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Page 13: True Heroine/Amira


Amira didn't see a way out of the situation. There were what looked to be hundreds of soulless people pouring in from the other end of the street. The few that followed pursuit behind the wrecked vehicle were now close enough for Amira to contemplate leaving the man or jeopardizing her life for a complete stranger.


Of course, being the woman she is, her body made the move before her mind could come to any conclusion. She threw her left leg back into his midsection without facing the undead man.


Before his body could fold forward, Amira switched feet. With her back still turned away, she pushed forward off her right foot, twisting 180 degrees right. She lifted her right foot as she made the 180-degree turn and kicked the undead figure in the side of the head.


Landing on her left foot, facing the oncoming crowd, Amira shouted, "¡Correr!" She urged the man to run. He looked back in shock as Amira easily sent one after another to the ground.


The horde now focused on her; she stood unwavering, devoid of fear or hesitation. With a resolve that surpassed trepidation, she delved into a fighting technique she had vowed never to employ on another person. This particular martial art style was so illicit that the last known Master to teach it met his demise in secrecy, along with each of his apprentices, allowing the technique to die in secrecy as well. Yet, driven by the dire circumstances, she harnessed the forbidden prowess of Shinsei Kenpo to confront the relentless undead onslaught.


Her thumb, middle, and pointer fingers contorted into lethal claws while the tips of her pinky and ring fingers nestled against her palms. It wasn't about utilizing pressure point targeting for incapacitating limbs or joint manipulations; she had no intention of lulling these creatures to an early bedtime. Although she possessed the knowledge to render a person unconscious through various fingertip techniques, her objective now was far more brutal.


Each strike she unleashed resulted in shattered bones. Intimately acquainted with the human skeletal structure, Amira knew precisely how much pressure it took to fracture, break, or shatter each bone. Her primary focus was on attacking the spine.


When one of them lunged at her, she seized his arm, deftly pulling him toward her as she sidestepped to let him hurtle past. Maintaining her grip on his arm, she executed a 180-degree spin, delivering a Shinsei Kenpo, Meisai Elbow to the back of the neck, shattering the spine at the second vertebra. 


She seized another undead and thrust her knee into his lower back, shattering the lower spine. After dismantling two more soulless creatures, she observed the man maneuvering between residents 450 and Jannone Construction and Development.


The approaching horde pressed in on her. Amira acknowledged her ability to handle the current group of undead adversaries, but she also recognized that in just a few more seconds, even her Shinsei Kenpo might not be enough to save her.


Amira forcefully pushed one undead into another, then swiftly turned to escape. Time was of the essence as the rising sun painted the sky with an orange hue. Amira wished the man she helped could find safety on his own, considering he was headed in the opposite direction of her path.


Her urgent objective was to discover whether Vince or Seamus had sought her. Perhaps they hadn't located Kate and Junior and opted to check the school for them. The uncertainty gnawed at her as she pressed forward.