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Page 13: Fight or Flight



From Amira's peripheral vision, she detected another figure rising to his feet on her left. Recalling Tekk's earlier words about the undead being drawn to sounds, she pondered the normalcy of such a reaction in any living being. "What living thing doesn’t react to sound?" she mused.


As he closed the distance, displaying intense aggression, she remained confident. Capitalizing on his force, she seized his wrist, manipulating his aggression and body weight to redirect him. With a swift move, she sent him hurtling past her, his head colliding with the unforgiving sidewalk.


Amira braced herself to accelerate and conclude the encounter, but her focus was abruptly diverted by a desperate cry for help, penetrating the crackling chaos of the escalating fire at San Vicente Tower. The sound originated from the opposite end of the block, and as Amira’s gaze shifted toward 1st Court, a woman sprinted into view, closely pursued by a growing horde of undead figures. What started as six quickly multiplied to fifteen, thirty, and then there was a staggering crowd of over a hundred, emerging from various directions—both corners and straight ahead from the beach.


Amira’s attention was so riveted on the approaching onslaught that she nearly missed the assault from her right side. Reacting swiftly, she seized the hand on her shoulder, employing both hands to break the man’s hand and snap his wrist. Maintaining control, she stepped to his outside, gripping his upper arm and forcing it toward her, delivering a knee strike to his elbow. Releasing his wrist, she executed a 360-degree turn, ending up behind the assailant, where she twisted and broke his arm at the shoulder.


Shoving the now incapacitated undead away, Amira watched as it turned emotionlessly toward her. Despite having its arm broken, it raised the other and charged again. Unfazed, Amira responded with a powerful roundhouse kick to the side of its head, sending it crashing to the ground.


The horde mercilessly trampled over the woman’s desperate screams, swiftly devouring her in their relentless pursuit. With the remaining undead crowd diverting around obstacles, vehicles, and debris, they homed in on Amira, their approach relentless and threatening. As Amira surveyed the burning San Vicente Tower, grappling with the possibility of survivors amid the engulfing flames, the undead throng closed in.


Aware of the imminent danger, Amira muttered a curse and swiftly pivoted on her heels, launching into a full sprint. She reached 4th Street with remarkable speed. Turning the corner, she encountered approaching lights, revealing a vehicle—an evidently wrecked one with a lone, flickering headlight. The front of the car bore the evidence of a collision, and smoke billowed from the damaged engine. A small group of relentless undead pursued the vehicle, closing the distance behind it.


Amira, her senses heightened by the chaos around her, glanced beyond the wreckage, the relentless undead, and the road. As her eyes traced the horizon, she witnessed a surreal scene unfolding. Above the houses, buildings, and trees, the sun emerged in the night sky, casting its radiant glow and gradually transforming the ominous night into the early morning light. The juxtaposition of the apocalyptic events and the dawn of a new day created a hauntingly beautiful tableau.


Amira's attention was swiftly drawn by the unsettling sounds of moans, growls, and shuffling feet emanating from behind and around the corner. Simultaneously, the screeching of tires filled the air as the wrecked vehicle skidded on the road, crashing into an idled SUV ahead of her. The chaotic scene unfolded as the driver's door swung open, and the shattered window cascaded to the ground. A deranged woman spilled out onto the road, collapsing atop another person.


"¡Ayúdame!"  cried a young man trapped beneath the crazed woman. Amira, propelled by a sense of urgency, sprinted to his rescue. "¡Aléjate de mí, joder!"


With a swift and forceful kick reminiscent of a Randy Orton punt, Amira connected with the woman's neck, resulting in a gruesome snap. The lifeless body lifted off the helpless man and landed in the street beside him.


"Come on, get up!" Amira extended a helping hand.


"Holy shit!" The man seized her hand, allowing Amira to pull him to his feet.


"We have to get out of here!" Amira urgently pulled him along, steering clear of the Soulless, who had just caught up after trailing the wrecked vehicle. Assessing the grim situation, she swiftly made the only decision available. Both directions on 4th were compromised, and San Vicente was succumbing to the undead onslaught from 1st Court, heading straight for 4th. Their sole option was to navigate up San Vicente, which is going completely around Canyon Elementary School—a place she hoped would reunite her with her family.


Amira and the young man sprinted up San Vicente, distancing themselves from the beach and the approaching horde of the undead. “¡Apúrate, rápido!” she shouted, urging him to move faster.


“¡Joder! ¡No se rinden!” the man yelled out, his left knee buckling under the pressure. The Soulless were closing in.


“¡Ponte las pilas! We gotta move!” Amira noticed one of the undead reaching out for the guy. “¡Cuidado!” Amira pulled the guy close to her and then pushed him in front of her, placing herself between him and the deranged man.


The soulless didn’t get the chance to grab him. Amira acted swiftly, placing her left hand on the soulless’s left shoulder and shoving him to the left while using the top of her right foot to kick his left shin, knocking him off balance.


He crashed to the ground, tripping another as another passed by. Amira instantly noticed the change in pace from Hannah Hush to whoever this guy was. "¡Vete, vete! ¡Muévete, ahora!"


"Tengo la rodilla lastimada." He ranted. Pointing her focus to is injured knee. "Simplemente déjame, ¡vete!"

