4.54 miles per hour, she showcased both resilience and determination. As she sprinted away from the back of the shop, her breathing steadied, transitioning into what could only be described as "jet mode." Her long legs, carrying a lithe frame, propelled her at a remarkable speed of about 12 miles per hour, ensuring she distanced herself from the imminent threats that lurked in the darkened streets.