

Zechariah 14:12-13

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Page 10: The Unsettling Encounter



Amira swiftly kicked the deranged man in the head, sending him flying away from Mei. Looking down, she realized it was too late; Mei had already been torn apart.


“Oh my god! Ryūjin, save us!” the Japanese lady called out, seeking divine intervention.


“I’m sorry, I think it’s too late,” Amira said somberly, gazing down at the man.


“No,” the lady ran over, halting over Mei. She placed a hand over her mouth. “Oh no!” she whispered in distress.


Amira noticed the lady wasn’t looking at the man on the ground. When she turned back, she saw multiple undead figures approaching the half-open garage. “We gotta go!” Amira grabbed the lady and pulled her toward the door leading into the house as the man who attacked Mei was climbing to his feet aggressively.


With urgency, Amira slung the lady inside by her arm and slammed the door behind them, sealing off the impending threat from the undead.


The soulless threw their bodies against the closed door. Amira pressed her body against it, struggling to keep it sealed. “Oh, my god!” The lady chanted, abandoning Amira to hold the door alone.


“Fuck!” Amira yelled out, buying the lady precious moments to escape down the hall. As soon as the lady disappeared into the living room, Amira shouted, “Open the front door!”


Planting her feet, Amira relinquished her back from the door, pushing away with all her might. She hoped the lady had the front door ready for a swift exit. As she approached the living room, a new wave of concern emerged—hoping the front of the house wasn’t as overrun as the back.


The door bursts open behind Amira, creating a chaotic scene in the cramped space. Amira sprinted through the kitchen, dining room, and into the living room, where a distressing sight awaited her – a man pinned down by another, with a third desperately trying to intervene.


The lady stood vigilant at the front door, fulfilling her role. Amira didn't hesitate, charging toward the struggling men. She swiftly knocked the assisting man aside and, with calculated precision, placed a hand on the attacker’s neck which was mounted on top of another man. She kicked away the undead hand which was on the floor, supporting him.


At the same moment as the attacker lost balance, Amira forced his head down to the floor, beside the prone man. Swiftly realizing the man with his back on the floor had already been bitten, frustration surged within her. “Fuck!” she exclaimed, acknowledging the grim reality.


Despite the urgency, Amira pulled the soulless man to his feet and shoved him toward the hallway. Sending him into his approaching peers. “They’re coming in. Run or you’re dead!” she urgently warned, turning her attention to the approaching threat.


The lady had already bolted through the door, sprinting for her life. “Move! Move!” Amira shouted, urging the men in the room to follow suit as the ferocious undead figures closed in.


Without hesitating, Amira pivoted and headed for the door, recognizing the urgency of swift movement. Her priority was to keep herself and the others alive. As she stepped onto the front lawn, an unexpected sight unfolded.


“Freeze!” The stern commands of two SWAT officers echoed through the street.


“We need your help!” The lady, now near the street, pleaded desperately. “My name is-” Boom! Boom! Boom! Gunshots rang out as an officer fired into the Japanese lady.


As the attention shifted to Amira, she instinctively dropped to the grass, adopting a low position on all fours. The two men popped up in the doorway. Then the undead figures emerged from inside of the house, pulling and biting the two men in the doorway. One of the men struggled and unwillingly curried the deranged attacker outside, on his back. This diverted the focus of the SWAT officers. The tense situation hung in the air as the officers redirected their weapons toward the doorway.


Gunfire erupted as the SWAT officers targeted the doorway. Amira wasted no time, launching herself across the lawn, effortlessly clearing a small roll of bushes at the edge of the yard before landing gracefully on the sidewalk.


The undead amassed at the front door, engaged in a chaotic struggle to breach the barrier while the officers continued firing. Amira seized the opportunity to sprint down the street, relying on her speed to put a considerable distance between herself and the unfolding turmoil.


Aware of the significant undead presence, Amira calculated that the officers would be occupied dealing with the immediate threat before turning their attention to a fleeing individual. Her nimble escape allowed her to gain valuable ground in the race against time and encroaching danger.


But, she miscalculated. Gunshots rang out in her direction. “Shit!” She instinctively ducked, determined to press on and maintain a swift pace.


Fear gripped Amira as she mentally felt locked in front of the barrels of the officers' weapons, a chilling experience despite her familiarity with firearms.


She hurried down the sidewalk, the parked vehicles providing limited cover as shattered glass and the cacophony of gunfire filled the air.


Amira took a few more steps, realizing that only one gun was firing. The officers stood in the middle of the road, one continuously shooting at the house, while the other unexpectedly ceased fire.


A voice in her head urged her, “Look back.” Following the internal command, she turned and noticed the officer who had been shooting from the street, now positioned on the sidewalk, aiming his weapon directly at her.


“Whoa!” Amira's body instinctively twisted to the right as bullets sprayed the air, she landed just beyond the curb in the gutter between parked cars. bullets smacked the back of one vehicle and the front of another, as the officer tried to keep his aim on the unnaturally fast woman. The impact of the slug exploding and meeting metal echoed through the street.


“Okay, Amira. Think, think, think,” she chanted, her mind racing. Then it clicked – the officer in the street wasn’t shooting at her; his focus was fixed on the house. Without a moment's hesitation, Amira pushed off the vehicle, maintaining a low profile as she darted into the street. The daunting task of reaching the other side hung in the air. “This must be how a baby sea turtle feels, knowing the birds are circling above,” she muttered to herself, determination lighting up her eyes.


In the blink of an eye, another round of shots echoed through the air, urging Amira to take cover between two parked cars on the opposite side of the street. Swiftly, she emerged on the sidewalk, effortlessly clearing a small gate to access a yard before the SWAT officers could close in. As she sprinted through the yard, the sudden shattering of glass startled her – a crazed man burst through a window just behind her. Heart racing, she leaped over obstacles, traversed bushes, and dashed through an open gate.


Passing by an impressive garage in the backyard, Amira marveled at its miniature house-like structure complete with an upstairs balcony. Ignoring the distraction, she continued her mad dash, jumping a fence just as the SWAT officers unleashed gunfire upon the pursuing undead. From the top of the fence, she glimpsed the flashing lights of gunfire and the constant beam of their flashlights in the pursuit of the soulless creature left in her wake. Amira gracefully landed in the alley, her momentum propelling her to continue down through Alta Avenue and straight down Montana Avenue without breaking her stride. Surprisingly, when she came to a halt, her breath remained steady, almost untouched by the sprint she just completed.


Spotting people running towards her on the left, she observed as they sought refuge in a breakfast shop, securing themselves behind its closed door. Right before two crazed figures began to ram their way in. Glancing toward Lincoln Boulevard, Amira contemplated, “That’s where I need to be going.” Adopting a steady jog to conserve energy, she reached the corner and turned it, staying vigilant and continually checking her surroundings.


Amira moved stealthily through the night, her senses on high alert as she aimed to reach Idaho, mindful of the uncertainties lurking in the darkness.


“I would've never thought, in a million years, that this would happen in America,” she mumbled to herself, taking in the surreal surroundings. People peered through windows, their eyes fixed on her passing figure. It was evident they were observing, perhaps waiting to see if she would meet the same fate as others who took this road.


In the middle of the road, a figure emerged from between two abandoned vehicles near the upcoming corner. Soon after, a second figure appeared. "Where you going, beautiful?" a voice rang out.


"Shit!" Amira groaned. "Tekk and Ginnard." She continued towards them, resolute. There was no turning back; her mission held too much importance. "Look, guys. I'm sorry about Jake and Lily. But, I have to-"


“Bitch, you 'bout to be sorry!” Ginnard approached, his blade menacingly extended.


“Hey, drop it!” A man shouted from the safety of his front door. A SWAT vehicle stopped two blocks away at an intersection. Amira noticed it as well and quickly glanced at the man who offered safety but kept her focus on Ginnard. “Hey, miss, get in here!” The man called as he stepped out and approached the unfolding scene.


Backing towards the man, Amira spoke, “Hey, I don’t want trouble. I just want to get to where I’m going.”


“Bitch, where the fuck is my cousin at?” Ginnard sped up in her direction.


“I told you-“ Amira began before turning away, “he got shot!” She sprinted towards the man. “Go back! Go in the house!” Amira waved the man back.


But, he continued towards Amira, attempting to aid her. Ginnard and Tekk hurried behind her. “Back away!” the man brandished a brown coffee table leg with a screw still protruding where it connected with the table. It was already bloodstained.


Amira sprinted past the man, grabbing his left wrist to pull him along. “They’re not worth it. Come on,” she urged, giving a slight tug on the unknown man’s wrist.


“No,” he pulled away from her grasp. Amira could have easily overpowered him and forced him inside, but she didn’t want to offend the man. He pointed a finger at Ginnard as they closed in on one another. “It's bad enough that everything has gone to shit."