

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Page 13: Against the Tide of Night


Realizing the gravity of his situation, where now multiple threats were active simultaneously, Vince prepared to pivot his attention. His peripheral awareness caught the two earlier bystanders, now frozen in a mix of horror and fascination, witnessing the effectiveness of his unconventional yet devastating combat style.


With the immediate threat temporarily managed, Vince readied himself, his stance shifting subtly to face the newly risen threat. The battle was far from over, and his mastery of both environment and technique would be crucial in the unfolding melee.


As the resounding echoes of gunfire sliced through the clamor, Vince halted momentarily, the tension in his muscles easing as the immediate threats before him collapsed to the ground. A gruesome exit wound marked each undead creature's demise as bullets tunneled through their skulls, silencing their ghastly snarls. Vince’s eyes darted to the source—a Mexican man gripping a Glock 40, his stance steady despite the chaos.


“Vamos!” The gunman beckoned Vince urgently, the seriousness of the situation mirrored in his eyes. Yet, Vince felt a different pull, his own unresolved mission nagging at his conscience, directing his steps away from the offered escape.


“Hey!” the man shouted, switching to English in an attempt to bridge any language barrier. “You no speak, Español? Inglés?”

From a distance, another voice chimed in, more insistent, filled with an anxious energy. “Emmanuel, vamos ahora. Ven aquí!” The second man’s call to his companion suggested a desperate need to depart, the danger of their current location palpable.


Vince, acknowledging the gunmen with a brief nod, silently indicated his appreciation for their intervention and his refusal to join their retreat. His expression hardened as he turned back, his silhouette casting a long shadow on the debris-littered road. His mind was set, his path clear, not swayed by the offer of safety nor the chaos that roared around him. Vince’s journey was singular and filled with a grim determination to forge ahead alone, guided by a personal vendetta that allowed no diversions.


As the sounds of battle and the cries of the wounded continued to puncture the smoky air, Vince walked away, each step echoing his resolve. His departure was a silent show to the haunting solitude of his quest, leaving the two Mexican men to gather themselves and disappear into the turmoil, their paths diverging in the heart of the conflict. So he thought. Vince turned at the sound of footsteps and the two Mexican men bickering.


As Vince continued his solitary path, his back to the fleeting offer of sanctuary, the air around him thickened with new tension. The growls of the undead punctuated the relative silence, a harsh reminder that the threat was far from over. From behind the guard rail, gruesome figures clambered with ghastly determination, their distorted features twisted in hunger as they spilled onto the street.


“Dios míos! Vamos Checo!” Emmanuel’s voice cracked with urgency. He grasped his friend Checo’s arm, yanking him forward as the horde of undead approached with relentless ferocity. Their instinct to survive kicked in, driving them towards Vince, the closest semblance of an ally in the midst of chaos.


Emmanuel and Checho’s frantic footsteps echoed on the pavement as they rushed to catch up with Vince, hoping their combined strength would offer better odds of survival. The undead, drawn by the flurry of movement and the scent of the living, surged forward in a grotesque wave of decay.


Emmanuel called out again as the gap between them closed, his voice a blend of desperation and resolve. “Hey, my friend! We need to stick together!” His plea was clear, even as his breaths came short and ragged from the exertion and fear.


Vince, sensing the immediacy of the danger and the sudden shift in his environment, paused. His survival instincts, honed through countless encounters, assessed the situation in a split second. Realizing the futility of solitude against increasing foes, Vince turned sharply, facing the imminent threat alongside Emmanuel and Checo.


Together, the trio prepared to confront the encroaching horde, their momentary alliance forged in the heat of survival. As the undead drew near, each man readied himself, their postures tense and eyes alert, knowing that the fight ahead would demand every ounce of their courage and strength.


As the undead relentlessly surged forward, an unending tide of grotesque figures, Checo and Emmanuel's faces were distorted by raw, undeniable terror. Each shambling step of the approaching horde mirrored the pounding of their hearts, filled with the dread of the gruesome fate that awaited them.


Amidst the escalating horror, Vince's reaction was incongruously jubilant. His laughter boomed across the chaos—a harsh, resonating sound that sliced through the air like a blade. 


“This is going to be fuckin’ fun!” Vince roared, his voice echoing off the barren, desolate surroundings. “How fast can you guys run?” His eyes twinkled manically, his stance wide as he faced the oncoming nightmare head-on.


Checo glanced at Vince with a mix of awe and fear, then quickly tugged at Emmanuel's sleeve, his voice low and urgent. “Este hombre está loco. O muy estúpido,” he murmured hurriedly. “Vamos!” With no time to waste, they spun around and started to flee, their steps desperate, trying to put as much distance as possible between them and the undead.


Vince, however, didn't retreat. He planted his feet firmly, ready to confront the first of the undead that managed to breach the small gap between survival and annihilation. As the first ghastly figure reached him, Vince's muscles tensed, his training kicking in instinctively.


“Come on, you ugly freaks!” Vince taunted with a wild grin, his voice a thunderous challenge to the creatures. He met the first undead with a brutal straight punch to the face, the impact snapping the creature's head back with a sickening crunch.


Another lurched toward him, its jaws gaping in a silent, hungry moan. Vince stepped aside smoothly, his movements fluid and precise, then delivered a spinning kick that sent the creature sprawling into the dirt.


With each controlled, deliberate movement, Vince allowed Emmanuel and Checo more time to escape. His actions weren't just about survival—they were a statement, a show of his defiance against the doom that encroached. Vince danced among the undead, a master of his macabre art, turning what could have been his last stand into a spectacle of resilience and raw power.


Vince found himself facing a new kind of twilight—a grotesque ballet of survival. The ocean air carried a putrid scent, blending the salt with the decay. On this night, the once picturesque promenade had become an arena, and Vince, the unlikely protagonist, stepped onto this stage with a swagger that belied his deadly intent.


Vince stood in the middle of Third Street Promenade, a broad, open stretch lined with the remnants of shops whose vibrant signs now hung dim and lifeless. His eyes darted around, the streetlamps providing sparse light, casting long shadows that moved with eerie independence. Seven silhouettes emerged, their gaits erratic and jerky, unmistakably those of the undead—but these were no ordinary foes. They moved with a disturbing speed, their limbs twitching with manic energy, eyes hollow yet fixated on Vince.

Vince chuckled to himself, a bottle of whiskey loosely held in one hand. He took a long drag, the liquid fire coursing through him, sharpening his senses, his movements loose and unpredictable, embodying the essence of a drunken master.

   As the first two attackers lunged, Vince swayed back, a fluid, almost comical dodge that belied the precision of his movements. He spun on his heel, swinging the whiskey bottle in a wide arc, connecting with a sickening crack against the skull of the nearest attacker. The creature staggered but did not fall.

   Using his momentum, Vince twisted his body sideways, dodging a wild swing from another of the ghastly figures. He let his body fall into a roll, coming up behind his assailant. A sharp elbow strike to the back of the head sent the creature sprawling onto the cracked concrete.

   Three more charged, their movements synchronized as if driven by some hideous instinct. Vince’s steps were staggered, weaving like a leaf in the wind. He ducked and pivoted, his footwork erratic yet effective. He grabbed the arm of one, pulling it forward and using its momentum to propel it into another. There was a grotesque ballet in his chaos, each move flowing into the next.

   The final pair advanced, one from the front and one flanking him. Vince, his back to the wall of a deserted cafe, smiled wryly. He feigned a stumble, lurching forward as if succumbing to his drunkenness. As the undead closed in, he snapped upright, the sudden sobriety in his movement startling his foes. A swift roundhouse kick caught the nearest in the head, its force spinning the creature off its feet.

   The last of the seven, confused by the fall of its comrades, hesitated. Vince didn’t. He charged, the bottle now wielded like a club, and delivered a final, crushing blow to the creature’s temple. It collapsed, joining its brethren in stillness.


As the dust settled, Vince stood amidst the fallen bodies, breathing heavily. He took another swig of his whiskey, the sharp burn now a reminder of his lone, wild survival. The night was quiet again, the only sound the distant crash of the surf against the shore.

In that desolate promenade, Vince’s drunken master techniques had turned a potential massacre into a masterclass in survival, each move a testament to his wild, unpredictable prowess. The streetlamps flickered above, casting light on a man who walked the line between chaos and control, a dancer in the grim spectacle of the apocalypse.