

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Page 12: Ballet of the Apocalypse


The battle-scarred streets echoed with the faint moans of the undead as Vince prepared for his next calculated assault. Amidst the devastation, he established a firm stance, his soles gripping the cracked asphalt. His gaze was sharp and focused, cleverly locking onto a secondary target—part of a deceptive ploy to mislead the immediate undead threat looming perilously close. He was unaware of how unaware these creatures were.


Vince’s posture was grounded and alert. He deliberately chose not to stare down his nearest threat, opting instead to fix his gaze on a more distant undead, using this tactic to create an element of surprise against the creature nearest to him.


With his focus set, Vince began the motion by pivoting on his right foot, the turn of his body initiating the power that would surge through his left leg. His hips began to rotate forward, driven by the momentum needed for his roundhouse kick.


As his body pivoted, Vince lifted his left leg, knee bent, then snapped it outward in a fluid, whip-like motion. His heel cut through the air, aimed with precision at the temple of the unsuspecting undead creature's head, which was horrifying to see, but yet still a moving target.


His heel made thunderous contact with the side of the undead's head. The force was so intense that it spun the creature's head sideways with such velocity that it smacked against the cold, hard metal of a nearby guard rail. The impact emitted a chilling clang, a grim symphony of metal meeting bone reverberating down the deserted street.


Rather than allowing his foot to return to the ground after the strike, Vince held his position. His left leg remained suspended in the air, the knee bent gracefully, his foot playfully dangling as if taunting the creature he initially locked eyes with. This display of control and readiness added a psychological edge to his physical prowess, showcasing his dominance and skill in combat.


From his one-legged stance, Vince’s body stayed rotated toward the initial focal undead, his eyes gleaming with a mix of challenge and warning. This position served as a taunt and kept him ready to react swiftly to any movement from his next adversary. The eerie silence that followed was punctuated only by his steady, controlled breathing.


In this moment, Vince transformed the desolate, dangerous environment into a stage for his deadly dance of survival. His actions displayed his ability to fight and his strategic acumen in managing multiple threats simultaneously. With his leg still raised, Vince remained a statue of vigilance, every muscle tensed in anticipation of the next move in this macabre ballet of the apocalypse.


Vince, already a whirlwind of destruction, faces the third undead creature with grim determination. This one was larger and more muscular than the previous creatures and Vince alike. But that didn't bring Vince worry. The fury in his actions is matched only by the precision of his technique as he unleashes a devastating flurry of kicks.


Vince begins his assault with a sharp front snap kick using his right foot. He targets the creature's knee to destabilize it from the get-go. His heel drives forward, connecting with a crack, forcing the large creature's leg to buckle backward unnaturally.


Without pausing, Vince shifts his weight and swings his left leg in a wide, powerful roundhouse aimed at the creature's midsection. The kick lands solidly, pushing the creature sideways and further destabilizing its monstrous stance.


Quickly regaining his stance, Vince pivots and delivers a strong side-kick with his right foot, targeting the same knee he hit initially. This kick compounds the damage, nearly shearing the joint completely.


Turning slightly, Vince then executes a back-kick with his left foot, driving it backward and upward into the creature's abdomen. The force is so intense that it momentarily lifts the creature off its feet.


Spinning on his left foot, Vince brings his right leg up high and then down in a crushing axe kick aimed at the creature's shoulder. The downward force is brutal, further mangling the already damaged frame of the undead.


Without letting his right foot touch the ground, Vince transitions into a left hook kick, sweeping his leg in a circular motion to strike the creature's head. The impact snaps the creature’s head to the side, eliciting a grotesque cracking sound.


Continuing the momentum, Vince swings his right leg in an outward crescent, targeting the creature's other knee, mirroring the first kick but with even more force, ensuring that the creature's mobility is severely compromised.


Finally, Vince uses a left-foot push kick to thrust the creature backward, setting it up perfectly for the final blow.


With the creature staggering back from the eighth kick, Vince takes a running start, leaps into the air, and executes a spinning jump kick. This dramatic, high-impact move connects with the creature's chest, sending it flying backward with tremendous force. The undead body crashes into the rusted frame of an abandoned vehicle nearby, collapsing it further under the brutal impact.


Vince lands gracefully, regaining his composure and balance almost instantly as he turns to face the last standing, deranged man. His every move is a display of controlled, lethal intent, ready to engage the final threat in this grotesque ballet of violence.


As the fourth, hauntingly close figure loomed before Vince, his instincts snapped into action, prompting an immediate shift in his combat approach. Aware that the proximity of his opponent left no room for the expansive, striking techniques that had dominated his previous engagements, Vince smoothly transitioned into a defensive stance characteristic of the drunken master style, an unpredictable, flowing form that makes his movements seem uncoordinated and erratic, thereby confusing his adversary.


As the undead man lunged forward, Vince swayed to the side in a seemingly stumbling motion, his body loosely relaxed but highly controlled. This sudden movement caused the attacker to miss Vince entirely, grasping at the air.


Capitalizing on the creature's momentum, Vince employed a basic principle of Aikido—using the opponent's energy against them. He gently touched the attacker's extended arm, guiding and amplifying the creature's own forward motion to steer it past him. The creature's own inertia carried it forward, unbalanced and vulnerable.


With the creature momentarily disoriented from the unexpected redirection, Vince tapped into the unpredictable nature of the drunken master technique. He spun low and loose, as if nearly falling, only to solidly plant his foot and deliver a sweeping, low-angle back kick to the creature's knee, further destabilizing it.


Continuing his fluid motion, Vince rose slightly, weaving side to side, his movements deceptive. As the creature struggled to correct its posture, Vince executed a precise palm strike to the creature’s chest, pushing it back yet again, amplifying its disorientation.


As he controlled the creature with his deft movements, a shout in Spanish cut through the noise of battle: “Cuidado, amigo mío. ¡Ese se está levantando!” Despite not understanding the language, the urgency was unmistakable. Vince, maintaining his awareness of the battlefield, spared a glance and noticed that the first undead he had knocked down with his Superman punch was staggering to its feet.